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How to Connect With Your Employees – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:11another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer questions from

00:00:15one of my readers Jackie who’s asking

00:00:17about how to connect with employees and

00:00:20keep them accountable so a couple of

00:00:22tips for you that might be helpful the

00:00:24first is actually care about your

00:00:27employees and this might sound obvious

00:00:29but a lot of people a lot of employers a

00:00:31lot of entrepreneurs are so tied up with

00:00:33the day to day of running the business

00:00:34at stressful it takes up a lot of time

00:00:36that all we care about from our staff is

00:00:39do they get the job done and we don’t

00:00:41have to think about them as a person and

00:00:42asked about their lives and what they’re

00:00:44up to and realize that you know they

00:00:46have a life outside of just working for

00:00:49you and the more you can connect to that

00:00:51and the more you can get them to feel

00:00:53like you have to care about them and the

00:00:54more you actually do care about them the

00:00:56more they’re going to care about you I

00:00:58want to do more for the business and get

00:01:00more involved and see that you’re

00:01:02successful so with my staff I always try

00:01:05to ask but what they’re up to try to

00:01:06participate in their lives you know

00:01:08without being overbearing but the more

00:01:10that they know that you care then the

00:01:11more like that they’re going to care

00:01:12about you so it’s a two-way street and

00:01:14obviously you want your staff they care

00:01:16about you and care about the company the

00:01:19next thing is try to tie in what your

00:01:21team is doing to the bigger picture

00:01:22because often you know people can get

00:01:25lost in the day to day of their job and

00:01:27they don’t see how it’s helping

00:01:30ultimately right as entrepreneurs we’re

00:01:32helping people we’re delivering a

00:01:33product or service that fulfills needs

00:01:35and makes people’s lives better but

00:01:38often the people who are doing a lot of

00:01:40the work they may not have any customer

00:01:41interaction and they don’t see how

00:01:43you’re helping people so the more you

00:01:45can tie in what they’re doing to the

00:01:48bigger picture and make them realize

00:01:50that the tasks that they’re doing is

00:01:51really important and is having a lot of

00:01:54impact on people and is really valuable

00:01:55the more likely they’re going to want to

00:01:57stay and like their job and be more


00:02:01also try to tie them into the bigger

00:02:02picture of what their task is instead of

00:02:05just saying do this this is your job get

00:02:08it done the next thing and the last

00:02:10thing I want to quickly talk about is

00:02:12try to share your wins so a lot of the

00:02:14people in your company again may not

00:02:16have a lot of connection to the

00:02:17customers they may not see how the work

00:02:20that you’re doing is actually being

00:02:21useful and helpful and if they do a lot

00:02:24of times it may just be complaint rights

00:02:27of some of the people who are working

00:02:29for me they’ll be working with some of

00:02:31our authors and although get as a

00:02:33problem emails right most people don’t

00:02:35read into say hey this is great they’re

00:02:36writing to say I’m having a problem with

00:02:38this or can you help me with that and so

00:02:40the in your employees day-to-day lives

00:02:43all their team is a negative and the

00:02:45problems and that’s what they’re trying

00:02:46to solve and they may not steal the

00:02:48great stuff that you’re doing so for my

00:02:51part of the business I’ll always getting

00:02:53emails from people saying hey thanks for

00:02:54that video or attention a newsletter was

00:02:56really inspiring really appreciate it

00:02:58now I’m not more motivated than ever to

00:03:00want to keep our of my business and

00:03:02that’s great that gives me a boost and I

00:03:04want to keep doing the stuff that I’m

00:03:05doing because of those comments and what

00:03:07I’ll do is I’ll share that with my team

00:03:08so that they see that hey you know we’re

00:03:11really having an impact here it’s not

00:03:12just the problems that we’re getting

00:03:14there’s a lot of benefit that that we’re

00:03:16doing is a lot of good that we’re doing

00:03:17and we’re helping a lot of people so

00:03:19more you can type people into that and

00:03:20share those wins the more likely they’re

00:03:22going to again like their jobs care more

00:03:25about the business would be more

00:03:26accountable as well so I hope that helps

00:03:28you guys like the video please give it a

00:03:29thumbs up and I’d also love to hear

00:03:31thoughts and feedback if you want to

00:03:32leave a comment below the video and stay

00:03:35tuned for the next episode
