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Jamie Oliver live – fish stew

00:00:04I’m gonna do a fish – fish – do you like

00:00:09to fish you I love a fish – if your

00:00:12interests or your bays and stuff like


00:00:14beautiful flakes of fish tomato sort of

00:00:17like that for me well what I love about

00:00:19this dish is the fish man that does all

00:00:21the work so over here I’ve got some

00:00:24prawns I’ve got some mussels

00:00:27I’m going to tap a prawn get in there

00:00:28big boy have a little tap and a little

00:00:33close-up we have some red mullet here

00:00:38you might call it snapper or something

00:00:40and this is Pollock over here Coley

00:00:42Watson Coley here so it’s kind of like a

00:00:44white flaky fish what I want to do is a

00:00:46couple of things first and foremost let

00:00:48me tell you what will wipe down if you

00:00:51can come in as well just pinch your

00:00:53Philip here obviously all the bones and

00:00:56the fish one has removed the bones I

00:00:58pinched it and I’m just going to score

00:00:59it it makes it look pretty but also it

00:01:01lets flavor go in

00:01:03that’s a nice close up for a dodgy old

00:01:04camera is that your camera mine

00:01:06is it then we got the Coley here this is

00:01:10like a basically a whitefish but you

00:01:11know every every country seems to have a

00:01:13different version of a flaky whitefish

00:01:15again we’re trying to get fish that

00:01:17aren’t being overfished guys so make

00:01:20sure you’re buying the right ones

00:01:22also here I’ve got some muscles the most

00:01:26ethical sustainable fish in the world

00:01:28you know wherever you put these they

00:01:30clean the water then you Tricia’s

00:01:32they’re cheap even students going to for

00:01:34them we got some clowns here which are

00:01:37real good and we’ve got some prawns so

00:01:39what am I going to do the story with

00:01:41this stew starts with our good old

00:01:43friends some garlic

00:01:47Matt come forth we have a pan can you

00:01:51see in that pan prove to me you can see

00:01:52in that pan because if you can’t see in

00:01:53the pan and the rest of the world can’t

00:01:54see in the pan okay come over here we’ve

00:01:56got toast

00:01:57we got toast again griddle toast nice

00:01:59okay so this is a hot pad it’s on a full

00:02:01whack so you see that here we go we’re

00:02:03going to go in with some of our oil okay

00:02:06we’re then going to go in with some

00:02:09chili and garlic now you remember that a

00:02:11boy obeys our French brothers and

00:02:13sisters that are amazing cooks a

00:02:15bouillabaisse can take up to two days to

00:02:17prepare we’re going to do this in about

00:02:19three-and-a-half four minutes so we

00:02:21start with the beautiful Chilean garlic

00:02:25I’ve got some fennel tops here my little

00:02:27gangly friend okay we’re going to rip

00:02:29this up

00:02:29and get that in fennel is like an OCD

00:02:31it’s delicious you could use parsley or

00:02:33basil instead we’re going to go straight

00:02:36in with some mussels we go in with some

00:02:38mussels we’re going to put the we’re

00:02:41going to get this fish on top of the

00:02:44mussels we’re going to play this in

00:02:45class throw in some prawns this is a

00:02:47wonderful shared dish so we’re just

00:02:49going to put this chilling around like

00:02:51that we’ve got our little white fish

00:02:55there I’m even going to put some squid

00:02:57in bear with me lovely people show this

00:02:59out that’s been going for about one

00:03:01minute the thing I love about this dish

00:03:03all my friends is or let me show you

00:03:06another way come over here just very

00:03:08quickly if you want another way of

00:03:10preparing squid once you cleaned it open

00:03:12it up like a book here open up to the

00:03:14intern always facing out right and then

00:03:16lightly don’t even press down score the

00:03:19fish right in a crisscross and then when

00:03:22that bad boy cooks right it’ll roll up

00:03:24and look like some kind of funny loofah

00:03:26from Planet loofah right and then what

00:03:29is nice if it looks good but also these

00:03:31little Kris Casas took grab onto flavor

00:03:33and flavoring so zip it in half we’re

00:03:36going to go in like this we’ve got it

00:03:39all in there I’m going to put some

