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Jamie Oliver live – pasta

00:00:00need it because of the parmesan so we

00:00:01mix this around and we’ll have a little

00:00:04taste Timon oh that’s probably seems

00:00:05like a strange sauce but you have to

00:00:07trust me brothers and sisters this is a

00:00:09beautiful thing okay right the lemon is

00:00:14there the oil is good and I want to put

00:00:18more power down in to balance the salt

00:00:20and there sort of fatty creaminess of

00:00:22the cheese and that will just calm the

00:00:25lemon juice down okay but what you want

00:00:28in essence is a thick sort of herbaceous

00:00:31dressing and you could dress things with

00:00:33this you absolutely could but that is

00:00:37going to be the most incredible source

00:00:38in the world bear with me can we take

00:00:41some questions Liz

00:00:42sure Mel wood is asking if the pasta

00:00:45recipe scales up so would you need four

00:00:47eggs for four people Melwood what a

00:00:50beautiful question and the answer is yes

00:00:52the great thing about this recipe and

00:00:55this is what I try and do in cooking is

00:00:56give people sort of rememberable you

00:00:58know ideally you don’t need books you

00:01:00can kind of use your instinct one egg

00:01:01100 grams of flour per person and that’s

00:01:04a generous portion as you can see so

00:01:08absolutely anything else bubble yeah

00:01:10what’s your least favorite thing to cook

00:01:12my least favorite thing to cook oh oh

00:01:27well to be honest like when I cook game

00:01:31when I’ve got a hair that’s been hanging

00:01:33I think you call them Jackrabbits in

00:01:35America when it’s been hanging for like

00:01:38a week and there’s a bit of activity

00:01:40going on it does smell pretty bad and

00:01:43that you know breaking that down the

00:01:44skin and it can be a bit of an

00:01:45excitement so that’s not great so heavy

00:01:48gain is a bit of a turn-off be honest

00:01:50but the customers love it

00:01:52so you keep doing it anything else uh

00:01:56James McDonald is asking if rat-boy can

00:02:00come around and receive from pasta at

00:02:01his job

00:02:03rat-boy you are taking over the world I

00:02:05knew this would happen

00:02:06I knew I’d lose you to people on the


00:02:10without manacles James McDonald James

00:02:12McDonald wants to receive you so that’s


00:02:15okay moving on Louise so right it’s the

00:02:17Internet I can say that if I want to UM

00:02:20okay let’s make the pasta but this is

00:02:23your basic Sicilian lemon and Parmesan

00:02:25sauce okay but you can basically add

00:02:28things to it to sort of leverage it a

00:02:30bit so we can put in mint we can put

00:02:32your little bits of basil leaves we can

00:02:34put in like peas for the last 20 seconds

00:02:36broad beans pea shoots you could like

00:02:40basically finely sliced asparagus you

00:02:42can kind of use it as a vehicle to

00:02:44celebrate green fresh delicious things

00:02:48okay so over here I don’t know what

00:02:50shots you’re getting big boy but I’m

00:02:53going to go for a little bit I might go

00:02:54for a little bit of peas actually and

00:02:57just before we do this it’s probably

00:02:58worth saying that um tomorrow is the

00:03:01milk day isn’t it Louise it’s yeah it’s

00:03:04milk day of action now you might be

00:03:06thinking what is all that about

00:03:07but basically as you’ve probably seen

00:03:09from the Food Revolution there’s there’s

00:03:12there’s over 200 Facebook groups 300 330

00:03:16Facebook groups across the whole of

00:03:18America are getting together and

00:03:20tomorrow they’re doing milk day of

00:03:22action which basically means that

00:03:24parents and groups around America you

00:03:26know they kind of see this as a subject

00:03:28they don’t want their kids having all

00:03:29that extra sugar every day you know from

00:03:31the age of 4 to 18 they just think if

00:03:34there’s no point so obviously in LA the

00:03:37new superintendent basically John Daisy

00:03:40he wants to get rid of the flavored milk

00:03:42because he sees it as been against

00:03:44everything about health and learning and

00:03:46so tomorrow is milk day of action so if

00:03:48you’re any other groups good luck go for

00:03:50it and if you’re a parent watching this

00:03:51you know just go and talk to your

00:03:53principal or your email your local I

00:03:56guess it would be a nutrition food

00:04:00service director and you can get all

00:04:03that online depending on where you live


00:04:08yes and next John John Daisy the new

00:04:11superintendent of La 680,000 children a

00:04:15day he they’re having the big vote with

00:04:18the board next week to get rid of

00:04:20flavored milk now for all you guys I

