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Jamie Oliver live, fourth webcast – squid

00:00:07shabam hello everyone welcome to Jamie

00:00:10Oliver live from London from Hackney

00:00:13it’s a beautiful day to day today we are

00:00:16doing lots of fish shellfish we got fish

00:00:19we’re gonna do a beautiful English style

00:00:21prawn cocktail which is thought like a

00:00:23meal from my childhood we’re gonna be

00:00:25doing a beautiful squid dish crostini

00:00:28then we’re gonna do a fish jus

00:00:29yes you heard that right fish jus which

00:00:32is really really quick and really

00:00:33delicious so if you like booyah Bay’s

00:00:35and stuff like that

00:00:35it’s a really simple kind of clean fresh

00:00:37version of that but also this is going

00:00:40around the world so mainly we’re gonna

00:00:43focus on the fish but also we’ve got

00:00:45loads of updates on food revolution that

00:00:47is going out in America about America

00:00:50but obviously it’s going out on TV in

00:00:51Australia and all around the world as

00:00:53well so we’ve got some great news first

00:00:55and foremost it might seem like a small

00:00:57battle to you but we won the milk battle

00:01:01now if you think about flavored milk in

00:01:03schools little four-year-old to an 18

00:01:06year old every single day I’m in

00:01:07flavored milk in the LAUSD alone it

00:01:10would last you know LAUSD is six hundred

00:01:12and eighty thousand kids a day that was

00:01:1457 tons of added sugar just in milk

00:01:17forget the dodgy food and all the other

00:01:19bits just the milk so the board and the

00:01:22new superintendent voted in it yesterday

00:01:24and we won we won it’s a small battle

00:01:27but basically what does that mean I know

00:01:29it probably sounds like I’m making a big

00:01:31deal of it what it means is board you

00:01:36know school boards around the country

00:01:38possibly the world will start taking big

00:01:40and hard decisions about feeding crap to

00:01:43our kids so a massive massive thank you

00:01:45to the LA activism team especially to

00:01:48Jenny cook thank you very much and Diana

00:01:51Starr you is a star I’m going to come

00:01:54back to that first of all I’m going to

00:01:56start off with a little I want to do a

00:01:58little thing every week when we’re doing

00:02:00this called how to and it’s just like

00:02:03little kind of cheeky ways of doing

00:02:05different things how to prep certain

00:02:08things things that maybe you never knew

00:02:09how to do so this week it’s how to prep

00:02:13squid they have a look at these bad boys

00:02:15we got some big squid here

00:02:17these are from our British waters and

00:02:20I’m going to show you how to clean it

00:02:22and get it all nice people can be a bit

00:02:24scared about squid but when you put them

00:02:28on the menu in the restaurants if they

00:02:29go like hotcakes

00:02:30so first and foremost we’ve got the

00:02:32outside here just peel off the skin just

00:02:35pulls off really really easily then you

00:02:38have these like little feather and sort

00:02:40of bits of meat here which are delicious

00:02:42and we can just pull those off like that

00:02:44and then we’ve got the head here and the

00:02:47sort of I don’t know what you got the

00:02:49body there and you just pull that out

00:02:51like that you can see I’ve just burst

00:02:53the ink sac which is not advisable

00:02:55obviously the ink is wet – sprays out to

00:02:58sort of scare predators away when it’s

00:03:00kind of been possibly eaten just

00:03:03squeezed out either knife to squeeze out

00:03:05all the guts now inside the squid tube

00:03:08if we can get right in there big boy

00:03:10let’s get right in there there’s this

00:03:12little feather here now this right you

00:03:16pull that out you don’t want that and

00:03:17then it’s really easy to get rid of any

00:03:19kind of like guts and bits and pieces

00:03:21like that and if you’re a bit squeamish

00:03:22then you know there you go that’s life

00:03:26but at least this is a new little

00:03:27technique you can learn if you’re lucky

00:03:29enough to live near the sea you can pick

