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Business Ideas – 3 Business Lessons From Pierre Omidyar

00:00:09hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:12another edition of Melinda monsters I

00:00:13believe that the fastest and most

00:00:15effective way to grow a business is to

00:00:17model the strategies of people who have

00:00:19already done what you’re trying to do so

00:00:21today I’m going to look at how a young

00:00:23entrepreneur followed his passion for

00:00:24computers and in one weekend created the

00:00:27code for a new website that would go on

00:00:29to be one of the most popular websites

00:00:31in the world this is the story of ebay

00:00:34founder pierre omidyar and atop three

00:00:36lessons that you can learn from his

00:00:37success pierre omidyar is an American

00:00:42entrepreneur and philanthropist

00:00:43economist and the founder chairman of

00:00:45ebay growing up he became fascinated

00:00:48with computers and often skip gym class

00:00:50in school to play on their computers

00:00:52after graduating high school and

00:00:54university he went to work for an apple

00:00:56subsidiary to develop software for the

00:00:58Macintosh Omidyar soon felt the

00:01:01entrepreneur itch and wanted to start

00:01:03his own business when Omidyar was 28

00:01:06years old he stayed in front of his

00:01:08computer for the entire labor day long

00:01:10weekend and wrote the original code for

00:01:12ebay originally called auction web

00:01:15Omidyar wanted to change the name to

00:01:17echo bay and drive to Sacramento to

00:01:19register the name when he arrived he

00:01:22found echo bay was already registered so

00:01:24we decided to go with ebay on the spot

00:01:26instead of having to make a return trip

00:01:28today eBay has revenues of over 9

00:01:31billion dollars and Omidyar serves as

00:01:33its chairman he has an estimated net

00:01:36worth of 6.7 billion dollars making him

00:01:39the 50th richest person in the world and

00:01:41it all began with one long weekend

00:01:43writing code and launching a new website

00:01:47by following his passion and computers

00:01:50and by actually taking action on the

00:01:52idea that he had Pierre Omidyar was able

00:01:55to build one of the most successful

00:01:56companies in his industry to help you

00:01:59make your company more successful here

00:02:01are three a chronology you can learn

00:02:02from Pierre Omidyar action item number

00:02:07one just go for it you know what one

00:02:10thing every successful entrepreneur has

00:02:12in common they got started you may have

00:02:16great business ideas but if you never

00:02:18take action on them you have nobody but

00:02:20yourself to blame don’t be afraid to try

00:02:23something different and fail you will

00:02:25know failure keep trying and

00:02:27experimenting with little projects until

00:02:29you strike gold and can really run with

00:02:31your new business idea Omidyar had a lot

00:02:34of people who never thought his website

00:02:36would ever take off why would complete

00:02:38strangers be willing to buy and sell to

00:02:40each other online how would they trust

00:02:42each other to complete the deal holman

00:02:45dr believed that people were

00:02:46fundamentally good people and would be

00:02:49for the most part honorable he kept at

00:02:52it and intended to prove his critics

00:02:53wrong when we do I realized it was

00:02:56working when he started earning more

00:02:57money from ebay than from his day job

00:03:00according to Omidyar i started ebay as

00:03:03an experiment as a side hobby basically

00:03:06while i had my day job a lot of people

00:03:09don’t just go ahead and try things

00:03:11they’ll have an idea and they’ll say

00:03:13they’ll convince themselves or other

00:03:15people will convince them that it can’t

00:03:17be done I just kind of had this naive

00:03:20approach to well gee you know why not

00:03:23I’ll just go ahead and do it don’t let

00:03:27people who you may respect and who you

00:03:29believe know what they’re talking about

00:03:30don’t let them tell you it can’t be done

00:03:33because often they’ll tell you it can’t

00:03:36be done and it’s just because they don’t

00:03:38have the courage to try you’re able to

00:03:41accomplish anything you set out to


00:03:44action item number two follow your

00:03:47passion almost every famous entrepreneur

00:03:49gives similar advice do what you’re

00:03:52passionate about when you love what you

00:03:54do you’ll make a far better product or

00:03:56service and will have a much bigger

00:03:57impact on your target market don’t waste

00:04:00time trying out businesses that you’re

00:04:02not really interested in just because

00:04:04they can make you money focus your

00:04:06energy and talent on what you’re

00:04:08uniquely able to create and you’re on

00:04:11your way to building a successful

00:04:12business from the time he was a young

00:04:15boy Omidyar knew that his future

00:04:17lighting computers he didn’t know how or

00:04:20when but when the other boys were

00:04:22outside playing sports Oh media was busy

00:04:24teaching himself computer programming

00:04:26languages like basic if he didn’t follow

00:04:28his passion and tried to force

00:04:30themselves into other areas that didn’t

00:04:32interest him the world would never have

00:04:34come to known eBay according to Omidyar

00:04:37I always wanted to be involved with

00:04:39computers I was just pursuing what I

00:04:42enjoy doing I was pursuing my passion

00:04:45it’s not work really if you’re having

00:04:48fun that was the case with me you have

00:04:51to really believe in what you’re doing

00:04:53be passionate enough about it so you’ll

00:04:56put in the hours and the hard work that

00:04:57it takes to actually succeed there and

00:04:59then you’ll be successful action item

00:05:04number three be nice a lot of people

00:05:07think the business is cutthroat but it

00:05:09doesn’t have to be when I hire people

00:05:11one of the core values that we look for

00:05:13is is this person nice it’s amazing how

00:05:16much more productive you are and how

00:05:18much more fun you have when you enjoy

00:05:20working with the people around you your

00:05:22staff your customers and your suppliers

00:05:25Omidyar founded ebay with the belief

00:05:27that nice guys finish first he created a

00:05:30set of core values for the business

00:05:32based on honesty and building trusted

00:05:34relationships he also believed that if

00:05:37his company could live by those core

00:05:38values and they would attract customers

00:05:40who felt the same way to date his theory

00:05:43has proven to be correct there are only

00:05:4530 out of every million transactions

00:05:48that happened on ebay where people file

00:05:50a fraud complaint according to Adyar I

00:05:53founded the company on the notion that

00:05:55people were basically good

00:05:57and then if you give them the benefit of

00:05:58the doubt you’re really disappointed

00:06:00nice guys a responsible company that has

00:06:03its heart in the right place that’s run

00:06:06by real human beings it has to be

00:06:08successful because if we weren’t that

00:06:10way ebay wouldn’t be successful ebay

00:06:13wouldn’t exist it wouldn’t be possible

00:06:17so remember just go for it follow your

00:06:21passion and be nice to finish up this

00:06:24video I wanted to share one of my

00:06:25favorite true stories about Pierre

00:06:27Omidyar and some of his best quotes ebay

00:06:32was originally hosted on a website that

00:06:34amiga had created with information about

00:06:36the Ebola virus the site originally

00:06:39allowed buyers and sellers to connect

00:06:41for free but as the site grew he had to

00:06:43charge a small fee only dr hope that the

00:06:46transaction fees would eventually be

00:06:48enough to cover his website hosting


00:07:41thank you for joining me for another

00:07:43edition of modern masters if you guys

00:07:45liked the video please leave a comment

00:07:47below I love hearing your thoughts and

00:07:48feedback and it also really appreciate

00:07:50any thumbs up so you want to get to the

00:07:52video and stay tuned to the next episode