00:04:22think will so what flavored milk and

00:04:23yeah I’ve talked about the sugar and all

00:04:25that sort of stuff but the thing is what

00:04:27you have to understand in the food

00:04:28revolution is little battles kind of

00:04:30give permission for the next little win

00:04:32you know I mean so all these little

00:04:34battles do count they do matter and it’s

00:04:37not just milk it’s about caring about

00:04:39what we feed kids 180 days of the year

00:04:41so back to pasta as I said this Pat this

00:04:45sauce doesn’t need to be cooked I’m

00:04:47going to go in with our homemade pasta

00:04:49which takes about 40 seconds to cook I’m

00:04:54going to go in with some fresh peas

00:04:56which is delicious you can have it plain

00:04:58or with the peas I’m going to take a

00:05:00nice little plate here rat-boy could you

00:05:04take your jumper off please darling and

00:05:06I will serve this plate on wrap boys

00:05:09jumper because the whole world seems to

00:05:12be thinking about nothing forget the

00:05:14food revolution all they’re interested

00:05:15now is rat-boy and his jumper wrap boy

00:05:18comes in thank you very much if you can

00:05:20delicately lay facing the camera your

00:05:23jumper look at the t-shirt there guys if

00:05:26you bought the jumper was bad look at

00:05:27the t-shirt rat-boy

00:05:29god bless you I mean and as you can tell

00:05:33we all love red boy he’s a lovely boy we

00:05:36love him I’m only pulling his leg so

00:05:38there we go look at that okay

00:05:40viva la revolucion e the whole the whole

00:05:43of the world is going to be walking

00:05:44around in this he won’t become famous

00:05:46like Fergal Sharkey in that dance okay

00:05:49let’s have a shut up woman what’s the

00:05:53matter with you

00:05:54sorry I was just talking to Louise again

00:05:56she will be fired again by the end of

00:05:59this because I can’t stand she tells me

00:06:00what to do all the time is live a second

00:06:02wife okay that didn’t that spin didn’t

00:06:07quite work did it so we’ve got our sauce

00:06:10here and then I’m gonna get you can

00:06:13obviously drain it over a big boy I’m

00:06:15going to get the pasta heavenly look at

00:06:17that take some of the water as well get

00:06:20some of those Peas

00:06:22here we go very very nice and then we’re

00:06:27going to toss like that the heat the

00:06:32residual heat of the pasta and that

00:06:34little bit of water are going to make

00:06:36the most incredible we’ve got way more

00:06:38we’ve got way enough source for this as

00:06:40well which is good we’re just going to

00:06:42take this pasta and lay that on wrap

00:06:47boys jumpered plate I’m going to get a

00:06:50little spoon gonna get I’ve put RFM is

00:06:54enough sauce there for about four

00:06:56portions so over the top it’s the most

00:06:59beautiful alive you know it’s for a lot

00:07:02of people that are used to cooking

00:07:03sauces or ragu sore meat sauces you’ll

00:07:06be thinking that horrible what’s all

00:07:07that about I just try it the lemon zest

00:07:10the lemon juice parmesan and olive oil

00:07:12you know it’s one of the most alive

00:07:15delicious pasta sauces you can get just

00:07:19finish it it’s quite nice to take a herb

00:07:21like you know mint or basil and that my

00:07:26lovely friends is a delicious Sicilian

00:07:29little pasta I’ll finish that with a

00:07:31little bit of parmesan just like that

00:07:36look at that there you go

00:07:41there you go the first dish so I do want

00:07:44to say to you lovely people we are still

00:07:46doing the petition for the food

00:07:49revolution why is it important because

00:07:50when it gets to a million we’re taking

00:07:52it to the White House we’re at 700,000

00:07:54we still need you your friends your

00:07:56connections your networks your groups

00:07:58please pass it on if you care about

00:08:00health what kids get fed at school

00:08:02please please sign up I know it’s boring

00:08:05but it’s 30 seconds and it really can

00:08:08make a difference who wants to try this

00:08:09pasta wrap boy I think you should really

00:08:12continue for coming sort of celebrity of

00:08:13this show something a little bit

00:08:16different there we go and you made this

00:08:18pasta just to thing it a bit right okay

00:08:21there we go Jim do you know that twiddle

00:08:23you can hold it’s over okay let me just

00:08:26take a picture for you and we’ll put

00:08:28that up

00:08:29before you attack it wait wait wait wait

00:08:30I’m going to put this up on the website

00:08:33or Instamatic if any of you guys are

00:08:35doing that stuff let me just go back

00:08:37here you go the picture we’re going to

00:08:41do one of the plate looking beautiful

00:08:42I’ll come around this side sorry it’s on

