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Jamie Oliver live, third webcast – making pasta

00:00:00hi welcome Jenny Alava live from London

00:00:03it’s a beautiful day it’s about 6

00:00:05o’clock ish work was time 6:30 is in

00:00:09England and it’s lovely beaming out to

00:00:11the whole wide world we are cooking in

00:00:13my Test Kitchen

00:00:14I have pans on full of water but there’s

00:00:17nothing happening inside them yet we

00:00:19have three cameras today we have a

00:00:20lovely mat here holding that camera then

00:00:23we have rat boy Matt shoot rat boy

00:00:25there’s black boy wave at man listen

00:00:28look at you isn’t he cute he’s on that

00:00:29camera lets out that camera I knocked

00:00:31off wide shot and then we have this

00:00:33little shot here which is our closed up

00:00:34shop which would probably be a bit

00:00:36rubbish but I’ll do my best

00:00:37anyway we are celebrating lots of things

00:00:40cooking simple cooking today we’re going

00:00:42to be taking questions from Twitter so

00:00:45if you want to ask questions you can ask

00:00:48live just do that funny little hash

00:00:50button what you call it hashtag hashtag

00:00:53of Jaime hashtag ask Jamie you know it

00:00:58makes sense okay so ask any questions

00:01:00and I’ll be rapping out over here we

00:01:02have the lovely Liz she’ll be asking

00:01:04questions over there we have Richard you

00:01:06might have seen him on Crimewatch before

00:01:08and then there’s Louise next just a

00:01:11quick and don’t sound too long because

00:01:12she doesn’t like getting fit who she

00:01:15what absolutely yes

00:01:18if you remember last week she was sacked

00:01:21live on air I’ve given her job back I’m

00:01:26happy about that and that is because I’m

00:01:29a generous kind of person okay anyway

00:01:34lots of different stuff today any

00:01:36questions to kick off with lovely Liz

00:01:39yeah we’ve got our docks Sydney asking

00:01:42can you ride tandem what can I ride

00:01:48tandem no next question is what do we

00:01:53might tap lose this week

00:01:55oh that’s good we have sound Jubilee is

00:01:57asking when did you first learn to cook

00:01:59okay I learnt to cook when I was about

00:02:03eight years old I grew up in a pub

00:02:05restaurant in Essex and basically when I

00:02:08went downstairs there was my seven

00:02:09shifts I was started off in the

00:02:11wash up to obscure I bin and peel in bed

00:02:13and then eventually I got a job

00:02:14with the big boys and that was great yes

00:02:18so eight years old and now my little

00:02:19girl Daisy she’s starting to cook

00:02:21already the other ones not interested

00:02:22but Daisy she loves it so either

00:02:24chopping to the weekend

00:02:26next one Bubba Sheva or Sheva Shepherd

00:02:30is asking what do you pack for your kids

00:02:32hunch nothing they have a hot meal at

00:02:35school which is pretty good yes or no

00:02:39pad lunches although I’ve got nothing

00:02:40against pack lunches they can be very

00:02:41good although about 75% of pack lunches

00:02:44are worse than the worst school lunches

00:02:45I’ve seen terrible things in pet lunches

00:02:48I mean you wouldn’t believe I’ve seen

00:02:51larger kids going to school with cold

00:02:54leftover fast food burgers just tins of

00:02:59energy drinks that the funniest not way

00:03:02it’s not funny sad really the last pad

00:03:04lunch that took my breath away was a

00:03:05whole pack lunchbox just full of just

00:03:08brownies it was like my wife’s idea of

00:03:11heaven apart from that was this child’s

00:03:13lunch but there he goes and shall I

00:03:16introduce a bit cooking is well okay so

00:03:19I’m gonna do I didn’t I kind of made up

00:03:22what we were going to cook not so long

00:03:24ago I wanna do a really quick and pasta

00:03:27dish if there’s any any good questions

00:03:30coming in Luis just interrupt me no

00:03:31worries so we’ve got regular pasta here

00:03:34obviously you guys have all got this

00:03:36kind of stuff so you all know how to

00:03:39cook it you just follow the pack

00:03:40instructions I’ve got some boiling

00:03:41salted water I wanted to kind of just

00:03:43you know this stuff right and of course

00:03:45you can use this stuff I wanted to show

00:03:47you a little birthday present that I got

00:03:49the other day from my mentor Gennaro

00:03:50Contaldo rat-boy if you could come down

00:03:52here my darling if we had budget which

00:03:55we don’t we’d have some nice music now

00:03:57rat-boy please come on wrap boys out

00:04:00runner how old are you boy 14 years old

00:04:06just look at him any lovely

00:04:08eight years eight years look at that

00:04:10jumper closer for that jumper will you

00:04:12be proud if that was your boy nice house

00:04:15to get how’s your love life at the


00:04:18non-existent okay people are asking boy

00:04:22is single rat boy only single very very

00:04:25single okay so rapid I don’t get too

00:04:28comfortable here because I think the

