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Startup Advice for a Real Estate Entrepreneur – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:11another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer questions from

00:00:15one of our readers Newton who asks i’m

00:00:17currently working as an administrative

00:00:19manager however I’ve thought of

00:00:20concentrating my business on the real

00:00:23estate because I own two houses and is

00:00:25acquired some land for construction I’ve

00:00:27always thought if I could earn more in

00:00:28my own business that Wagner at work I

00:00:30could quit work your advice will always

00:00:33help Newton so Newton there’s nothing

00:00:36wrong with starting a business part-time

00:00:37it’s a great way to get started a lot of

00:00:39entrepreneurs jump headfirst into a new

00:00:41business the running for three months

00:00:43run out of momentum run out of energy

00:00:45and have to close down the business and

00:00:47go get another job and what you really

00:00:49have to understand as an entrepreneur is

00:00:51you need to keep the momentum going and

00:00:53allow for time to help you build that up

00:00:55so it’s better to start a business

00:00:57part-time do work every day to move that

00:00:59business board even if it’s just in a

00:01:01couple hours a day and over time that

00:01:04will grow and your chances being

00:01:05successful will increase dramatically

00:01:07it’s much better than doing it for a

00:01:09couple months full-time and then not

00:01:11allowing for your momentum to grow a lot

00:01:14of entrepreneurs will fail usually

00:01:16because they may not have that great an

00:01:18idea but also because they haven’t

00:01:20allowed for the momentum to grow and

00:01:22they shut their business down to

00:01:23students because they’ve run out of

00:01:24momentum and run out of money so it’s a

00:01:27great way to start if you can do a

00:01:28part-time you have money coming in from

00:01:30your job and as you get more compliments

00:01:33with your business eventually hopefully

00:01:34you’ll be able to put and do your

00:01:36business full time you asked about the

00:01:39real estate business I will always

00:01:41encourage entrepreneurs been thinking

00:01:42about what businesses start the follow

00:01:44something they’re super passionate about

00:01:45really excited about can invest tons of

00:01:47time and energy into it sounds like you

00:01:49already like real estate if you own two

00:01:51houses and on the plot of land that you

00:01:52want to build on so I would just make

00:01:54sure before you know pointing to that

00:01:56you’re you’re really excited but real

00:01:57estate you think you can do you know

00:01:59invest a lot of time and energy into

00:02:01that and that’s following your heart


00:02:03the last bit of advice is if you’re

00:02:05going to have a job as for all

00:02:06entrepreneurs if you’re you know

00:02:08thinking of starting a new business if

00:02:09you’re if you’re going to take a job try

00:02:11to take a job that gives you more than

00:02:13money try to think a job where you can

00:02:15learn something from it so look at the

00:02:18job here and now you know if you’re

00:02:19going to have a job try to use something

00:02:21from that job that you can later

00:02:22implement to put into your own business

00:02:24so is there something from the job

00:02:25you’re you’re in now that will help you

00:02:28learn for when you run in your own

00:02:30business maybe there’s extra rolls or

00:02:31responsibilities you can take on to give

00:02:33you that knowledge and give you the

00:02:35training without wasting your own money

00:02:38on it that can then help you later build

00:02:41your business so a quick example of this

00:02:43I haven’t really had jobs but when I was

00:02:45in university I was already running my

00:02:48own business and I used my courses to

00:02:51help me build my business so I created

00:02:53my own course in you know small business

00:02:56and all my marketing assignments all

00:02:57related around my business that I was

00:03:00currently running so I was able to use

00:03:01the resources of my university to help

00:03:03me plan and grow my business so it’s a

00:03:06great way to be able to leverage stuff

00:03:08that you’re already doing to help you

00:03:10develop your skills and later be able to

00:03:12run your business more effectively so I

00:03:15hope that helps if you guys liked the

00:03:16video please give it a thumbs up I’d

00:03:18also love to hear feedback if you want

00:03:19to leave a comment below the video and

00:03:21stay tuned for the next episode
