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The most effective internet marketing – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi Carmichael welcome to another edition

00:00:12of ask Evan in today’s video I’m going

00:00:14to answer questions from one of my

00:00:15readers Jason who is asking me about

00:00:17what is the most effective internet

00:00:19marketing strategy so I wrote in pines

00:00:22Jason I’m new around and it seems this

00:00:25place has a lot to offer that I surely

00:00:27love I just want to seek advice what

00:00:30would be the most effective internet

00:00:31strategy that people can use to do well

00:00:33with online businesses have you ever

00:00:35tried a valuable technique hope to hear

00:00:37from you Thanks regardless of Jason so

00:00:39Jason I’ve tried a lot of different

00:00:41things and what I find works the best

00:00:43might be the most boring but its search

00:00:46engine optimization when somebody finds

00:00:48you through a search engine I found that

00:00:50to be the most effective strategy and I

00:00:52do a lot of social media stuff and

00:00:54that’s kind of all the hype of the

00:00:56youtube channel and Twitter and Facebook

00:00:58and everything else but I find that I

00:01:00get the most customers and the most

00:01:02money from doing search engine

00:01:04optimization and what you find is when

00:01:07somebody finds you from a search engine

00:01:08they’re looking for a solution to a

00:01:11problem that they have right we think

00:01:13about when you’re searching for

00:01:14something you’re trying to find up about

00:01:16a solution to a specific issue that you

00:01:18have with your business or your personal

00:01:20life so they’re more committed to look

00:01:23for a solution I want to potentially buy

00:01:24so if you have a product that you’re

00:01:26selling that’s the best type of customer

00:01:28you can have when somebody finds you

00:01:30through a social media channel they’re

00:01:33looking to be entertained they’re

00:01:34looking to you know browse around

00:01:36different sites they’re probably not

00:01:38going to buy from you as much the

00:01:40conversion rates from social media is

00:01:42typically super low compared to search

00:01:45engine optimization so if I were you if

00:01:47I was only going to focus on one

00:01:48strategy a look at how can i get my web

00:01:50optimized for key phrases that I think

00:01:53will drive targeted traffic to my

00:01:55business so I hope that helps if you

00:01:58guys liked the video please give it a

00:01:59thumbs up below I’d also love to hear

00:02:01what your experiences are what you feel

00:02:03are the best ways to market yourself

00:02:04online if you want to leave a comment

00:02:06below this video and stay tuned for the

00:02:08next episode