00:03:40brutal beans in guys because it’s that

00:03:42time of year in England you could go

00:03:44peas you could go cannellini beans fava

00:03:46beans whatever you want to call it beans

00:03:48then I’m going to go in with a swig of

00:03:50white wine you don’t have to use wine it

00:03:52could just be lemon juice just a core of

00:03:55a glass

00:03:55we’re going to get it in this is a

00:03:57beautiful romantic dish it’s exciting

00:04:00it’s fun I’m going to scrunch up some

00:04:02tin tomatoes in my hand

00:04:05tin tomorrow’s are great they’re always

00:04:07picked when they’re at their best to

00:04:09scrunch them up like that and then I’m

00:04:12going to season it

00:04:13look at that it’s beautiful see then

00:04:16with salt and pepper and we’re going to

00:04:19put the lid on and pray to the big man

00:04:22upstairs okay we’ve got toast here which

00:04:25is good toast going over here let’s have

00:04:27a little cleanup I made a mess

00:04:29any other questions lovely Liz you’ve

00:04:32caught what’s coming in miss H Dolan how

00:04:35can we start a food revolution of our

00:04:37own good question how can you start a

00:04:39food revolution of your own look listen

00:04:41the whole point of the show food

00:04:42revolution whatever country you’re in is

00:04:44about trying to empower friends families

00:04:49foodies parents around the world to not

00:04:52put up with feeding their kids rubbish

00:04:54at school but also you know just tryna

00:04:57you know what I’ve done in England and

00:04:59I’ve got a couple of dudes that I do it

00:05:01with Hugh fairly witnessed or was one of

00:05:03them in England you know he kind of you

00:05:06tell stories about food production and

00:05:08where food comes from you know the

00:05:10ethics of fish and meat and eggs and you

00:05:12know the damage that we can do to the

00:05:14world we’re not trying to fall really

00:05:15one we’re not trying to lecture anyone

00:05:16but what we are trying to do is make the

00:05:18public aware and the one thing that I’ve

00:05:20learned is if you give the public great

00:05:22information they make great choices and

00:05:26I think the proof is that we can make a

00:05:28difference so if you want to start your

00:05:30own food revolution get on Facebook

00:05:32start one of your own food revolution

00:05:33Facebook groups then my team will see

00:05:36you will find you and we’ve got whole

00:05:39team a big boy if you just scour around

00:05:41the room look at all these lovely happy

00:05:43people look the happiness that comes

00:05:45from them I love a smile then there’s

00:05:47rich home chase me and then we’ve got

00:05:50the lovely girls in the background

00:05:52behind the tripod see the girls there

00:05:53they’ve almost camouflage into books

00:05:55they’re the real brains and then there’s

00:05:57Paul at the end security and Christina

00:06:00but we do we have a food

00:06:02team and one of our jobs when when I got

00:06:05the TED Prize last year and we got some

00:06:08money from them we put it into part of

00:06:11where we put it into a part from

00:06:12Huntington which is where Food

00:06:14Revolution season 1 was was in to

00:06:16building a website that could facilitate

00:06:18activism around America so guys am i

00:06:21what do I need to tell these guys that I

00:06:22haven’t said already and go to sorry

00:06:27sign the petition go to food revolution

00:06:30comm sign the petition if you haven’t

00:06:31already please do it and get all your

00:06:33groups it’s up there on the screen right

00:06:35now thank you to Mashable Liz tell

00:06:40everyone about Mashable if they don’t

00:06:41know anything about it already

00:06:42so Mashable um have been supporting us

00:06:46for quite a while since the first series

00:06:49and they are going to be featuring the

00:06:52food revolution within the next week or

00:06:55so but they’ve been tweeting along in

00:06:57their HQ and we just want to say thank

00:07:01you and their big online that when

00:07:02they’re a big deal they got loads of

00:07:03followers it’s an amazing community yes

00:07:06it’s a huge online media hub that

00:07:09actually deals in social media and it’s

00:07:12groundbreaking and those are the new

00:07:15stuff that’s out there and happening and

00:07:16it’s really up to the moment so unless

00:07:18you well there you go a big big big love

