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Jamie Oliver’s team show you how to use a pestle and mortar

00:00:00I’m going to show you how to use a

00:00:01pestle and mortar I’m going to start by

00:00:03grinding some peppercorns first I will

00:00:08show you what not to do and that is

00:00:12putting loads of them and go like this

00:00:18exactly what you don’t want to do this

00:00:21is what to do just put a little bit into

00:00:27the mortar really just so that there’s

00:00:30one layer of spices which in the pestle

00:00:33and the mortar below then instead of big

00:00:37thumps the little gentle taps you get a

00:00:40couple come out the most must stay

00:00:44inside work your way around until most

00:00:53the seeds have been cracked and then

00:01:00it’s time to grind so put the pestle in

00:01:04and without taking it away grind around

00:01:08around around

00:01:11the more you great the finer little game

00:01:17it’s not when you like depending on how

00:01:20course you on your happy that’s good for

00:01:29me you