00:08:47video sorry not good okay nice

00:08:53are you excited right boy on water let’s

00:08:56have one of you rat boy because I think

00:08:58that you’re going to be mind you that

00:08:59orange is definitely lighting the plate

00:09:02my card is there any more questions for

00:09:07rat boy because this is quite a

00:09:09revolution don’t have it to have a try

00:09:10how many think there are a lot of

00:09:13questions for rat boy mostly why he’s

00:09:14called rat boy okay can I get my second

00:09:18yeah what you listen you’d never you

00:09:22never just cut that because we never

00:09:23forgot to portion off the pasta sorry

00:09:26darling mmm that’s really good Luiz

00:09:34Department if I used a moving on one

00:09:37more time me and rat boy we’re

00:09:39absolutely delicious now very very nice

00:09:49and deep there you go okay so I thank

00:09:53for that

00:09:53and I know we’ve done a lot of talking

00:09:55but that really is a delicious and quick

00:09:57recipe make it with your dry pasta and

00:10:00we’ve done the petition we’ve done the

00:10:03milk activism tomorrow want to do some

00:10:06more questions the one that is the most

00:10:11interesting one is if you were on death

00:10:14row what would your last meal be what do

00:10:16you mean that’s interesting if I’m on

00:10:18death row do you think in thought that

00:10:20Louie’s some people it’s interesting

00:10:22okay do you sure what does it say from

00:10:24Louie’s Holland she’s tweeting hmm only

00:10:31death row meal and I think it would be

00:10:35my mum’s roast chicken with the full

00:10:37monty veggies from the garden and the

00:10:39best garlic roast potatoes

00:10:41he’s a good one anything else

00:10:44do you want to sign off to all the

00:10:46people who have tweeted in what do we

00:10:48sign off some some thanks from 13

00:10:52absolutely I tell you what we’re going

00:10:53to do my main jayjay barage I haven’t

00:10:55got one now but he makes these caps and

00:10:57changes these and these you can have any

00:11:00color that you want he does the LA Food

00:11:03Revolution caps and if any of you want

00:11:06one you can get a lucky 7 calm but

00:11:08should we give some away to do a little

00:11:10competition the first person to come in

00:11:13with rap boy do you think of a question

00:11:16for the for the world watching this and

00:11:20for Twitter so this is a competition for

00:11:22an LA Food Revolution camp and the

00:11:25question is what is the name of the LA

00:11:28the old LA superintendent school

00:11:32superintendents name you can get that on

00:11:35Google if you really search hard what is

00:11:37the name of the old LA school

00:11:41superintendents name who was always

00:11:42arguing with me and not letting me in

00:11:44the scores if you can find out who that

00:11:45is then I’ll say the first one to come

00:11:47in i’ll send you a cap wherever you live

00:11:49in the world is that it for today okay

00:11:52so everyone is employed still bar Louise

00:11:55because she sacked again but I’m sure

00:11:58she’ll be back next week because she

00:12:00doesn’t she hangs around and I’m a

00:12:04generous person but there you go guys

00:12:05thank you very much we’re going to do a

00:12:07few more of these hopefully we’ll get

00:12:08better and a bit more professional and

00:12:10God bless you I think you should turn

00:12:12around and you should say goodbye

00:12:14rat-boy give them away we’ve got a


00:12:18you got you got winner with it yeah a

00:12:20winner already yeah we have a we have a

00:12:22winner live who is it it’s

00:12:27it’s Nick brunt Nick brunt where’s he


00:12:31fine up we’re one second Nick brunt well

00:12:34done Nick Nick branch is your color

00:12:36direct message us on Twitter

00:12:40combo halifax NS which i think is kosher

00:12:45now this while we’re on places in

00:12:48america and we’ve got facebook we’ve got

00:12:50food revolution facebook groups active

00:12:52and doing stuff all over every single

00:12:54state in america apart from Lulu Drella

00:12:58one Vermont Delaware and Vaughn mom

00:13:00what’s going on why do you not care what

00:13:04do you know care so if you know anyone

00:13:06in Delaware and Vermont I mean let’s

00:13:08let’s get them amongst it this phone as

00:13:10email let’s do what if you got to do but

00:13:11Delaware in Vermont you’re letting the

00:13:12side down it’s getting through

00:13:14revolution activism team let’s get them

00:13:16up so nice one mr. brunt give us your

00:13:20details direct message thank you very

00:13:21much I think it’s time to go it’s been a

00:13:23pleasure it’s been enjoyable and we’ve

00:13:27had a dish you’ve been information we’ve

00:13:29seen my birthday present and we’ve seen

00:13:30rat-boy so viva la revolucion a