00:07:22to Mashable thank you for your support

00:07:23we really need it and we really

00:07:25appreciate it we take nothing for

00:07:27granted and I think yesterday with the

00:07:29LAUSD ban in the flavored milk was just

00:07:31just the beginning so back to the fish

00:07:35jus from Mashable to fished you we’re

00:07:37going to go into this bowl please come

00:07:38forth drumroll please rich liz drumroll

00:07:50the rad stuff that was Backstreet Boys

00:07:53if you didn’t know bring him back the

00:07:55castles me Kids on the Block

00:07:56oh yes it was New Kids on the Block but

00:07:58I’m not sure if that’s fairly being

00:08:00rival you’ve been wrong or vice versa

00:08:02okay big boy could come come into our

00:08:04world come into my world okay

00:08:06let’s get a close-up get in there get

00:08:08the closest you can show the world

00:08:10they’ve only got little computers

00:08:11they’re probably on computers from eight

00:08:13years ago okay look you can see where

00:08:16the squid has curled up look at that bad

00:08:18boy it’s just beautiful that’s just

00:08:20going to curl it’s very very nice that’s

00:08:23ready to go now look live with the if

00:08:27you just look here you’ve got juice

00:08:29you can put new potatoes in there little

00:08:32I put fava beans in but it’s that time

00:08:34of year you can put pasta in there if

00:08:36it’s a quick cooker so we’re just gonna

00:08:37I’m going to finish that now what I’m

00:08:39going to do turn off the heat as per

00:08:42usual with lemon I’m going to give it

00:08:47lemon a little roll and that’s quite

00:08:50good it gets the fragrance of the skin

00:08:52going breaks up a little little as you

00:08:55file that’s what you call little

00:08:56capsules and you get more juice out of

00:09:00it that way and back let’s let’s bring

00:09:02this beautiful fish to anyway the guys

00:09:05for all you guys are watching live

00:09:07around the world hopefully I won’t steam

00:09:08up my camera let’s just go back there yo

00:09:10camera rich little camera other camera

00:09:13please rich there you go oh that’s not

00:09:16such a good view is it let’s see if we

00:09:17can improve that view a little bit Oh

00:09:19not the best view in the world if we can

00:09:21elevate that onto the oven

00:09:23technically we’re achieving wonderful Oh

00:09:26see I don’t even need a camera

00:09:28now you switch bring me back to my

00:09:31camera okay fair enough he looks better

00:09:32and yeah that is a slightly odd shot but

00:09:35that’s a quite a pretty shot no it’s not

00:09:36there you go

00:09:37well there you go we tried we failed and

00:09:40we could even shoot it through the prawn

00:09:41cocktail let’s try at least I’m trying

00:09:43to be creative people are watching

00:09:45around the world only water that is a

00:09:47really good shot of the fish too okay

00:09:53let’s get back to the real word stop

00:09:54being an idiot okay at once you can slip

00:09:57all this seafood now it’s all opened up

00:09:59and it’s off the heat you can drizzle on

00:10:01some quality olive oil high and

00:10:03polyphenols really good for you

00:10:05delicious then we go into some citrus

00:10:07that’s going to spank it away good

00:10:09flavors that now is the time to get a

00:10:12spoon and just angle this pan here and

00:10:16have a little slip look at that I’m

00:10:19coming come on that’s just a little

00:10:21continue little globules of olive oil

00:10:22have a little slurp blow okay

00:10:27the genius of this dish there genius is

00:10:30that muscles half of muscles is not

00:10:34about that me is about their juice and

00:10:36the juice has cooked out of the fish and

00:10:39into the stores and the sauce has cooked

00:10:41back up into the fish the great thing is

00:10:43if you like Marrakech you could put

00:10:45harissa through there if you love sort

00:10:46of Spain or you know you could put some

00:10:49saffron through there you know you could

00:10:51use any accent from any country that you

00:10:53love and adore and you can spike this

00:10:55fish too and make it your very own most

00:10:57importantly you take it to a table like

00:10:59this right when let’s just put some

00:11:01juice back over here look how gorgeous

00:11:03it looks

00:11:03all right get yourself some mayonnaise

00:11:06and hit it with some garlic so I’ve got

