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How to Find Salespeople to Sell Ads for your Website – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:11another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer questions from

00:00:15one of our readers robber who asked me

00:00:17how you haven’t loved your stuff I

00:00:18watched listened very often question to

00:00:21you how and where do I find salespeople

00:00:23to sell web ads on my site help Robert

00:00:26so Robert this is an area know a little

00:00:28bit about since I have a similar

00:00:30business worms I’m selling ad space

00:00:31online for a while I was running my own

00:00:34ad space and also using different ad

00:00:37networks and settled on google adsense

00:00:39and I would encourage people to you know

00:00:42buy the ad space that i have in unmarked

00:00:44cars from what I would sell my nonsense

00:00:46adds to but then I eventually switched

00:00:48over to now or it’s only Adsense and

00:00:51there’s a couple reason why I do it

00:00:52first of all Google doesn’t take that

00:00:54big a commission off the sales that

00:00:56makes to your site so it’s thirty two

00:00:58percent for any publisher they keep

00:01:01thirty percent you keep sixty-eight

00:01:02percent which is a pretty good

00:01:04Commission you’re still making a lot on

00:01:07the back end I found that Google doesn’t

00:01:09much better job at finding appetizers

00:01:12for each specific page so you get

00:01:14targeted ads which increases the chance

00:01:16of people will click on those ads and

00:01:18that’s how you end up getting paid and

00:01:20the best part is is no hassle right

00:01:23there’s no customers to deal with and

00:01:25reports to have to give it’s all

00:01:27automatic Google takes care of all of

00:01:29that so I’ve automated the entire

00:01:31process on my business and you can

00:01:33optimize the odds to try to make more


00:01:35come in every month but I found that

00:01:37would be the best solution for me if

00:01:39you’re really sold on selling your own

00:01:41ad space the first thing I would do is

00:01:43make sure you have a page that is

00:01:46clearly explains all the different

00:01:49databases you have in the benefits that

00:01:50people can get if you’re sold on having

00:01:53to go find somebody when I hired people

00:01:55to pass the best fly found people who

00:01:58are known so maybe not friends but

00:02:01associates people I’ve met who I a good

00:02:04kind of working relationship with from

00:02:06meeting them and thought maybe there’s

00:02:08an opportunity to be able to work

00:02:09together as always come from my own

00:02:11network I haven’t had too much luck in

00:02:14terms of placing ads craigslist or a job

00:02:17or two chatted people to come in some of

00:02:19my entrepreneur friends have had success

00:02:21by using recruiters who specifically

00:02:23focus on finding salespeople you know

00:02:27depending on what market you want you

00:02:28want to find somebody who’s close to you

00:02:30and help with that again I found the

00:02:32best solution to go no sales people and

00:02:34do everything through events but if

00:02:38you’re you know soul again and that

00:02:39sales person if I’m in first out start

00:02:42with your media network look at contacts

00:02:43you have friends of friends people

00:02:45you’ve met if we’ve respected and see if

00:02:48there might be an opportunity to work

00:02:49even at a part-time basis to get started

00:02:51and if that’s it as the work you might

00:02:53want to consider looking for a recruiter

00:02:55who might be able to help you get that

00:02:56says person before so I hope that helps

00:02:58if you like the video please give it a

00:03:01thumbs up below I’d also love to hear

00:03:02your thoughts and feedback if you want

00:03:04to leave a comment below this video and

00:03:05stay tuned to the next episode
