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How to Rebuild a Failed Business – Ask Evan

00:00:09hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:12another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer questions from

00:00:15one of our readers ga goo asking hello

00:00:18Evan please kindly help me with tips on

00:00:20rebuilding failing business processes or

00:00:22strategies to rebuilding a failed

00:00:24business looking forward to favorable

00:00:26response Gina so the first thing I look

00:00:30at is what is the vision of the company

00:00:31does it have a vision or something that

00:00:34you can come in with and create a new

00:00:35vision for the business because it’s

00:00:37gotta be something you can get behind

00:00:38something really passionate about it

00:00:40that you notice we’re gonna help a lot

00:00:42of people there’s no right or wrong

00:00:44vision as long as the something that you

00:00:45feel that you can really get behind and

00:00:47we’re really excited about so that we

00:00:49want to make sure there is a good

00:00:50fishing for the business that you can

00:00:52get behind

00:00:52number two is look at the staff that’s

00:00:55currently involved with the business

00:00:56soon there’s some kind of team on the

00:00:59company and see you know do you have the

00:01:01right two men on board

00:01:02if you’ve changed the vision or if

00:01:04there’s a new visual coming in can

00:01:06everybody get behind it do you have the

00:01:07right people on the bus with your

00:01:09company and looking at the skill sets

00:01:11that they have and seen as a match up of

00:01:13what you need for the business and

00:01:14hopefully there’s some people there who

00:01:15can stay on and can help build the

00:01:17company and take it to that next step

00:01:19but definitely making sure that your

00:01:21team is on board and you have the right

00:01:22people in place and you might have to go

00:01:24and find the people to come from with

00:01:25the skills with the ones that you have

00:01:27that’s step number two number three I

00:01:30start looking at talking to my customers

00:01:32and see you know talk to the ones who

00:01:35have bought from you in the past see why

00:01:36they stopped buying from you or see why

00:01:38they are buying from you talk about the

00:01:40type of things that they want to see

00:01:41improvements if it’s in the service and

00:01:43new product offerings you can come up

00:01:45with and as soon as you have money

00:01:46coming in from new customers it solves a

00:01:49lot of problems with the business so get

00:01:51them up or talk about the new vision

00:01:53talk about the team you have in place

00:01:54make them feel comfortable and confident

00:01:56that you’re going to be able to take the

00:01:57business to the next step especially

00:01:59they buck you in the past

00:02:00they seem that the company has gone

00:02:01under you might have some work to do to

00:02:04rebuild that relationship with them but

00:02:06if you can get that mob or you have

00:02:07money coming in I can help get your

00:02:09company on to that next step so I hope

00:02:11that helps so get the vision in place

00:02:13make sure you have the right team and

00:02:15insert comments your customers enough to

00:02:17get you on the right track to be

00:02:18building this business I hope that

00:02:19helped with your question if you guys

00:02:21liked the video please give it a thumbs

00:02:23up and leave a comment below I’d love to

00:02:25hear what you have to say about it and

00:02:26we’ll see you for the next episode