00:04:29public like you that’s my immediate

00:04:31reaction Twitter’s going hot for you

00:04:33okay just come over here mister mister

00:04:34mister then you get over here or you got

00:04:36a wire okay let me come to you so you

00:04:38might be thinking what is Oliver doing

00:04:40this is a birthday prison and you might

00:04:42be thinking what is that bottle opener

00:04:43it’s not this is basically rap boy

00:04:45where’s my diet so what we got here this

00:04:52is from Gennaro

00:04:52basically this is dies here and you can

00:04:54see each end has a slightly different

00:04:56end you can get these online and email

00:05:00you know I think they’re about sort of

00:05:01full equals 50 quid I’m not expecting

00:05:03everyone in the world to have one of

00:05:04course I just thought it’s quite cool to

00:05:06have a look you’ve got tagliatelle there

00:05:09you’ve got a spaghetti there and you can

00:05:11basically do like a little rigatoni

00:05:13there it’s really cool it’s a brilliant

00:05:16birthday present if you’ve got a friend

00:05:18or a boy thank you friend that likes to

00:05:20cook and you don’t know what to get them

00:05:22and this is what Gennaro did and you put

00:05:24the different ends on it and then why

00:05:27thought I do is just show you how damn

00:05:29simple it is to make pasta I’ll do it

00:05:31super quick with one egg and 100 grams

00:05:36of flour so I just got that they call it

00:05:40tipo Giro zero which is basically how

00:05:43fine you can see that’s like fine like

00:05:45talcum powder white it up and you can do

00:05:48it in a bowl with a fork but you

00:05:50literally want it up it will come

00:05:51together it will start cleaning the side

00:05:53of the board and then you can just sort

00:05:56of need it but it’s so quick but it’s a

00:05:58great recipe to sort of be able to learn

00:05:59because one egg 100 grams of flour any

00:06:02raving idiot in the whole wide world

00:06:05can remember that I can rap boys how do

00:06:11you make that posture how much aid

00:06:16you’re just playing it now you’ll just

00:06:18put your your you’re just playing the

00:06:19game 1 8 100 grams of flour just can’t

00:06:23have a look at this we could have our

00:06:24little camera here if it’s any good I

00:06:26don’t know have a little look it’s gonna

00:06:30pull that out so literally the reason

00:06:33I’m showing you this is because if

00:06:35you’ve got a food processor or you can

00:06:36get busy with it

00:06:38in literally a minute you can come home

00:06:41to eggs 200 grams of flour you’ve got

00:06:44beautiful homemade pasta that cost

00:06:46literally nothing for you and your wife

00:06:48and you just not really need it around

00:06:50like a kid here just for 30 seconds and

00:06:54you’d come up with this lovely little

00:06:56ball like this any questions over there

00:06:59Liz a lot of interest about rat boy and

00:07:02his jumper okay but aside from that we

00:07:07had one saying what’s the weirdest thing

00:07:09you’ve ever cooked or eaten okay what is

00:07:12the weirdest thing I’ve ever cooked or

00:07:13eaten probably the weirdest thing I mean

00:07:17I haven’t in a lot of balls in my time


00:07:19I have eaten not bad if you trim them up

00:07:22and flour them or deep-fry them they can

00:07:24be very nice as they say in Wyoming

00:07:26Rocky Mountain Oysters very nice

00:07:29didn’t mind those when I was in Japan I

00:07:32did have a surprise with Cod semen yeah

00:07:38I thought it was chicken on a skewer it

00:07:41wasn’t it was Cod semen and when I

00:07:43chewed it it just went everywhere

00:07:46and that wasn’t great

00:07:49so generally I’m pretty good with

00:07:51everything anyway okay so that’s what

00:07:54we’ve got okay we’ve got this little

00:07:56dome it’s so simple honestly if you’re

00:07:59making it for two or four or six people

00:08:00and you’ve got a food processor we’re

00:08:02talking about two minutes all in right

00:08:04now what’s the closest you can get

00:08:06around here big boy do me to me this

00:08:08table yeah rat-boy can I have you I mean

00:08:11I don’t want to have you but can I have


00:08:13okay over here right way so rat-boy is

00:08:17going to come and demonstrate something

00:08:18very beautiful here not only his jumper

00:08:20can we just take that off because I

00:08:21think people actually want to see the

00:08:23parrot thrown away need to get the

00:08:25jumper really which mean unnamed this is

00:08:32the web you can say what you like top


00:08:35Wow so to the designer at top man when

00:08:37was this oh it is okay which is a

00:08:44generic jump so someone printed that god

00:08:46bless you may be a parent lover so if

00:08:48you’ve got to straddle that rat boy okay

00:08:52so we have the dough okay and then what

00:08:54rat boy is going to do is he’s going to

00:08:56open this up and story now and we’re

00:09:00gonna push this pass from here we’ve got

00:09:02close-up of that map so we put the pasta

00:09:04in here we’ve got closed up big boy okay

