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YouTube Tutorial – How I Figure Out What Videos To Make

00:00:07hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:10another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer question from

00:00:14one of my readers Nitin who asks hi Evan

00:00:17I saw your video in startup capital on

00:00:19YouTube and the comments people have

00:00:20provided it’s an excellent resource and

00:00:23I believe that it’s very relevant

00:00:24learning material for young

00:00:25entrepreneurs and professionals I was

00:00:27just wondering whether you apply any

00:00:29methodology in developing your video

00:00:31materials and what you do with all the

00:00:33different video materials so to answer

00:00:36your question Nitin most of the videos

00:00:38that I do are coming from user feedback

00:00:40so their questions from people like you

00:00:42who want some answers regarding their

00:00:44business and I try to create these quick

00:00:46videos to help them out in the past I

00:00:49used to answer emails and it was getting

00:00:52a little overwhelming and trying to

00:00:54answer a lot of emails and helping

00:00:55people out and I thought that by

00:00:57creating videos I’d also be able to help

00:00:59other people who might be having the

00:01:00same problem so instead of just helping

00:01:02one personnel be able to reach a wider

00:01:04audience and help more entrepreneurs

00:01:05over so most of the videos I do our that

00:01:08nature there you know ask gavin their

00:01:10questions and part of this series some

00:01:12of the videos that will do will also be

00:01:13on famous entrepreneur profiles so we’ll

00:01:15look at how someone like Donald Trump or

00:01:18Oprah Winfrey got started and lessons

00:01:20you can learn from their success and

00:01:21those ones might be sponsored by a

00:01:24company who’s trying to get more

00:01:26involved with my website but most of the

00:01:28videos that I do there’s no revenue

00:01:30model behind it it’s just trying to help

00:01:33entrepreneurs and kind of be resource

00:01:36and when i first started my website

00:01:38there wasn’t a business model behind it

00:01:40either and eventually as a groom we

00:01:42became more helpful more useful we were

00:01:44able to develop an advertising model

00:01:45that work for us so I’m just trusting

00:01:48that the dots will connect and by

00:01:49creating a lot of value and making these

00:01:51videos it helps a lot of people and the

00:01:53business model will will come about have

00:01:56confidence in that and by following your

00:01:57passion almost always works out for you

00:01:59so I hope that answers your question if

00:02:02you have any more please leave it in the

00:02:03comment below I’d also love to hear your

00:02:05thoughts and feedback if you have other

00:02:07questions and please give the video a

00:02:09thumbs up to

00:02:10and stay tuned for next episode
