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Jamie Oliver cooks steak with wild mushrooms at Google

00:00:06hello lovely people okay so we’re live

00:00:09again it’s very exciting this week come

00:00:11forward Matt come forward well apart

00:00:13from we have got I know last week we

00:00:15didn’t have rat-boy but he’s back look

00:00:17at him look at him a round of applause

00:00:19everyone come on and we have the

00:00:23beautiful numero deux a beautiful rep

00:00:27board jumper it’s great now if you look

00:00:29behind you Matt look we are in Google

00:00:31head office in London oh we do we love a

00:00:42bit of Google and we love it so what

00:00:44we’re going to do we’re going to keep it

00:00:45quick we’re going to do two dishes going

00:00:47to do the most perfect mushrooms camera

00:00:49down we’ve got wild mushrooms you could

00:00:51do this with portobello mushrooms filled

00:00:53mushrooms button mushrooms I’ve got some

00:00:55nice wild mushrooms here since your roll

00:00:57here some blewett’s and some morels but

00:01:00this method that I’m going to show you

00:01:02for cooking mushrooms is a brilliant

00:01:04method that you’ll use for the rest of

00:01:05your life whether you put an impostor or

00:01:07risotto or making a soup or putting it

00:01:10on a pizza or whatever okay so we’re

00:01:12doing that then we’re doing steak the

00:01:14perfect steak I know you guys love it

00:01:16here we go we’ve got some ribeye here on

00:01:18the bone great we’ve got a beautiful

00:01:21ribeye there look at the marbling of

00:01:23that can you get a nice close-up of that

00:01:24big boy then we’re looking for good

00:01:26quality meat that’s been hung for about

00:01:2826 days you’ve got beautiful marbling

00:01:30there I’m going to teach you how to cook

00:01:32that we’ve got Phillips so I want to

00:01:33cook one of these but with a nice t-bone

00:01:35here as well so I’ve got I want to give

00:01:37you the basic technique look I know it’s

00:01:39really basic guys but I want to give you

00:01:42the perfect way to cook the perfect

00:01:43steak right because you know we love it

00:01:45but then I’m going to show you a new

00:01:47technique called dressing the board

00:01:49which makes it extra juicy and delicious

00:01:52okay so first before I start cooking

00:01:54this steak and doing the mushrooms and

00:01:55it’s the last week of Food Revolution in

00:01:58America you know we get a new

00:02:00superintendent who’s let us back in the


00:02:03he’s banning the flavored milk he’s got

00:02:05rid of the dodgy old mystery meat

00:02:07corndogs and nuggets and all of that

00:02:09kind of stuff so progress has been made

00:02:11so it was worth it in the end but please

00:02:14watch it and it finished off with Jimmy

00:02:16Kimmel and he was absolutely hilarious

00:02:18so nice one Jimmy now

00:02:20let’s start I’ve got induction hobs here

00:02:22hopefully I’ve got the hang of it now so

00:02:25I’m going to turn it down because it

00:02:27looks scary hot we’re going to go salt

00:02:30and pepper right you can do marinades


00:02:33I tend actually would be not too right I

00:02:36don’t know why I just don’t lamb I do

00:02:38marinade chicken I do marinade beef I

00:02:40just I just don’t okay so seasoned

00:02:43nicely all over salt and pepper then

00:02:45we’ve got a hot pan over here fan goes

00:02:49on if you had one open the window

00:02:50whatever pour a drink right and we’re

00:02:52going to go into the pan with some sort

00:02:55of ground nut oil or some sort of highly

00:02:58filtered sort of cheaper olive oil and

00:03:00we’re going to put the stake straight in

00:03:02now we want searing scolding heat right

00:03:05not a hot pan not a warm pan searing pan

00:03:08okay and we’re going to try if you

00:03:10imagine meat is basically made up if

00:03:12it’s moisture it’s like we are okay so

00:03:14if you’ve got heat coming from here it’s

00:03:17pushing the moisture up and if you’ve

00:03:18ever cooked a steak and you end up with

00:03:19a little pool of juice at the top that’s

00:03:21because you’re not turning it so it’s

00:03:23pushing moisture up and what you need to

00:03:25do is keep turning it every minute so

00:03:27you have a really beautiful even cooking

00:03:29and a nice caramelized crust mushrooms

00:03:32so with these wild mushrooms or any

