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Startup Capital – How to Get Started Without a Lot of Money

00:00:07hi I’m Evan Carmichael and in today’s

00:00:10video I want to answer a question for

00:00:12one of my readers to shock who asks how

00:00:14can I start a business without a lot of

00:00:16capital it’s a great question and what I

00:00:19want to remind you of is it’s not so

00:00:21much about how many resources you have

00:00:23when you’re starting out it’s more about

00:00:24how resourceful you are that will

00:00:26determine how successful your company

00:00:28will be as you grow so if you don’t have

00:00:30a lot of money to start at the business

00:00:31that’s okay what I applies entrepreneurs

00:00:34to do is try to start a service-based

00:00:36business instead of a product based

00:00:37business that’s number one product based

00:00:39businesses are more expensive you have

00:00:42inventory there might be a manufacturing

00:00:44process you have to store your product

00:00:46somewhere there’s a lot more cost and if

00:00:48you don’t sell your product you’ve stuck

00:00:49with all this extra inventory that you

00:00:51can’t get rid of we’re a service-based

00:00:53business the only cost really is your

00:00:55time you may need some business cards

00:00:56meaning the website to help you get

00:00:58started but there’s not a lot of other

00:01:00costs that are associated with it it

00:01:02also allows you to get really close to

00:01:04your customers learn more about the

00:01:06problems that they’re facing and if you

00:01:08then decide to launch a new product

00:01:10afterwards you know the types of things

00:01:12that they’re really going to need so

00:01:13think about a service-based business and

00:01:15separate product based business to help

00:01:16you get started the second thing I want

00:01:19you to think about is you don’t

00:01:20necessarily have to start full time can

00:01:22you do your business part time to get

00:01:24you started so you have some momentum

00:01:26going and you ensure that you have some

00:01:29money coming in from another job that

00:01:30may be on a part-time basis so it’s

00:01:33great if you can launch fallout into

00:01:35your business but if you can’t afford

00:01:36that you can always turn the part-time

00:01:38basis it’s more important that you make

00:01:40steps every day to build your business

00:01:42even if it’s on a part-time basis then

00:01:44to advise tons of energy for three

00:01:46months and doesn’t take off and then you

00:01:48shut down the business so if you have to

00:01:51start hard time that’s okay one thing i

00:01:54want to remind you of and what I want

00:01:57to think about is can you build your

00:01:59business around the customer around the

00:02:01pain customer so a lot of entrepreneurs

00:02:03will start a business they think they

00:02:05have the greatest idea in the world and

00:02:07everyone is in by the product and then

00:02:08they get out into the market and nobody

00:02:10wants what they’re selling the best way

00:02:13to build a business is to find a

00:02:15customer who has a problem and offer to

00:02:18solve it if you can build your business

00:02:20around paying customers you much more

00:02:22likely to become successful and the last

00:02:25thing I want to talk about is I would

00:02:27strongly encourage you to follow your

00:02:29passion a lot of entrepreneurs start a

00:02:31business because they think you’re going

00:02:33to make a lot of money but they’re not

00:02:35really interested in whatever field

00:02:36they’re getting into it’s almost always

00:02:39a recipe for failure the most successful

00:02:41entrepreneurs are the ones who follow

00:02:43what they’re really really excited about

00:02:45passionate about it you can pour the

00:02:46heart into and people see their

00:02:48enthusiasm and they want to jump on

00:02:50board and they want to hire you or they

00:02:51want to buy your products or service so

00:02:53really try to tap into what really makes

00:02:55you tick what you’re super excited about

00:02:57and try to launch a business around that

00:03:00passion so I hope that helped if you

00:03:02enjoyed the video please leave a comment

00:03:04below if you have any other questions

00:03:05and also going to check out the comments

00:03:07below and I also get the video it comes

00:03:09up and we’ll see you on the next episode
