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Advice on Raising Startup Capital for a Creative Organization – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:11another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer question from

00:00:14one of our readers you know who is

00:00:16trying to raise capital and asks I need

00:00:18ten thousand dollars to establish my

00:00:20organization which deals with talent

00:00:22that’s acting creative writing poetry

00:00:23singing dancing modeling I’ve written

00:00:25some scripts that need to produce under

00:00:27my organization using actors and

00:00:29actresses in the organization and also

00:00:31produce some other projects with the

00:00:32above talents so he’s asking about

00:00:34raising capital and my thought here is

00:00:37your honesty your best bet is bootstrap

00:00:39this thing start up capital is the

00:00:41hardest money to raise you end up

00:00:43spending most of your time out there

00:00:45trying to raise capital and you get a

00:00:48really bad valuation if you’re going to

00:00:50get an investor an angel investor to

00:00:51give you money they’re going to take a

00:00:52big chunk of your company because you

00:00:55don’t have anything yet you don’t have

00:00:56money coming in and if you’re going to

00:00:58go into a bank you’re going to go to

00:00:59another organization is going to lend

00:01:02you money because you’re so new you’re

00:01:04going to probably have really high

00:01:05interest rate to you always get the

00:01:08short end of the stick when you’re

00:01:09trying to raise capital as a start-up my

00:01:12best advice of you would be trying to

00:01:14boot strap it up try to focus on the

00:01:16services that you can do without

00:01:17spending money and as a new business I

00:01:20hate spending money before making money

00:01:23you know you might have to do a web

00:01:25sites and business cards but try not to

00:01:27spend any money until you have money

00:01:29coming in and that way you know that

00:01:30your product your service is working is

00:01:33a lot of entrepreneurs will spend tons

00:01:35of money on an idea they think is great

00:01:36and then nobody wants to buy it so

00:01:39you’ve flushed all this money down the

00:01:40toilet and so if you can focus on your

00:01:43making money first even if it’s a little

00:01:45bit and invest in those rockets back to

00:01:47the business you know you’re going after

00:01:49market where you can actually make some

00:01:51money so try to focus on those services

00:01:53instead of products the start because

00:01:56there’s no investment besides your time

00:01:58and I would strongly encourage you to

00:02:00try to boot strap it up to the point

00:02:02where you have that money coming in and

00:02:03then you can invest your profits back

00:02:05into your company

00:02:06so maybe not what you want here but the

00:02:09best advice that I can give you based on

00:02:10the question that you asked so I hope

00:02:12that helped I’d love to hear your

00:02:13thoughts and feedback you want to leave

00:02:15a comment below and please give it a

00:02:17thumbs up too if you like the video and

00:02:18stay tuned for the next episode
