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Henry Ford Documentary – Success Story

00:00:09hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:12another edition of my Linda masters I

00:00:14believe that the fastest and most

00:00:15effective way to grow a business is to

00:00:17model the strategies of people who have

00:00:19already accomplished what you’re trying

00:00:20to do so today we’re going to look at a

00:00:22young entrepreneur who was told wouldn’t

00:00:25last more than six months in business

00:00:26and went on to become one of the

00:00:28wealthiest people in the world this is a

00:00:31story of Henry Ford and the top three

00:00:33lessons and you can learn from his

00:00:34success Henry Ford was an American icon

00:00:38and founder of the Ford Motor Company he

00:00:41was the son of Irish immigrants and from

00:00:43an early age children interest in

00:00:44engineering he set out to learn as much

00:00:47as he could and took various

00:00:48apprenticeships and jobs of

00:00:50manufacturing companies when he was 36

00:00:52years old he invented the quadricycle in

00:00:55his spare time it was two bicycles

00:00:57attached together powered by a gasoline

00:00:59engine it was a very primitive car after

00:01:04refining the vehicle he went to see

00:01:05William H Murphy a lumber tycoon and

00:01:08investor in Detroit who took it for a

00:01:11test drive

00:01:11Murphy agreed with for the

00:01:13gasoline-powered vehicles would be

00:01:15fueling the future and it to instantly

00:01:17formed the partnership Henry Ford was in

00:01:19business Ford not only revolutionized

00:01:22the manufacturing industry with assembly

00:01:24line mass production he also became

00:01:27where the richest and most well known

00:01:28people in the world according to Forbes

00:01:31his net worth in today’s dollars would

00:01:33be 188 point 1 billion dollars over

00:01:37three times richer than Bill Gates

00:01:41by following his interest and by taking

00:01:44steps every day to move his business

00:01:46forward ford was able to build a

00:01:48powerhouse company and become one of the

00:01:51richest people in the world to help you

00:01:53power up your business here are three

00:01:55action items you can learn from Henry

00:01:57Ford action item number one don’t quit

00:02:02I’ve profiled hundreds of famous

00:02:04entrepreneurs and one characteristic

00:02:06that they all have in common is that

00:02:07they don’t quit whatever your business

00:02:09is make sure you follow your passion and

00:02:12never give up on your dreams take small

00:02:14steps every day to build your business

00:02:16and over time those little steps will

00:02:18transform into giant leaps forward when

00:02:21Ford first told the world that he wanted

00:02:23to create a quality car that could be

00:02:25mass-produced and affordable he wasn’t

00:02:27taken seriously common thoughts were if

00:02:30Ford does that he’ll be out of business

00:02:32in six months and the question that

00:02:34started to be asked was how soon will

00:02:36Ford blow up but Ford didn’t quit he

00:02:39kept trying until he finally invented

00:02:42the Model T which went on to sell over

00:02:4415 million units a record that stood for

00:02:47the next forty five years according to


00:02:50failure is only the opportunity to more

00:02:53intelligently begin again one who fears

00:02:56the future who fears failure limits his

00:02:59activities obstacles are those frightful

00:03:02things you see when you take your eyes

00:03:03off your goal there’s no man living that

00:03:06cannot do more than he thinks he can

00:03:08whether you think that you can or that

00:03:10you can’t you’re usually right when

00:03:13everything seems to be going against you

00:03:16remember that the airplane takes off

00:03:18against the wind not with it action item

00:03:22number two focus on quality as

00:03:25entrepreneurs we should be proud of what

00:03:27we create it’s your business reputation

00:03:29and you should do everything you can to

00:03:31create the best quality product or

00:03:33service possible it’ll not only bring in

00:03:36more customers to your door it’ll also

00:03:39give you the feeling that what you’re

00:03:40doing is right and has helped me make

00:03:42people’s lives better believe in what

00:03:44you’re doing and make it as good as you

00:03:46can Ford put his name on the company and

00:03:49he wanted to make sure that it stood for

00:03:51quality he felt that if one of his cars

00:03:54broke down

00:03:55customer that he was personally to blame

00:03:57he also didn’t believe in rushing into a

00:03:59new business until he had a hundred

00:04:01percent confidence in the quality of the

00:04:03product that would be created he felt

00:04:05that this was one of the major reasons

00:04:07why many businesses fail according to

00:04:10Ford I do not believe in starting to

00:04:12make until I have discovered the best

00:04:14possible thing this of course doesn’t

00:04:18mean that a product should never be

00:04:19changed but I think that it will be

00:04:21found more economical in the end not

00:04:23even to try to produce an article until

00:04:25you have fully satisfied yourself that

00:04:27utility design and material are the best

00:04:30quality means doing it right when no one

00:04:33is looking action item number three

00:04:37build a team you can’t build anything

00:04:40substantial on your own and at some

00:04:42point you’ll need to build a team around

00:04:43you make sure that you treat them like

00:04:46your family and give them a reason to

00:04:48want to come to work and get excited

00:04:50about what they’re doing think about the

00:04:52worst boss you ever had and don’t do any

00:04:55of the things that he or she did to you

00:04:56in hiring new employees Ford ignored all

00:05:00of the person’s history and prior work

00:05:02experience instead he looked for a

00:05:05willingness to work and believe that

00:05:07every person no matter what his or her

00:05:09past had good in them and only needed to

00:05:12be given a chance to succeed it was this

00:05:14faith in his workers abilities and

00:05:16inspired many of them to do their best

00:05:18for Ford he also got rid of formal

00:05:20titles in the company every one was

00:05:22considered at an equal level and each

00:05:24had important individual

00:05:26responsibilities according to Ford it

00:05:29doesn’t matter to me if a man is from

00:05:31Harvard or singsing we hire the man not

00:05:34as history I don’t believe in titles

00:05:37they make people think they are superior

00:05:40coming together is a beginning keeping

00:05:43together is a progress working together

00:05:46is success if everyone is moving forward

00:05:49together then success takes care of


00:05:53so remember don’t quit focus on quality

00:05:57and build a team to finish up this video

00:06:01I wanted to share one of my favorite

00:06:02true stories about Henry Ford and some

00:06:05of his best quotes when Henry Ford

00:06:09implemented his assembly line idea he

00:06:12found that workers were quickly getting

00:06:13burnt out doing the same thing over and

00:06:15over again to attract the best people

00:06:17ford recommended to his stockholders

00:06:20that they’d pay the workers five dollars

00:06:21a day twice a daily average wage his

00:06:25stockholder said no so Ford bought them

00:06:27out implemented his five dolla day

00:06:29salary and quickly had people lining up

00:06:31to work for him

00:07:09thank you for joining me for another

00:07:11edition of all in the masters if you

00:07:13like this video and want to see more

00:07:15please give it a thumbs up below I’d

00:07:17also love to hear your thoughts and

00:07:18feedback if you want to leave a comment

00:07:20under the video and stay tuned for the

00:07:22next episode