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Home-made pizza – Jamie’s pizza podcast, part 1

00:00:01we’re going to make pizza a beautiful

00:00:04pizza there’s many many pizzas this is a

00:00:06nice opportunity to talk about my

00:00:07favorite best pizza and talk about the

00:00:09wood oven now you know that these are

00:00:11seen as being I don’t know it could be

00:00:13called as a posh old-school rustic I

00:00:17don’t know what whatever you want to

00:00:18quote this was how everyone cooked you

00:00:22know sort of 80 90 years ago do you know

00:00:24I mean that electric and gas is

00:00:27completely modern new invention and if

00:00:30you think about it it’s actually a

00:00:31really clinical bland way to cook and

00:00:34what I mean by that is if you just put a

00:00:35bit of oil and salt and pepper on a

00:00:36roast chicken and cook it in an oven

00:00:38nothing’s gonna happen apart from the

00:00:40flavor there if you cook with charcoal

00:00:42and wood you know you’ve got that added

00:00:44extra of the flavor of a smoke when you

00:00:47cook on wood and charcoal it ain’t just

00:00:49turning it on and it does it all for you

00:00:52do not when you have to be sensitive and

00:00:54when you are sensitive then your cook

00:00:57you know I mean I know I’m a bit geeky

00:00:59now but that’s what it is

00:01:01so how how hot is that oven well I’m

00:01:03gonna get it about 500 600 degrees it’s

00:01:06pretty screaming hot so that is my

00:01:08general rant about the ovens Jamie when

00:01:12did you actually like the oven to get

00:01:13ready for the pizzas now that was lit

00:01:15about three hours ago the idea that is

00:01:17it’s quite thick it retain oh it’s not

00:01:19it’s not hot on the outside but what you

00:01:22do is you light it early to sort of just

00:01:24you know some people call it seasoning

00:01:26the oven getting it hot almost like a

00:01:28thermos flask when you have a hot

00:01:29chocolate or a tea in your furnace flask

00:01:31you don’t just pour in you put hot water

00:01:32in first get it hot get rid of it and

00:01:35then put the tea and you know I mean

00:01:36then it will stay hot for hours same

00:01:38principle on this and what’s quite nice

00:01:40about cooking you know be at barbecues

00:01:42or stuff like this is that you know you

00:01:44can I can get that up to about 800


00:01:47screaming screaming hot I can cook a

00:01:49pizza in 45 seconds if I want to you

00:01:52know I mean the one today I’m do slower

00:01:55because it can be bigger these sort of

00:01:57things in gardens are rock and roll you

00:01:58know I mean and wonderful things to save

00:02:01up for you know from you can make your

00:02:03own for next to nothing which are really

00:02:05cool you know five six under quid a

00:02:08grand you know but great for parties and

00:02:11I’m gonna make a pizza now

00:02:14but yeah dude answer question yeah so

00:02:19Pizza time I’ve got dough that we made

00:02:22now let me just tell you about the dough

00:02:27waking the dough be maids any you can

00:02:29make the dough on the day about an hour

00:02:31or two before you can make it the day

00:02:34before just keep it in the fridge very

00:02:37very simple and one kilo of flour strong

00:02:40flour to just over a pint of tepid that

00:02:45means sort of blood temperature water a

00:02:48teaspoon of salt teaspoon of sugar and

00:02:51one of those seven grand sachets of

00:02:52dried juice or about thirty grams and

00:02:55twenty-five grams of fresh yeast just

00:02:57bring it all together and just work it

00:02:59for five minutes until you get a dough

00:03:01like this and then you know then it will

00:03:04get going this dough is actually I made

00:03:06last night so it’s actually little cold

00:03:08but you see it’s nice and elastic and

00:03:10that simple and I think you know at the

00:03:13end of the day you can make dough in

00:03:15five minutes you can make it a day

00:03:17before a couple of hours before and it

00:03:19makes all the difference don’t go making

00:03:21vases and our basis is for quick

00:03:23convenience in the week you know pizzas

00:03:25homemade spot-on you know and I’m a

00:03:28great believer this there in cooking

00:03:30there’s nothing trashy you know you can

00:03:32you know you can look at Street coach

00:03:34culture and be posh burgers cube ABS

00:03:36pizza you know done properly this is one

00:03:39of the biggest luxuries in the world you

00:03:41not I mean

00:03:41and actually just before go into the

00:03:43wood oven thing you can do great great

00:03:45pizzas in your normal electric oven at

00:03:48home I put it on tin foil

00:03:50nice and thin on the bottom of the oven

00:03:52and that way it will give you a crisp

00:03:54bottom and a golden top or one of the

00:03:57things I do is I get a bit of granite

00:03:58from an another garden center cut to fit

00:04:00the shelf in my oven about an inch thick

00:04:04it retains the heat just like that and

00:04:06then I put the piece of straight onto

00:04:08that done beautiful grown it up first oh

00:04:11yeah preheat the granite in the oven

00:04:13electric oven and and it’s great in some

00:04:17of the old Roman style pizzas and stuff

00:04:19they used to put lardo which is

00:04:20essentially cured or salted pork fat

00:04:23I used to puree up and put it into there

00:04:27Peter or their breads and that used to

00:04:29give it wonderful color and wonderful

00:04:31flavor but you could put a little olive

00:04:33oil in here as well I’m going to roll it


00:04:36posh or not posh in cooking that there’s

00:04:39there’s absolutely no pressure to me to

00:04:42make it perfectly round in actual fact

00:04:44it’s homemade if anything I want to go

00:04:45not perfectly round because it looks

00:04:47like something out of a shop absolutely

00:04:51I want to go thin crust have you an over

00:04:53everything just always I just think you

00:04:55know I do for cultures which are thick

00:04:57you know but like you know if you get a

00:05:00certain parts of America like you know

00:05:01the old Chicago pizza part yeah they

00:05:03can’t you in the spirit of it you got

00:05:04the beer going and you have a thick pan

00:05:06pizza but 99% of the time you know a

00:05:10thin or very thin pan Peter and I tell

00:05:13you why I think it’s important is

00:05:15because largely because of America and

00:05:18England like our temptation is to put

00:05:21too much on the pizza and and if I’m

00:05:23going to be geeky about it

00:05:25the beauty of pizza is it’s cheap and

00:05:27wonderful and you need very little very

00:05:30good ingredients to make heaven and it’s

00:05:33like it’s about a rate a ratio of a good

00:05:36ratio of dough tomato cheese and an

00:05:41added herb topping

00:05:43it’s about ratio and I think for me

00:05:45that’s the way I look at pizza