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How To – destone an avocado, with Jamie Oliver’s mate Pete

00:00:00I’m gonna show you a nice easy way to

00:00:02stone an avocado take your avocado put

00:00:06it flat on the board take your knife and

00:00:10watching where the tick goes be very

00:00:12careful and cut all the way around they

00:00:16have a car go down to the stone in the

00:00:18middle okay there we go

00:00:27hey they never cut out like that and

00:00:29twist it and it should come upon and one

00:00:32half will have this stone in it that you

00:00:35know fell and you want to hit the

00:00:38avocado stone just hardly enough for the

00:00:40knife to go in and then twist that comes

00:00:46a stone there’s your other candle