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Do I use the iPad as a teleprompter? – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi Carmichael welcome to another edition

00:00:11of ask Evan in today’s video I’m going

00:00:13to answer question from one where

00:00:14readers Diane was asking about if I use

00:00:17the iPad as a teleprompter for making

00:00:19these videos or not because I recently

00:00:21posted a bill may I so her question is

00:00:23effing approaches my iPad to use as a

00:00:25teleprompter for video that we’re

00:00:26creating have you use your iPad this way

00:00:28and what you recommend to make this use

00:00:30for successful Diane so then I don’t use

00:00:33an iPad as a teleprompter I’ve heard of

00:00:35people doing it but I haven’t tried it

00:00:37myself so the videos that I create here

00:00:39I do a couple things what I’m talking to

00:00:42the camera it’s always usually off the

00:00:44cup so if I’m reading a question like it

00:00:45just read yours I have pieces of paper

00:00:47and you seem to look there because I’m

00:00:48leaving the question I tried to do that

00:00:50for too long but you see I have pages of

00:00:53notes here these are three pages of

00:00:55questions that I’m answering questions

00:00:57for my readers what I usually to a nap

00:00:59question is I’ll write down a couple

00:01:01point form notes of things that I want

00:01:02to talk about and then when i get in

00:01:04front of the camera i’ll just talk and

00:01:06hopefully remember those points it’s

00:01:08never exactly what i wrote down but I’m

00:01:11just answering the question as best as I

00:01:12can walk up and more having a

00:01:14conversation and try to remember a

00:01:16strict script in the past I did try to

00:01:19remember script and I found that it

00:01:21wasn’t natural and

00:01:22kind of thinking of what I was supposed

00:01:24to say and it didn’t go well in my

00:01:26opinion so I found that these videos

00:01:28were a lot better I also only try to

00:01:30answer questions that I think I actually

00:01:32answer and have some knowledge on moms

00:01:34they don’t know everything about

00:01:35everything so just try to answer the

00:01:37questions that i can speak comfortably

00:01:38about the other types of video i’ll do

00:01:41is the model in damascus video or

00:01:43special videos that that are longer and

00:01:45where I have to stay on message and I

00:01:47want to tell stores certain way and for

00:01:49those who do is what I’ll do is I’ll

00:01:50always open up with the video of me so

00:01:53being mean welcoming the reader the

00:01:55viewer I’ll also close the video saying

00:01:58no thank you for joining me for this new

00:02:00video and encourage people to leave

00:02:02feedback and usually throughout the

00:02:04video I’m not making other parents to

00:02:06highlight some key points again on video

00:02:08and it’ll just be me you know

00:02:10remembering key points that I want to

00:02:11talk about but most video will be me

00:02:14reading something and the video itself

00:02:16will have pictures that correlate to

00:02:18what I’m talking about so that’s

00:02:20situational just you know how come I

00:02:22don’t read a script that I want to make

00:02:24sure that that message is conveyed and

00:02:26my video editor will throw in pictures

00:02:28that relate to what I’m talking about so

00:02:30those are for some of my longer videos

00:02:31what I’m not just talking up the

00:02:34comprehension questions so I hope that

00:02:36helps I haven’t used the ipad yet as a

00:02:38you know that’s helicopter if you knew

00:02:40would love to hear experiences if you

00:02:42guys like this video too i’d love to

00:02:44hear your feedback if you want to leave

00:02:46a comment below this video and I also

00:02:47always appreciate thumbs up if you want

00:02:49to give that on the video and stay tuned

00:02:51to the next episode


