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Home-made pizza – Jamie’s pizza podcast, part 2

00:00:01you know what you’re getting from a

00:00:03pizza I mean you’re getting kind of

00:00:04you’re getting crisps cracky soft chewy

00:00:08you get into of sweet from the tomato

00:00:10you’re getting them that sweetness and

00:00:13creaminess from cheese and then whatever

00:00:15you choose to put on it you know so it

00:00:17kind of in your mouth it’s one of the

00:00:18best things in the world and cold in

00:00:20lunch boxes come on that’s heavy so um

00:00:23you know and often you know I get a bit

00:00:25upset sometimes because people always

00:00:27rent at me all y’all that geezer that

00:00:28there’s all the healthy food stuff who

00:00:29said that you know what I hate the word

00:00:30healthy go away what I love is proper

00:00:34food proper food and that is anything

00:00:36you know I haven’t got a problem against

00:00:38kebabs or burgers I just don’t like them

00:00:40having a million horrible ingredients

00:00:43that aren’t food in them you know I mean

00:00:44and you know so this is what I love mean

00:00:46there’s nothing better and doing pizza

00:00:48with a whole lot of school kids

00:00:49especially the kids you can interact

00:00:50them and make the picture themselves out

00:00:52of it added extra insulted and they have

00:00:54their own personalities may put their

00:00:56own things a little bit of this and a

00:00:58little bit of that so um you know it’s

00:01:00erm it’s a pleasure and I love doing

00:01:04this with my kids and they get so

00:01:08excited about it and also you know if

00:01:11you’ve got a kid that loves pizza

00:01:13you know therefore I see is a weapon to

00:01:16allow your kid to like and enjoy new

00:01:19things so you can get new things that

00:01:21they not maybe quite sure or into get

00:01:23them on the pizza they might pick them

00:01:25off they might not but you know this

00:01:27that’s sort of the spirit I look at

00:01:28anyway so look you can see here I’ve

00:01:31rolled out

00:01:32I’m not going this is this is a pizza

00:01:34for about you know we got a party today

00:01:37so you know I don’t want to do loads and

00:01:40oh the little ones which you’ll be

00:01:42fussing I want a handful of really


00:01:47well many pizzas that maybe six or seven

00:01:50people and enjoy a bit of flour on the

00:01:53base as we go

00:01:55I think what’s quite interesting about

00:01:58pizza and I think what’s so beautiful

00:01:59about cooking is well and truly there’s

00:02:03no class in cooking if you know what you

00:02:05talking about you know I mean so yeah

00:02:07I’ll give you my most flashy top in a

00:02:09bed and it’s no better than the tomato

00:02:11basil and chili one you know I mean it

00:02:14gives me the same way

00:02:15years lovely but pound up a load of

00:02:18garlic right with olive oil swig of

00:02:21vinegar so maybe like a garlic oil thick

00:02:24smeared it across a pizza and the

00:02:27Italians work always a Bianco woman and

00:02:29then I had some picked crab right which

00:02:32are dressed in fennel chili some

00:02:35battered fennel seeds and I just

00:02:37sprinkled the Pitt crab amongst that and

00:02:39a few cherry tomatoes from the garden

00:02:42and then I had some oysters that were

00:02:44shucked and I just put a few oysters

00:02:46around bit of olive oil banged it in the

00:02:49oven came out of the oven

00:02:51sizzling lemon juice Bosch something