00:03:32squid up really cheap it’s the same

00:03:34method for cuttlefish I’m pretty much

00:03:37sort of the same for octopus but once

00:03:40you know your way around the squid you

00:03:41can pretty much do any of these and

00:03:42you’ve got the eyes here ugly old eyes

00:03:45look at that I’m going to go below the

00:03:48eyes just getting me a bit coy I’m gonna

00:03:51go here where the legs aren’t and just

00:03:53cut down and there you go you got some


00:03:55you got the tube and you got these

00:03:57little flaps here so that’s how you do

00:04:00that now let me just get rid of this get

00:04:03the cream clean give them a little wash

00:04:06and give them a little you know to get

00:04:09rid of any of the you give them a little

00:04:12freshen up and and then I want to show

00:04:16you a couple of ways to deal with it now

00:04:17just come up with here the first dish

00:04:19that we’re gonna do today is a beautiful

00:04:20crostini or very quickly cooked

00:04:22two-minute squid we’re gonna throw some

00:04:26some beautiful Mediterranean sort of

00:04:28flavors in there

00:04:29beautiful Tomatoes just have a look over

00:04:30there we got beautiful Tomatoes coming

00:04:32out at the moment the weather is good

00:04:35they’re getting bright on the vine

00:04:37leaves it from the Isle of Wight we’ve

00:04:38got look at all the different colored

00:04:40ones here but we’ve got the other ones

00:04:41back in there big boy

00:04:42and I mean tomorrow’s don’t have to be

00:04:44boring okay

00:04:45so we’ve got yellow ones together with

00:04:47traditional cherries we’ve got some

00:04:48green ones which enter you’re right

00:04:50these end up going black kind of a

00:04:52purpley black these cute little orange

00:04:54ones so mix it up a bit have a look down

00:04:56the Superman we can actually get some

00:04:57most of these in supermarkets now which

00:04:59is great so I’m just going to finely

00:05:01slice the squid nice and delicate

00:05:04now squid needs no cooking at all if

00:05:07it’s finely sliced like this we’re

00:05:09talking about 45 seconds in a hot

00:05:11screaming hot pan those little flaps

00:05:13that we took off run the knife through

00:05:15those and then the legs here I generally

00:05:18they do need a bit more cooking just

00:05:20open them out and sort of cut them up

00:05:22into bits so that’s from my little

00:05:24crostini I want to show you another

00:05:25little tip here this is a slightly

00:05:28bigger squid but the same thing applies

00:05:30right now this is the cool little

00:05:32technique if you get one knife and put

00:05:35it inside the squid like this oops if

00:05:39you get one knife and put it inside the

00:05:41squid like that okay then what you can

00:05:44do is slice the squid and of course it

00:05:47hits the knife and it doesn’t go all the

00:05:49way through what’s brilliant about it is

00:05:52this is better for and you just sort of

00:05:54roasting them or pan frying them you get

00:05:56this beautiful kind of concertina effect

00:05:58here and that’s really really cool so

00:06:01try that at home if you’re ever cooking

00:06:02whole squid so let me get rid of all

00:06:05these beautiful squids and let’s get

00:06:08cooking I’ve got a hot pan over here

00:06:10just gonna take a few more so are we

00:06:13gonna do any questions today let’s from

00:06:14Twitter and stuff like that yes we

00:06:16actually just have one through from

00:06:18Henry Winkler us saying I think you’re

00:06:22outstanding tell us a healthy snack

00:06:24after school that takes five minutes

00:06:26healthy snack after school well of

00:06:29course you know there’s quite a few if

00:06:32you go for the fine and pasta dish

00:06:33you can do little quick passages like

00:06:35that nice little salads you know fish is

00:06:38we’re going to we’re doing loads of fish

00:06:39today fish is so quick and people are a

00:06:42bit scared of fish which is a real shame

00:06:44and you say Henry Winkler Henry Winkler

00:06:47I didn’t deforms yeah do you think it is

00:06:50him no it’s definitely him how do you

00:06:52know he’s definitely here because he’s

00:06:54the funds Oh an official Twitter account