00:09:06we push that in and then rat boys very

00:09:09good with wrenches and then we’re going

00:09:18to extrude it now look of course I know

00:09:20you guys haven’t got this jumper or this

00:09:22piece of equipment at home but and then

00:09:25I just hold it there at boy just hold it

00:09:27there I know you have all this equipment

00:09:29but you can roll it out of a rolling pin

00:09:31and cut it up with a knife or let’s be

00:09:33really honest the recipe I’m gonna show

00:09:35you you can fish these dry pasta but I

00:09:37wanna I want to show you my birthday

00:09:38present and it’s kind of cool now I’m

00:09:40just gonna put a little flour into here

00:09:42right and we’re gonna receive we’re

00:09:45gonna receive rat-boy so okay we gotta

00:09:50cook that you get down here you can’t

00:09:52get any closer that’s such a limitation

00:09:54how about this does this go a long way I

00:09:58see it how long can this go yeah let’s

00:10:02see we love a bit of live broadcast

00:10:05we’re really good at this

00:10:07we’re only playing with this guy’s it’s

00:10:09Minos okay you just not a technology

00:10:12record think about this constant think

00:10:14about the kind of movies that you could

00:10:16make at home

00:10:16was that jumper I think you’re wrong

00:10:19your jumpers gonna cause a revolution in

00:10:21America okay

00:10:22go rat boy yeah so as you can see

00:10:25the muscular man he is can you sing that

00:10:28rich Richard can you see it okay is that

00:10:38is that too close okay so we wrap away

00:10:44on receiving rat-boy and these make

00:10:46beautiful fettuccine what Tapani aleni

00:10:49whichever you want to call it are you

00:10:51happy record is this your finest moment

00:10:53yes it’s nice my finest hour okay I’m a

00:10:56pastor bless you

00:10:58how does it feel okay well there’s

00:11:03always a first time

00:11:05okay so we’ve got the pastor coming out

00:11:06you heard a little noise in the

00:11:08background that was Louise there moving

00:11:10on okay so we’ve got the pasta anyway I

00:11:15just think that’s a wicked little

00:11:16birthday present thank you very much

00:11:18dinero I love you you’re the best we’ve

00:11:20got homemade and pastor there if you

00:11:23want one of these pasta machines you can

00:11:25get them online the brand is called I

00:11:29don’t know I will find out and I’ll put

00:11:32it on the brand is called

00:11:33oh my lord boo teeny Bo TT en e I know

00:11:45you can get it online because Gennaro

00:11:46did thank you rat boy relevance Brett

00:11:48for everyone he’s a beautiful thing okay

00:11:52let’s get on with this pasta so look in

00:11:54the real world and you guys can get your

00:11:57nice technically meal Taggart le I want

00:12:00to show you a platter that I’m really

00:12:01excited about

00:12:02we’ve got fast rolling boiling water

00:12:04here we’re going to put salt in it my

00:12:08wife often gets a little bit funny about

00:12:11putting the salt in but I try and

00:12:13explain to her not all the salt is going

00:12:14to go in your body is going to go down

00:12:16the sink okay but you want to season the

00:12:17water otherwise the past all tastes

00:12:19horrible I want to show you an uncooked

00:12:21sauce that I’m kind of excited about it

00:12:24kind of its history is rooted in

00:12:26Sicilian Italian cooking so what we’re

00:12:31going to do is take a microplane we’re

00:12:35going to get a lemon from somewhere over


00:12:38there’s so much flavor in this list here

00:12:42and we don’t to waste it and you only

00:12:44have to like push that as this and you

00:12:46can see it getting shiny and that’s the

00:12:47oils and the fragrant coming out so I

00:12:50just want the zest of one lemon and I

00:12:54don’t know how close you can get but

00:12:55these little micro planes are brilliant

00:12:58for getting just the lovely fragrant

00:13:01part off and what we’re basically going

00:13:03to make is the glorified dressing so our

00:13:07fastest dressing and then we’ll take a

00:13:08few more questions the lemon juice goes

00:13:11in the juice of one lemon this would be

00:13:14enough source for that to people so even

00:13:17with the lemon and then we’re gonna add

00:13:21Parmesan cheese you could use a pecorino

00:13:23you could use any local cheese that has

00:13:26that same sort of dense saltiness that

00:13:28gives you the same sort of emotion when

00:13:30you grate it so we’re going to go in

00:13:31with the parmesan and you can blend

00:13:33cheese’s as well which is nice so just

00:13:36like a little handful there and then I’m

00:13:38going to add some olive oil now this

00:13:41will look like I’m putting a lot in it’s

00:13:43not it’s the smallest little thread of

00:13:44oil in the world it just doesn’t come

00:13:47out very fast so you’ve got about four

00:13:50tables of olive oil four tables four

00:13:53tablespoons of olive oil in there and

00:13:56we’re not going to season it yet because

00:13:57it might not