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How to prepare a mango – Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills

00:00:00absolutely delicious fruit what are they

00:00:02mangoes mangoes and absolutely delicious

00:00:06but a bit tricky so if I show you how to

00:00:09cut it then you’re going to do it after

00:00:11okay and the reason it’s so tricky is

00:00:13because see how it’s quite a peculiar

00:00:15shape well in this the shape of this

00:00:20fruit follows the shape of the stone the

00:00:22PIP inside so when we could do we have

00:00:25to try and cut around the stone which is

00:00:28the tricky bit but also the most

00:00:31delicious mango you want to check that

00:00:34it’s lovely and ripe and you do that

00:00:35just if you press it and it gives it

00:00:38just a little bit then you know you’re

00:00:39in for a treat to pick have a feel and

00:00:42see which which mangoes you want happy

00:00:46oh yeah yours is good happy Chris yeah

00:00:49right so so I’m going to put it on its

00:00:51edge like that and then going to share

00:00:54down each side of the pit and so there

00:01:01and there is the stone I’ve got those

00:01:05bits and then you take the cheeks off so

00:01:07look at the shape of the fruit and the

00:01:09stone is going around like that so try

00:01:12and guess we reckon about there and then

00:01:21you’re left with all this fruit so then

00:01:23you get your little paring knife and

00:01:24then you can just cut right round the

00:01:28stone and it’s round obviously go try

00:01:35and keep your knife on a curve

00:01:46anyway so that’s the shaping stone that

00:01:49you’re trying to avoid and then when we

00:01:51got these bits you want to take the skin

00:01:53off so slice along keep you know flat to

00:02:01the board keep your fingers out the way

00:02:03and with these ones we do a thing called

00:02:05the Hedgehog so you want to slice down

00:02:09the length and you’re being careful not

00:02:13to put your knife all the way through

00:02:14because you don’t want to cut that bit

00:02:17then you go across so you’re making like

00:02:20a hatch like an ox and crosses board and

00:02:24then you can just pop it inside out in

00:02:27those bits you can cut off easy quick

00:02:45peel up

00:02:50keep it flat on the board you don’t cut

00:02:53your fingers Oh fine keep it flat on the


00:02:57perfect so imagine you playing noughts

00:03:01and crosses you’re going to draw your

00:03:07notes and cross his charts you do your

00:03:10lines down he lines across you pop it

00:03:14inside out that’s it can you feel the

00:03:22tension against the skin at the bottom

00:03:43you can just trim you little blocks off

00:03:57breathe so we’ve got all the flesh off

00:04:00the mango now you get the best bit which

00:04:02is to eat them dry it’s nice