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How to Improve Your Employee Retention – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi Carmichael and welcome to another

00:00:11edition of ask Evan in today’s video I’m

00:00:13going to answer questions from what a

00:00:15reader Shauna who wrote it i’m going to

00:00:17read your email we do a lot of

00:00:18recruiting for work at home positions

00:00:20during our peak seasons from if i were

00:00:22to july our work at home agents act as

00:00:25if they were within our on-site call

00:00:26centers taking calls in queue to book

00:00:29camping reservations we had a real big

00:00:31problem with retention last season any

00:00:34tips we can use some the recruiting

00:00:36standpoint to help prevent this from

00:00:37occurring next year we lost many of our

00:00:40agents within the first month of

00:00:41employment Thank You Shauna so Shauna

00:00:44it’s very common here a couple of ideas

00:00:47that might help you get over that hump

00:00:48and make sure that you have the right

00:00:50people coming on board step number one

00:00:52is make sure you have the right person

00:00:54at the start right so what I would do is

00:00:57start profiling the top people you’ve

00:00:59had in the past who have worked out

00:01:01really well look at the personality

00:01:03types of it their situation and see what

00:01:07common threads there are so when you’re

00:01:08looking for new people it’s easier to

00:01:10pick out the ones that are going to be

00:01:12the winners you might even consider

00:01:13having some of those people who’ve done

00:01:15really well for you in the past help you

00:01:17hire some of the new people because

00:01:19you’re basically looking for people like

00:01:20them right your top performers you want

00:01:22to get them involved you want to hire

00:01:24more top performers and if they’re

00:01:26involved in the process they might be

00:01:27able to help you find other people who

00:01:29are similar you might also even ask them

00:01:32if they have any people they can

00:01:34recommend right up the hard working and

00:01:35doing a good job they might know other

00:01:37people who are working and could also do

00:01:39a pinch a good job for you as well and

00:01:40refer some of their friends so that may

00:01:42be another strategy to get people in the

00:01:44door in terms of getting people to stay

00:01:48and getting them engaged and wanted them

00:01:50to continue on with your company I

00:01:51really look at your training and see if

00:01:55people are set up to win so how much

00:01:57training do you do at the beginning how

00:01:58much do you show that you really care


00:02:00and how much do you show that what

00:02:02they’re doing really ties into the

00:02:04bigger picture and they’re helping a lot

00:02:05of people people will often leave

00:02:08because they don’t feel like they’re

00:02:10adding a lot of value are they’re not

00:02:12really having fun with their position so

00:02:14if you could train that and show them

00:02:16how they can start winning and getting

00:02:17those early hits quickly the more likely

00:02:20to want to stay the last thing you might

00:02:22want to consider is create a mentorship

00:02:24program and i know this is only a part

00:02:26time position but hopefully could be

00:02:28something that people can come back to

00:02:30year after year if you are consistently

00:02:32you know hooking up and you need to have

00:02:35these positions filled if you can

00:02:37connect the new workers with people who

00:02:39have already been doing it for a couple

00:02:40years a little bit more seasoned that

00:02:41they have any questions you can connect

00:02:43them so they’re not always in with you

00:02:45who might be the owner of the business

00:02:46and there might be a little more

00:02:48formality or people a little bit more

00:02:50worried about doing or saying the wrong

00:02:51thing but if you can connect them with

00:02:53what if your other work at home wages

00:02:55has done a good job before to be able to

00:02:57answer any more personal questions that

00:02:59might help them that could be a good

00:03:01step to making them want to stay on

00:03:02board and it’s also a good development

00:03:05opportunity for your more senior agents

00:03:07who’ve been doing it for a while and

00:03:08makes them feel like they’re growing the

00:03:10business too I’m not just doing the same

00:03:12thing over and over and over again so

00:03:13you’re providing more opportunity for

00:03:15learning development than they had

00:03:16before so time isn’t even more closely

00:03:18to the business that want to help out

00:03:20with even more so I hope that helps if

00:03:22you guys liked the video please give it

00:03:24a thumbs up below and I’d also love to

00:03:26hear thoughts and feedback if you want

00:03:27to leave a comment below the video and

00:03:28stay tuned to the next episode

