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How to Get Off to A Good Start With Your Business – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:11another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer question from

00:00:15one of our readers Liz who’s just

00:00:17starting the business with a partner and

00:00:18wrote in and wanted to know what are the

00:00:21important things that need to be

00:00:23considered to have a really good start

00:00:25so Liz congrats and set a new business I

00:00:28hope you do really well some quick

00:00:29advice for you the first thing I would

00:00:31do and I’ve said it a lot of these

00:00:33videos is build around the customer so

00:00:35go find somebody who needs your services

00:00:37before you start spending anything

00:00:39before you start building up your

00:00:41platform fine customers who have a

00:00:44problem that you can help solve that

00:00:45problem for them they’re willing to pay

00:00:47you for you have money coming in the

00:00:49door which always helps and you’re

00:00:51building around the customer who can

00:00:53give you feedback on what to do next or

00:00:55where to grow your business so start

00:00:56talking to customers and find that

00:00:58customer was willing to pay you as you

00:01:00launch your business the second thing is

00:01:02don’t spend money until you’re making

00:01:04money right it’s easy to spend money

00:01:06anybody can spend money you know it’s

00:01:08not difficult to go out and buy

00:01:09expensive business cards and market

00:01:12material in an office and a company car

00:01:13and Spence men’s friend right it’s easy

00:01:16to go and spend don’t start spending

00:01:18until you’re making money especially if

00:01:20you’re in consulting or service type of

00:01:22business try to put in as much sweat

00:01:24equity as possible so that you’re

00:01:26preserving your money right that can be

00:01:27your lifeline see how long you can last

00:01:29in the business so you want to make sure

00:01:31you’re making a lot of money before you

00:01:33start spending the third thing I would

00:01:35do is try to follow your passion make

00:01:37sure you’re super excited but what

00:01:38you’re doing make sure you can bring

00:01:40something new to the industry that

00:01:41hasn’t been done before and then you

00:01:43cannot a lot of extra great value to

00:01:45your customers because you’re really

00:01:47excited for what you’re

00:01:48and you’re really passionate

00:01:49knowledgeable about your feel so don’t

00:01:51do something just to make money do

00:01:52something cuz you’re really passionate

00:01:53about I know you can make a difference

00:01:55that is a really big differentiating

00:01:58factor between entrepreneurs who are

00:02:00super successful and the ones who aren’t

00:02:02because they really love what they’re

00:02:03doing I really passionate about it so I

00:02:05hope that helped Liz if you guys liked

00:02:06the video please give it a thumbs up

00:02:08below and I’d love to hear your thoughts

00:02:09and feedback you can leave a comment

00:02:11stay tuned for the next episode