00:06:57come on the phones I love a bit of the

00:07:01funds and also he’s dyslexic like me so

00:07:03we have many things in common good man

00:07:05actually the Fonz was in my dad’s pub

00:07:07about a year ago god bless the funds

00:07:09you’re the man

00:07:10you always will be and many women love

00:07:12you around the world including me as a

00:07:14man back to the pan okay so we have a

00:07:17hot pan here medium heat and we’ve got

00:07:20our squid here I’m gonna go

00:07:21Mediterranean sort of flavors so I’m

00:07:24gonna get some different colored

00:07:25tomatoes a little bit of parsley of

00:07:27course you could use any soft herbs you

00:07:28want I’m just going to slice up these

00:07:32tomatoes into little quarters and bits

00:07:35any size you want really there’s no

00:07:37rules here we’re going rustic it’s nice

00:07:41to mix up too much look at those colours

00:07:42absolutely beautiful

00:07:45often if you go down the markets English

00:07:47people certainly a bit funny they tend

00:07:50to buy that the tomatoes that are hard

00:07:51and kind of look perfect but not ripe

00:07:54and delicious so I often tend to get

00:07:57more tomatoes towards the end now here’s

00:08:00the parsley these stalks here don’t

00:08:02throw them away they’re gorgeous

00:08:04just squeeze them together and finely

00:08:07slice the stores I just roll them up

00:08:10pinch them of your hands if you just get

00:08:12in there close up you can see that’s a

00:08:16really sweet grassy delicious kind of

00:08:18flavor then when you get to the leaves

00:08:20then we kind of just chunk it up okay so

00:08:23we’ve got fine and chunky tomatoes a

00:08:25little bit of garlic I’m just gonna

00:08:28finally slice some garlic here now what

00:08:33Jamie yeah I’ve just got a video message

00:08:35in a video message in okay

00:08:39hi guys my Batali here in New York City

00:08:42I’ve got a question for you Jaime what’s

00:08:44your favorite pasta dish come on the

00:08:49Mario Batali Mary Batali top man to

00:08:52everyone outside of America this is one

00:08:54of the best Italian chefs in the world

00:08:56he’s a dude he’s a force of life yes you

00:09:00can never beat him in a drinking

00:09:01competition or any competition actually

00:09:03what’s my favorite pastor oh my favorite

00:09:07pasta probably has to be tagliolini or

00:09:11fettuccine when it’s freshly made and

00:09:13just made with a little bit of butter

00:09:14and Parmesan a little bit of nutmeg just

00:09:17real fresh really delicious and like

00:09:19silk that’s my favorite thank you when

00:09:21did he send that in just straight away

00:09:23or did it today a lot today bless Mario

00:09:27I love it Mario he’s trying to get all

00:09:29technical in his old age love you okay

00:09:33I’m gonna put some chili in there guys

00:09:34because you know what I’m like so we’ve

00:09:37got Twitter going we’ve got Facebook

00:09:39going I want to give you some just food

00:09:41revolution things now if you look at

00:09:42this board over here big boy

00:09:45okay so on the board says Facebook and

00:09:47Twitter we’ve got over 500 groups right

00:09:50and this week alone we had two million

00:09:53posts views just on the food revolution

00:09:56stuff that we were doing so that is

00:09:57amazing and you know it just goes to

00:10:00prove that you can make a difference so

00:10:02to the El aid activism groups and to the

00:10:04500 activism groups across America doing

00:10:07the food revolution thing thank you

00:10:09thank you very much and it just goes to

00:10:12show that actually you can you can one

00:10:13person one group can make a difference

00:10:16in a community and yesterday was a proof

00:10:18when they banned the flavored milk which

00:10:20is basically over a million bottles a

00:10:22day 57 tons of sugar a week so okay

00:10:25let’s do some cooking enough talking so

00:10:27we have a hot pan we’re going to turn

00:10:29the gas up high we’re going to go I’m

00:10:33actually using here this is a new thing

00:10:35for us get in there big boy

00:10:36this is cold-pressed grapeseed oil okay

00:10:40I’d be making it in Britain this year