00:03:34mushrooms I tend not to wash them okay

00:03:37brush them use a cloth get rid of them

00:03:40if you’re washing and they get soggy

00:03:42their watery you don’t really get that

00:03:44beautiful flavor so I’m just going to go

00:03:45through these mushrooms and just pull

00:03:47them apart I’ve got a mixer in even in

00:03:50supermarkets now you can get an array of

00:03:51mushrooms farmed even some wild stuff

00:03:54I’m counting a minute over here so Matt

00:03:57over to that pan my Roux boy brother and

00:03:59we are going to turn this have a look at

00:04:02that look wait for the fat dancing have

00:04:04a look at that okay turn it we’ve

00:04:07already got wonderful color happening

00:04:10here I want to turn it up to ten okay go

00:04:13back to the mushrooms so I’m turning

00:04:14that steak every minute

00:04:16I lit on it it is actually quite a good

00:04:18little trick if you touch your thumb and

00:04:21your forefinger I guess it’s your

00:04:24forefinger here everyone do that put

00:04:25your hands in the air okay so far and

00:04:28forefinger if you touch the chubby bit

00:04:29of your hand that’s basically like


00:04:32this is not a pervy thing right if you

00:04:35touch your second finger that’s like

00:04:37kind of medium all right and if you

00:04:40touch the third where the third one

00:04:42that’s medium well and if you go up the

00:04:43fourth little finger that’s kind of more

00:04:45like a well done now it’s a rough guide

00:04:47rosemary a natural antidepressant so

00:04:51anyone that’s depressed

00:04:51that’s what you want to be growing the

00:04:53natural oils in this is fantastic what

00:04:56we can do over here big fella but if you

00:04:58can be bothered or if you want to invest

00:05:00in flavor right we’re going to just cut

00:05:02a bit of garlic this is what I love to

00:05:05do you come over here man we’re going to

00:05:07get this like a little brush and we just

00:05:10Pat just Pat the meat it makes a

00:05:13difference it really does get the garlic

00:05:15and just rub it just a few times it

00:05:17makes a difference and then every time

00:05:19we turn it it’s like taking care of it

00:05:21you know looking after it the heat is

00:05:22pretty good now we get the lovely

00:05:24rosemary we Pat it again here we go rub

00:05:28it with garlic so I’m going to come back

00:05:29to that let’s get some mushrooms going

00:05:30let’s go full whack on this pan I think

00:05:32I’m getting the height I think I’m

00:05:33getting the hang of these induction hobs

00:05:35now hallelujah

00:05:37okay so we’re going to go in the pan

00:05:39straight away with olive oil the cheaper

00:05:42olive oil like I said earlier the

00:05:44filtered stuff I’m going to go in with

00:05:46my mushrooms okay I’m going to peel the

00:05:48stuff in there but a nice array of

00:05:49mushrooms any big ones I can tear up you

00:05:52know break up I like to see some natural

00:05:54shape in there as well

00:05:56I’m putting notice there’s no flavor it

00:05:58is just hot oil hot pan and mushrooms

00:06:01the little garlic goes in now and what I

00:06:05love love love to put in with mushrooms

00:06:08is time I’m going to go straight in here

00:06:10I’m going to screw it up in a ball get

00:06:12the oils down and I’m just going to rip

00:06:14them up like that let’s go back to our

00:06:16meat and give it some love have a little

00:06:19feel bill my farm yes it’s my thumb okay

00:06:25here we go turn that around

00:06:27okay I’m pleased we’re going to just

00:06:30toss this around the wild mushrooms and

00:06:32steak great little combo I think we’re

00:06:35on for wet that’s good

00:06:37so any more questions you want to do

00:06:40without Facebook and Twitter going on

00:06:42what we got coming in Liz yeah we’ve got

00:06:44a few questions about rap boy but more

00:06:47about the state what’s better for steak

00:06:50bone in or boneless okay bone-in is very

00:06:53very good I’ve got two Bonin’s here I’ve

00:06:56got the classic t-bone steak which is

00:06:58basically a sirloin steak with a bit

00:07:00attached and then I’ve got these the

00:07:02same as what I’m cooking now the ribeye

00:07:03but with the bone attached this is the

00:07:06dog very very quickly before I I wanted

00:07:10to get wrong I’m going to finish off

00:07:12this mushroom I’m going to take off

