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What is boiling? what is simmering? – Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills

00:00:00right what we’re doing here is

00:00:01explaining the difference between

00:00:02boiling water and simmering water this

00:00:05one here this pot here is full of

00:00:08boiling water see that the way that the

00:00:10bubbles are rolling up to the top and

00:00:12the surface of the water is completely

00:00:13moving all the time that’s what we call

00:00:16boiling this you can see the surface of

00:00:19the water is quite flat and there’s some

00:00:21bubbles tickling up around the edge so

00:00:23it’s boiling but only just

00:00:25well that’s what I would call simmering

00:00:27so simmering what so that’s rolling boil

00:00:30boiling that’s simmering now this is the

00:00:33kind of water you want for example if

00:00:34you cooking pasta that’s that’s how fast

00:00:37you want it to be boiling so it’s good

00:00:39for a pasta it’s good for noodles and

00:00:41it’s good for things like green

00:00:43vegetables green beans Monge – that kind

00:00:45of thing broccoli those kind of lovely

00:00:47vanch need to be cooked in that kind of

00:00:48water simmering it’s what you would

00:00:51poach an egg in or perhaps poach piece

00:00:53of fish in or well if you’re making soup

00:00:56you don’t ever want it to get like that

00:00:58because if when you boil a soup you

00:00:59spoil all the flavor in it so really for

00:01:01soup you never want to get more than

00:01:03simmering so there we go boiling and
