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Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution news and supporters

00:00:00this message for Jamie Oliver my name is

00:00:03Katie skerrick my father is a diabetic

00:00:08and you know I am on face without every

00:00:12day but I don’t have the brown ring yet

00:00:14I like food I mean look at me you can

00:00:17tell cuz I’m a fat kid and it sucks I

00:00:21get winded walking to my class every day

00:00:23you know I get overheated it sucks but I

00:00:28don’t want kids to be like me I don’t

00:00:31want them to be anything like me I want

00:00:34them to be healthy there’s a food

00:00:35revolution is to be made and I believe

00:00:38Jamie Oliver that you can do it and I

00:00:41can help you open your name of the show

00:00:44is jamie oliver jamie oliver jamie

00:00:46oliver jamie oliver jamie oliver jamie

00:00:49oliver de meo Jamie Oliver’s Food

00:00:51Revolution it’s gonna really change the

00:00:54way that you think about food we young

00:00:56people have to change our eating habits

00:00:57we’re eating foods that are killing us

00:01:00you probably have the worst you didn’t

00:01:02have it ever so the food revolution is

00:01:05really about saving lives it bothers me

00:01:07when I go to school most of the lunches

00:01:10they have they have a whole bunch of

00:01:13sugar remove a hydrogenated oils

00:01:16hydrated porn Cyril stuff I just don’t

00:01:19need what the hell I definitely think of

00:01:22the mom it’s easier to pop something in

00:01:24the freezer but i think it is our duty

00:01:27to feed our children attrition both the

00:01:30good food we

00:01:32to take with jamie oliver’s trying to

00:01:35change your and run with it as a country

00:01:37looking stacked your very own food food

00:01:40revolution at home try to incorporate

00:01:42more natural ingredients and cooking for

00:01:45yourself as much as you can we should

00:01:46all do what we can at home in school

00:01:49wherever this man can do it on his own

00:01:52he needs our help America I’m offering

00:01:55you a chance to join the food revolution

00:01:57what are you doing to support the food

00:01:59revolution no more cookies and chocolate

00:02:02ice cream I and starting revolution I’m

00:02:05following Jamie Oliver on his journey to

00:02:08help America we’re gonna get the word

00:02:10out about the food revolution go to

00:02:12jamie oliver’s website he has a petition

00:02:14this is good Jamie Oliver’s Food

00:02:16Revolution I support creating a strong

00:02:18sustainable movement to educate every

00:02:20child about food inspire families to

00:02:23cook again and empower people everywhere

00:02:25to fight obesity yes I do Jamie let’s

00:02:30send this off to the first lady Wendy

00:02:33Williams I look forward to helping them

00:02:36with this this is big this is big yo

00:02:39this is Randy Jackson Jason hey it’s

00:02:42justin gaston hey there I’m Adam Lambert

00:02:43I’m for sound hey I’m dr. drew hey this

00:02:45is david archuleta Jason Kennedy i’m

00:02:47kate gosselin the hi I’m Heidi Klum and

00:02:49I definitely totally categories

00:02:51wholeheartedly definitely support Jamie

00:02:53Oliver’s Food Revolution and so should

00:02:56you Oh keep coming I am fortunate

00:03:00I care about our country Justin for the

00:03:07food revolution cool you know about this

00:03:09I know about that so are you in Jamie

00:03:11Oliver first I want to tell you I love

00:03:13what you’re doing I think it’s amazing

00:03:15and nobody does it better than you do

00:03:17hey Jamie keep up the good work I

00:03:19support your food revolution one hundred

00:03:21percent you know what I say viva la food

00:03:23revolution hey Jamie Jamie plans to take

00:03:27a million signatures to Washington so

00:03:29Larry we need your so you got a pen that

00:03:31we need your support yeah there it is

00:03:32see that is what we need and we

00:03:35appreciate I think that it can be fun as

00:03:37well I think cooking is fun Jamie we

00:03:39love you keep up the good work go Davey

00:03:42please don’t stop please continue what

00:03:44you’re doing because I am so with you on

00:03:49this class keep it up guys he’s amazing

00:03:52to me because he’s doing something about

00:03:55it thank you for reminding America that

00:03:57we have to make changes to our diet I’m

00:03:59so excited

00:04:03willingness to essentially I just think

00:04:08thus far the show just phenomenal

