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Business Ideas: How to Grow, Be Opportunistic, and Ignore Your Critics Like Robert Johnson

00:00:00hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:03another edition of modeling the masters

00:00:04today we’re going to look at how a young

00:00:06boy from a family of ten in Mississippi

00:00:09was always looking out for opportunities

00:00:10and turned a fifteen thousand dollar

00:00:12investment into a multi-billion dollar


00:00:15this is a story of Robert Johnson and a

00:00:18top three lessons that you can learn

00:00:19from his success Robert Johnson is an

00:00:23American businessman best known for

00:00:25being the founder of television network

00:00:26block entertainment television

00:00:28eet in 2001 Johnson became the first

00:00:31African American billionaire and the

00:00:34first black person to be listed on any

00:00:35of Forbes as a world’s rich list Johnson

00:00:39was born in Mississippi and was a ninth

00:00:40of 10 children according to Johnson we

00:00:43weren’t a well firm family but we knew

00:00:45that if we wanted a bicycle and when

00:00:47somebody else wasn’t going to get

00:00:48something else if you wanted to go to


00:00:51you knew your parents couldn’t pay your

00:00:53way he had an entrepreneurial Drive and

00:00:55used his $15,000 in savings to launch B

00:00:58et in 1980 it started with only two

00:01:01hours of old movies each Friday in fact

00:01:04for the first five years speed he would

00:01:06lose money soon however it began to

00:01:09expand his programming and cable

00:01:10operators jumped on board they believed

00:01:13that many of their subscribers would be

00:01:14interested in watching block oriented

00:01:16shows eleven years after its initial

00:01:19launch B et became the first black owned

00:01:21company to be listed on a New York Stock

00:01:23Exchange today B et has spin-off

00:01:26channels and is the largest black-owned

00:01:28cable company in history

00:01:30Johnson bought back all the BT stock

00:01:33seven years after went public for 1

00:01:35billion dollars he then sold it to media

00:01:37giant Viacom two years later for three

00:01:40billion dollars

00:01:44by always looking for opportunities and

00:01:47by starting small Johnson turned a

00:01:49fifteen thousand dollar investment into

00:01:51a fortune to help you build on your

00:01:53opportunities here are three action

00:01:55items you can learn from Robert Johnson

00:01:58action item number one always be growing

00:02:01as entrepreneurs we need to always be

00:02:04finding new customers and growing our

00:02:06businesses whether it’s launching new

00:02:08products offering more services

00:02:10aggressively marketing your existing

00:02:12solutions need to always be growing

00:02:15Johnson has been called a serial

00:02:17entrepreneur thanks to his love of

00:02:19starting new businesses on-the-fly

00:02:21throughout his career however if there

00:02:23has been one thing that he’s learned

00:02:25it’s this there are always new customers

00:02:27to go after according to Johnson if

00:02:31there’s something I can do and I feel it

00:02:32should be done I just want to do it I

00:02:35just don’t want to leave it undone

00:02:38because I’ll sit back and say why didn’t

00:02:40I do that why didn’t I start that

00:02:42business action item number two be

00:02:48opportunistic entrepreneurs are the

00:02:50special individuals who can spot

00:02:52opportunities and then turn them into

00:02:54profitable businesses in order to start

00:02:57a new company or grow your existing one

00:02:59you should always have an eye out for

00:03:00new opportunities where Johnson sees a

00:03:03chance to make money he jumps at it no

00:03:05if ands or buts about it

00:03:07while his critics use that fact as one

00:03:10more chance to knock him down

00:03:12Johnson attributes his success largely

00:03:14to his opportunism Johnson is an

00:03:17entrepreneur plain and simple he wants

00:03:19to make money and lots of it

00:03:22according to Johnson whenever I see an

00:03:24opportunity and a chance to change

00:03:26something I go at it be et was never a

00:03:30legacy event for me

00:03:31BT was something I started as an

00:03:33investment and I knew someday I would

00:03:35sell it

00:03:39action um number three ignore your

00:03:42critics if you’re doing something

00:03:43different then you’re gonna have your

00:03:45critics people are going to attack you

00:03:47for your ideas and try to knock you down

00:03:49it’s gonna come from our competitors and

00:03:51in many cases even come from our friends

00:03:54and family Johnson had a lot of critics

00:03:56as he built his business one of his

00:03:58greatest successes in his own mind he’s

00:04:00been in Africa merican who succeeded at

00:04:03the highest level since he felt that

00:04:05nobody expects minorities to be there as

00:04:08much as others tried to paint his career

00:04:09in terms of black and white johnson has

00:04:11refused to let others identify him as

00:04:13anything other than an entrepreneur and

00:04:15a good one at that according to Johnson

00:04:18today if I were to put on jeans and walk

00:04:21into a jewelry store and I could

00:04:23probably buy the jewelry store ten times

00:04:25over but the jeweler is gonna look at me

00:04:27as a black guy in jeans who probably

00:04:29can’t afford it and maybe who just might

00:04:31steal something so remember always be

00:04:39growing be opportunistic and ignore your

00:04:42critics to finish up this video I wanted

00:04:45to share one of my favorite true stories

00:04:47about Robert Johnson and some of his

00:04:48best quotes after being the first in his

00:04:52family to go to college

00:04:53Johnson plan to start a career as a

00:04:55government worker that all changed from

00:04:58the national cable and

00:04:59Telecommunications Association hired

00:05:01Johnson as a lobbyist for the nascent

00:05:03cable industry that experience proved to

00:05:06be a wake-up call for Johnson he began

00:05:08to think about his own opportunity to

00:05:10create a cable channel just for

00:05:12african-americans and would soon go on

00:05:14to launch be ETA

00:05:46thank you for joining me for another

00:05:48edition of modeling the masters if you

00:05:51enjoyed the video please give it a

00:05:52thumbs up I’d also love to hear thoughts

00:05:54and feedback if you want to leave a

00:05:55comment below the video and stay tuned

00:05:57to the next episode