00:07:15mistake here here we go gonna put it

00:07:23onto a plate I’m gonna go for a little

00:07:25chopped parsley at the very end goes in

00:07:30here as well nice and fresh and a little

00:07:32knob of butter so a little knob of that

00:07:34goes in and then what you can do is as

00:07:37that mount you just mix that up like

00:07:41that you can see it puts a beautiful

00:07:42shine on it off the heat just a couple

00:07:44of little squeeze the lemon juice make

00:07:46all the difference really really nice

00:07:47literally you get yourself a beautiful

00:07:49chopping board and you finally slice

00:07:52safe and parsley the nice thing about

00:07:54this is you can make it your own if you

00:07:56want to go Italian inspired or if you

00:07:58want to go asian-inspired you can really

00:08:00chop up the relevant herbs or flavors

00:08:02you know tarragon and beef is got some

00:08:05tarragon is a pretty good combo I’m

00:08:08gonna have a little bit of garlic and

00:08:10essentially I’m going to make a dressing

00:08:13on a chopping board I’m going to

00:08:15basically drizzle lovely oil onto the

00:08:19board which is why it’s called dressing

00:08:20the board gonna get that around like

00:08:23there I’m going to season it again get a

00:08:25lot of that seasonings falling off the

00:08:27steak and a little lemon juice and I can

00:08:30swear to you this technique whether

00:08:32you’re cooking lamb chop pork chop

00:08:34steaks will really genuinely look after

00:08:37you and the other thing it’s a principle

00:08:38its fat its acid and it’s a herb or an

00:08:40accent so you do your own version you

00:08:42don’t need my version you need your

00:08:43version so you can kind of you know pick

00:08:45and choose whatever you want and it goes

00:08:47straight into it and what you do is you

00:08:49kind of make a bit of a

00:08:50of moving it around like that so it gets

00:08:52the flavor you’re protected you see our

00:08:54lovely and shiny is now that’s good

00:08:56that’s good that’s not going to dry up

00:08:57it can even sit there for a minute or

00:08:59two waiting so I’m going to plate this

00:09:01up okay so we’ve got our mushrooms here

00:09:02and we have a little taste always have a

00:09:05little taste might need a little more

00:09:09seasoning a little more lemon juice you

00:09:12don’t really want to taste the lemon

00:09:14juice you just want to just sort of be

00:09:15nice and light obviously this is great

00:09:18with roast potatoes french fries a

00:09:21little salad

00:09:22I’m slicing it up remember that no

00:09:27seasonings got in it and so we’re just

00:09:31going to slice it up kind of nice and

00:09:33chunky my favorite bit here this is the

00:09:35I mean this is if I had a choice this is

00:09:37basically where it’s at and but then

00:09:39we’ve seasoned the board we’ve got the

00:09:41herbs in the oil and then we basically

00:09:43get these get in for this man you boy

00:09:44we’re just going to carry on and just

00:09:46lay these beautiful slices in that

00:09:49beautiful sort of dress board juice and

00:09:53it will be tender juicy quite just quite

00:09:58a straightforward honest humble sort of

00:10:00flavour so we’re going to lay that on

00:10:03here like that and there you go

00:10:05beautiful mushrooms and wonderful steak

00:10:08and and I hope that really makes a

00:10:11difference to your steak cooking so

00:10:13these guys who wants to try a little bit

00:10:14of this now have a look at this mate

00:10:16Google London is very very hungry the

00:10:20food revolution does not stop here we’ll

00:10:22be back next year or the show will be

00:10:24back in some way shape or form next year

00:10:26ABC is still committed to it I think

00:10:28I’ve done everything I’ve know you the

00:10:32foundation would you all me to say about

00:10:34it the charity still goes on well me and

00:10:37the team and the charity food revolution

00:10:39Jerry is still going to be active in

00:10:41America even though the TV stops so I

00:10:44think really it’s all about the website

00:10:46now and and the Facebook groups and all

00:10:48of that sort spell yes Louise please

00:10:52could everyone sign the petition for the

00:10:5350th millionth time okay thank you very

00:10:56much I want to do a master’s degree


00:11:09thank you very much

00:11:11singing actually lots of love from mr.
