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Motivational Video – Watch Every Monday!

00:00:09hi I’m Emma Carmichael and I want you to

00:00:12start off the week today with the right

00:00:14mindset I want to remind you to follow

00:00:17your passion and do what you are born to

00:00:19do whether you’re just starting off the

00:00:21new business or trying to grow an

00:00:23existing one do something today that you

00:00:25can pour all of your heart into and all

00:00:27of your passion into you create

00:00:29something that you know will change the

00:00:30life the person will be receiving it

00:00:32create something that if you look back

00:00:35ten years from now you’ll be proud of

00:00:36what you accomplished today and have the

00:00:39courage to believe that even though it

00:00:41might not make sense right now by

00:00:43following your passion and my being is

00:00:45helpful and significant the people as

00:00:47possible you’ll achieve all the success

00:00:49you’re after and one to help you along

00:00:52your way I want to share some of my

00:00:54favorite advice from Apple co-founder

00:00:56Steve Jobs

00:01:00you can’t connect the dots looking

00:01:02forward you can only connect them

00:01:04looking backwards so you have to trust

00:01:07that the dots will somehow connect in

00:01:08your future you have to trust in

00:01:10something your gut destiny life karma

00:01:13whatever because believing that the dots

00:01:16will connect down the road will give you

00:01:18the confidence to follow your heart even

00:01:21when it leads you off the well-worn path

00:01:23and that will make all the difference

00:01:25sometimes life’s going to hit you in the

00:01:28head with a brick don’t lose faith I’m

00:01:31convinced that the only thing that kept

00:01:33me going is that I loved what I did

00:01:34you’ve got to find what you love and

00:01:37that is as true for work as it is for

00:01:40your lovers

00:01:40your work is going to fill a large part

00:01:42of your life and the only way to be

00:01:44truly satisfied is to do what you

00:01:46believe is great work and the only way

00:01:49to do great work is to love what you do

00:01:51if you haven’t found it yet keep looking

00:01:54and don’t settle as with all matters of

00:01:58the heart you’ll know when you find it

00:02:00and like any great relationship it just

00:02:02gets better and better as the years roll

00:02:04on so keep looking don’t settle I’ve

00:02:08looked in the mirror every morning and

00:02:10asked myself if today were the last day

00:02:12of my life what I want to do what I am

00:02:15about to do today and whenever the

00:02:18answer has been no for too many days in

00:02:20a row I know I need to change them your

00:02:24time is limited so don’t waste it living

00:02:27someone else’s life don’t be trapped by

00:02:30Dogma which is living with the results

00:02:32of other people’s thinking don’t let the

00:02:35noise of others opinions drown out your

00:02:37own inner voice and most important have

00:02:40the courage to follow your heart and

00:02:41intuition they somehow already know what

00:02:44you truly want to be

00:02:46everything else is secondary

00:02:55so good luck have a fantastic Monday do

00:02:58something today that you’re really

00:03:00passionate about and Noah help people if

00:03:02you liked the video please give it a

00:03:04thumbs up and leave a comment below and

00:03:05I’ll see you soon