00:10:41actually it’s I think you can join I’m

00:10:43using it I’m age of three it can handle

00:10:45the heat a little bit more so I’m going

00:10:47to go in to those into a pan with a

00:10:50little of that oil I’m gonna cook put a

00:10:52few bits of toast in the grill over here

00:10:56just to get toasting this is going to be

00:11:00a crostini we’re going to take out

00:11:01fragrant bits and pieces so we’re going

00:11:03to go garlic and chili we’re going to go

00:11:06for those beautiful parsley stalks give

00:11:10them a little shake I just moved around

00:11:18big boy oh you got it look at that not

00:11:20bad for a thirty quid camera we’re gonna

00:11:22go in with tomatoes we’re gonna go in

00:11:25with a squid now look how quick this is

00:11:27all right squid you got two things with

00:11:29squid you either cook it screamingly hot

00:11:32and very very fast or you cook it low

00:11:34and slow if you cook it just a little

00:11:36bit too much it will be

00:11:38it’ll be like eating rubber rubber bands

00:11:40disgusting so it’s gonna wash my hands

00:11:46tomatoes parsley garlic chilli you know

00:11:50there’s one of things screaming out to

00:11:51happen in this story and that is lemon

00:11:55juice now lemon juice believe it or not

00:11:57down here big boy lemon juice is


00:12:01oh I just put on just on your lens you

00:12:03might have to clean that lens I’m sorry

00:12:05I’ll go back to this camera lemon juice

00:12:07basically you might forgive it a little

00:12:11clean man I don’t apologize

00:12:13lemon juice is incredibly high in sugar

00:12:16okay so what we want to do is now that

00:12:21this is cooked and this pretty much as

00:12:22cooks would have a little taste I didn’t

00:12:24put any stove in just seasoned it with

00:12:26salt and pepper and then at the last

00:12:30second we’re going to put

00:12:33lemon juice in love second if you put it

00:12:35in too early it’s gonna caramelize and

00:12:37burn and it’s gonna be hideous so the

00:12:40lemon juice is turn the gas off look at

00:12:43that in with the chunky parsley now

00:12:45otherwise she’s gonna wilt to nothing

00:12:47and look at that absolutely gorgeous

00:12:52okay I think I main cameras better now

00:12:54we’ve had a little wipe down thank you

00:12:56to Louise who cleaned his lens she’s

00:12:58been cleaning lens for a long time since

00:13:00she was a young lady Thank You Louise

00:13:02okay I think we’re gonna do this on this

00:13:06knife plate webcam back now do we have

00:13:13sound today Richard Oh is everything

00:13:15working today yes beautiful we’re gonna

00:13:20take some more twitter twitter questions

00:13:21at this point

00:13:23you know that squid literally took a

00:13:25couple of minutes it’s screaming out

00:13:28summer what I love about this is you can

00:13:30throw you know just a couple of peas in

00:13:32there in the wind thing you can use tin

00:13:34Tomatoes there’s nothing wrong with tin

00:13:36to Mars at all gorgeous lovely colors

00:13:38you’ve got the heat of the chili and

00:13:40that lemon juice going in at the end is

00:13:43heavenly beyond belief I’m just going to

00:13:46finish that off just have a look at that

00:13:48finish that off with a little quality

00:13:50extra virgin olive oil you know and

00:13:52we’ve actually those in olive oil good

00:13:54good stuff good stuff

00:13:56try not to cook with it finish with it

00:13:58I’m good

00:13:59olive oil you get when you’re paid for

00:14:01cold-pressed anything from 15 bucks you

00:14:06know ten pounds up it’s pretty good

00:14:07stuff so there’s the first dish that we

00:14:08people beautiful squid so thank you very

00:14:11much what time it smells lovely

00:14:13Louise Louise over here look Louise has

00:14:17been fired twice

00:14:18in two weeks but not this week because

00:14:21she just said something positive and

00:14:23there you go that is a lesson to all you

00:14:27girls out there just say something

00:14:28positive and good things will happen so

00:14:31there you go there’s the first we’ve

00:14:33worked together a long time

00:14:34she does actually love

00:14:36in a really hating kind of way there you

00:14:40go first dish