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Am I charging too much? – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to

00:00:10another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:12video I’m going to answer questions from

00:00:14one of our readers Jenna who’s asking me

00:00:16about how to set pricing as a freelance

00:00:18consultant so her question is hi yes as

00:00:21a freelancer how does one know if

00:00:23they’re charging too much Jenna so

00:00:25general couple things help you out here

00:00:27first off most entrepreneurs actually

00:00:29under priced themselves so we could all

00:00:32charge a lot more of our services and

00:00:34usually get it from the client but we

00:00:36feel like we’re charging too much and

00:00:38we’re worried we were we might lose a

00:00:39client so we typically under charge for

00:00:41our services but it can be a really

00:00:44difficult question how does that your

00:00:45price is a challenge that a lot of

00:00:47entrepreneurs face so somebody needs to

00:00:50help you up first off when you’re when

00:00:52you’re just launching the business

00:00:53usually what you do is you look at you

00:00:55know what are your competitors charging

00:00:56and also how much time does it actually

00:00:59take you so we look at what it costs you

00:01:01instead of the value that necessarily

00:01:03brings a customer you look more the cost

00:01:05side of the equation and you want to

00:01:06make sure you competitive and that you

00:01:08know you’re not losing money and you’re

00:01:09able to earn a living the next thing I

00:01:12would encourage you to do is when you do

00:01:14get relationships with customers try to

00:01:17add much value as you can into that

00:01:18relationship you want to try to make

00:01:20yourself stand up to all the other

00:01:21freelancers who do the exact same thing

00:01:23as you so hook example from my

00:01:25experience one of the things I got hired

00:01:27to do was create content for brands who

00:01:30try to target entrepreneurs so might

00:01:32write a blog post for them for example

00:01:34so they say can you please write a 305 /

00:01:37that word blog post on our site and

00:01:40that’s what I got paid to do and so I

00:01:42would do that gladly but that always go

00:01:44way beyond what they expected so I would

00:01:47write a 500-word code so 300 word post i

00:01:49wrote a thousand-word post or 1500 work

00:01:51post and then i wouldn’t just rely on

00:01:53them to you know posted up on there’s

00:01:55heaven promoter I would also actively

00:01:57market it so I put into my newsletter

00:01:59list I

00:02:00talk about over my youtube channel a

00:02:01tweet about my facebook and drive a lot

00:02:04of interest in it and what that does is

00:02:06help separate me from every other

00:02:08freelance it really might have hired to

00:02:10create the same 300 to 500 word article

00:02:12for them so I’m going to get more

00:02:14referrals and get more business but my

00:02:17business is going to grow and I’m going

00:02:18to be able to increase my price so same

00:02:20thing for you look at whatever service

00:02:22you’re offering and how can you go just

00:02:23way beyond their expectations give them

00:02:26way more than a they thought that we’re

00:02:28going to get and you’re going to find

00:02:29the next thing they have a project

00:02:30they’re going to come back to you

00:02:31because they love what you’re doing

00:02:32they’re going to refer lots of new

00:02:34business to you and that’s your schedule

00:02:36gets filled up as a freelancer you only

00:02:38have so much time of the day because you

00:02:39know that’s basically selling with your

00:02:41time as it time since you get chewed up

00:02:43you can start increasing the prices and

00:02:45you know if you if you lose a client

00:02:47because they can’t afford it that’s fine

00:02:49because you’re you’re booked up you’re

00:02:51growing your company so once that

00:02:53momentum takes over and people start

00:02:55buying from you again and referring

00:02:56business to you because of the great

00:02:57series you provided you’re going to

00:02:59slowly see that you’re able to increase

00:03:01those prices as you go along so I hope

00:03:03that helps Jenna if you guys liked the

00:03:05video please give it a thumbs up below I

00:03:07also like to hear what your experiences

00:03:09are the pricing if you want to leave a

00:03:10feedback below this video with the

00:03:12comment and state to the next episode