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Network Marketing Tips – Start Getting Results

00:00:07hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:10another video edition of ask Evan in

00:00:12today’s episode I’m going to answer

00:00:14question from one of our readers Joey

00:00:16who is in the network marketing business

00:00:18and is having a hard time getting the

00:00:20business off the ground so the question

00:00:22here is my website is WVW online

00:00:25entrepreneur skill calm the website is a

00:00:27first posted by carbon copy pro Worman

00:00:30I’ve been an affiliate for nine months

00:00:31with without anything to show for it I’m

00:00:34grateful for any assistance you can

00:00:35offer to bail me out of these doldrums

00:00:37thank you so I first glance at the

00:00:40website it looks like a very generic

00:00:42site I don’t see anything personalized

00:00:44around you so it’s all kind of

00:00:47promotional content which can be great

00:00:49to get people to sign up but at first

00:00:51what I think you want to do is try to

00:00:53build a relationship with your readers

00:00:55so I try to tell your story you haven’t

00:00:58had much success yet with the program

00:00:59but maybe you could talk about why you

00:01:02started why did you sign up for what was

00:01:04the appeal what was the interest and

00:01:05tell a little bit about you when were

00:01:07you from and your background and people

00:01:09like hearing that they want to see that

00:01:11it’s personal they like buying from a

00:01:13person and not from you know a standard

00:01:15corporation so I try to incorporate

00:01:18those elements as much as you can in

00:01:19beyond just having this static page

00:01:22that’s you know corporate promotional

00:01:23material that stuff still has a place

00:01:25and will help convert some of the people

00:01:28over to wanna sign up but first I think

00:01:30you need to build a relationship with

00:01:32the people who are coming to the site

00:01:33and make them get to know you a little

00:01:35bit more before they’re going to take

00:01:36the next step to want to sign up and

00:01:38move on the next thing I would try to do

00:01:41is look for people in the organization

00:01:43who have had success and try to model

00:01:45their strategies so first I would look

00:01:47in your upline and see if there’s

00:01:49anybody who’s had tremendous success and

00:01:51see what you might be able to copy from

00:01:52them but generally with any network

00:01:54marketing organization they have list of

00:01:57who the most know successful people are

00:01:59in the organization and quite often

00:02:02those people are pretty open to wanting

00:02:03to share

00:02:04their success they’ve had success and

00:02:06entrepreneurs are usually pretty open to

00:02:08wanting to help other entrepreneurs who

00:02:09are genuinely interested they don’t want

00:02:11to waste your time and give you a bunch

00:02:12advice and then see that you don’t do

00:02:14anything with it but if you’re genuinely

00:02:16interested in wanting to build a

00:02:17successful company then the you should

00:02:21will really want to help you out so I

00:02:22try to tap some of the top people in the

00:02:24organization and see how they’ve done it

00:02:26pick their brain and try to copy some of

00:02:28those strategies as well the third thing

00:02:31I recommend is trying to build a

00:02:33following so I don’t know how you’re

00:02:35relying on people getting to the site

00:02:37right now but I would try to build up

00:02:39the following through the website and

00:02:41also through social media so people

00:02:43become attached to you and when they

00:02:45come out check out the site they’re more

00:02:47likely to want to sign up and go to the

00:02:49next step so you could create a twitter

00:02:51account and create a facebook account

00:02:52you can start blogging and talk about

00:02:55the things that you’re really excited

00:02:57about passionate about some of the

00:02:58reasons why you started this business

00:03:00and some resources that you find

00:03:02interesting and helpful and exciting for

00:03:04you and help motivate you and inspire

00:03:06you all that kind of stuff is really

00:03:08useful and you’ll start building up an

00:03:10audience of people who like hearing from

00:03:12you and even if you’re not promoting the

00:03:14content you’re saying hey is something I

00:03:16found really interesting and exciting

00:03:17and if there’s enough of that useful

00:03:20content out there then people will want

00:03:22to start following you and they’ll then

00:03:24be curious about what you’re up to and

00:03:26they’ll check out your site and the more

00:03:27they like the content you’re producing

00:03:28the more likely to want to sign up as

00:03:31much as they can so I focus on whatever

00:03:34medium you find easiest so you know if

00:03:36you’d like blogging if you’re really

00:03:37great at typing and creating great

00:03:39content go with the blog if you’re you

00:03:43know not that great at typing but you

00:03:44still want to get involved in the

00:03:45written language then you go with no

00:03:47Twitter if you’re really great a video

00:03:49it on YouTube combine all of them if you

00:03:51can but try to start building the

00:03:53following try to add a lot of value add

00:03:55information so people want to follow you

00:03:58they want to learn more about

00:04:00you and the more likely to then sign up

00:04:01and take that next step with you instead

00:04:03of just having that static page so I

00:04:05hope that helps I hope you can follow

00:04:07some of those steps and get out of that

00:04:09nine months slump and start building a

00:04:11business for everybody else if you

00:04:13enjoyed the video please give it a

00:04:15thumbs up and we’ll create more of them

00:04:16and love to hear it constant feedback if

00:04:19you want to leave a comment below and

00:04:20stay tuned for the next episode