00:11:07some mayonnaise somewhere near here

00:11:11I literally just pounded up some garlic

00:11:13real hot hot hot raw garlic pound it up

00:11:17put it in here so it goes to the table

00:11:20you know you get some nice hot toasts

00:11:22around here like that right let’s plate

00:11:24one up I think that this bowl is


00:11:29big enough anything I showed me to say

00:11:31save the guys girls have I forgotten


00:11:37silence in the room yeah that’s a good

00:11:39thing okay so let’s get in here Matt for

00:11:41close up you don’t need to look at me

00:11:43right now we’re going straight over to

00:11:44the bowls we’re going to put in those

00:11:46prawns look at that absolutely beautiful

00:11:48I want to put a toast in at this point

00:11:50as well why do we put it in now because

00:11:52we’re going to put in some more fish but

00:11:54it’s the juice that then soaks into that

00:11:57toast that is heavenly right we’re going

00:11:59to put a little bit of the red mullet in

00:12:01there and that’s just beautifully cooked

00:12:04and delicate look at that absolutely

00:12:07gorgeous and then with the squid you can

00:12:09see how good that is I’m going to go to

00:12:12the bottom and get some of that

00:12:15beautiful juice mussels make sure

00:12:20everyone gets a bit the thing I like

00:12:21about this dish is if you’re like a

00:12:23student and you’ve got no money if you

00:12:25go the fishmonger or you’re lucky enough

00:12:27to have one you just tell them you’ve

00:12:28got no money and it’ll give you

00:12:30incredible fish that’s cheap and it will

00:12:32give you trimmings and bits and pieces

00:12:33and I promise promise promise you that

00:12:35you can make just as luxurious beautiful

00:12:37fish too if you’ve got loads of money

00:12:39and you don’t care you can play with

00:12:41lobster or crab or scallops scallops or

00:12:44whatever you want to call them so really

00:12:46the great thing or principle about this

00:12:48dish is you can make it your very own

00:12:50and you know I think that’s nice when

00:12:55you’ve got dishes that are inclusive and

00:12:57I think the important thing to remember

00:12:58guys is no matter where you come from

00:13:00like the best food that I’ve ever seen

00:13:02in my life has always been from poor

00:13:05communities right and why is that do you


00:13:08well well most importantly firstly first

00:13:10and foremost is poor communities that

00:13:12have the ability to cook so it don’t

00:13:14matter if you’re rich or poor if you

00:13:16can’t cook your amok you can’t look

00:13:18after yourself you can’t be creative

00:13:20you can’t cook great food with a rubbish

00:13:22budget you know you can’t nourish your

00:13:25kids or yourself properly if you’re poor

00:13:27and you can cook you can do loads if you

00:13:30go in and I’ll be in the parts of the

00:13:32world where they really got nothing

00:13:34nothing and they are eating food like

00:13:37you just wouldn’t believe so there you

00:13:40go guys and

00:13:41a beautiful little dish I’m just going

00:13:44to finish that off with a little bit of

00:13:46that garlic aioli that I’m going to

00:13:48dollop over the top when that raw garlic

00:13:50hits the hot broth you know something

00:13:54very special happens I can’t pop Kampai

00:13:56put me my head round it I’m just putting

00:13:58some fennel on now there you go guys

00:14:00that is the end of our fish friendly

00:14:03addition today three dishes the

00:14:05old-school retro prawn cocktail

00:14:08shamone shamone shamone we’ve got the

00:14:11lovely squid crostini Mediterranean

00:14:14Sally bit dry now but ensure you look

00:14:16all right on the computer and we have

00:14:18got the beautiful fish June you heard it

00:14:20right fish June nice one guys

00:14:23love you all thanks for all of your help

00:14:25on food revolution I can’t tell you how

00:14:27profound LAUSD banned the flavored milk

00:14:29tomorrow yesterday was it will have

00:14:31ripples it will have an effect but all

00:14:33other groups there’s five hundred groups

00:14:35around the whole of America doing their

00:14:37thing local activism keep talking to us

00:14:39keep doing your thing we love you we’re

00:14:41proud of you and remember it’s not my

00:14:43food revolution it’s yours

00:14:44so over and out from mr. Oliver you are

00:14:47the best