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Tongue Piercing | National Geographic

00:00:00new years in Nepal a time for

00:00:04celebration and for piety Hinduism is

00:00:08the main religion here and at this time

00:00:11of year the devout fill the streets

00:00:13where they ask for good fortune in the

00:00:16new year and the men endure elaborate

00:00:19tests of strength and endurance but the

00:00:22village of bow day demonstrates its

00:00:24religious devotion unlike any other

00:00:27there just one man will stand before the

00:00:30gods and undergo a painful trial his

00:00:33name is Krishna Chandra and with

00:00:36thousands watching he will allow a spike

00:00:39to be born into his tongue if his tongue

00:00:43does not bleed it is believed that gods

00:00:46will grant his village prosperity in the

00:00:49year ahead

00:00:50in Nepal the new year starts in April

00:00:53when fields have just been planted and

00:00:55people are praying for a good harvest in

00:00:59BO day that prayer comes in the form of

00:01:01a sacrifice according to legend the

00:01:05village of bow day began it’s unusual

00:01:08ceremony four centuries ago to mark the

00:01:11end of a very dark time a forest demon

00:01:15had been terrorizing the town when the

00:01:18villagers finally caught him they

00:01:20paraded him through the streets his

00:01:22tongue silenced by a metal spike ever

00:01:26since bow day has celebrated the new

00:01:28year by reenacting the demons fall its

00:01:33tongue piercing day krishna has not

00:01:36eaten in three days part of the

00:01:38preparation for his ordeal on his way to

00:01:42the ceremony

00:01:43Krishna stops to pray at every shrine

00:01:45and temple everywhere the gods have

00:01:48visited in the square the crowd begins

00:01:52to buzz with anticipation as boh days

00:01:54mayor takes the stage once on the

00:01:58platform Krishna is greeted as if he

00:02:01himself were divine the blade has not

00:02:05been sterilized there’s no anaesthetic

00:02:08the priest

00:02:10Babu Kashi just dabs Krishna’s tongue

00:02:13with oil to lubricated

00:02:28his tongue does not bleed for the 11th

00:02:32year in a row krishna has passed the

00:02:35most crucial test

00:02:40but his ordeal has only just begun now

00:02:44he must carry a heavy bamboo icon a

00:02:47symbol of the god Shiva through bow days

00:02:50cobbled streets Krishna ends his walk at

00:02:54the town’s main temple just as he

00:02:57crosses the threshold

00:02:58Babu Kazi removes the spike from his

00:03:01tongue as a lasting testament to

00:03:04Krishna’s and the town’s piety the spike

00:03:07is nailed to the temple wall Krishna is

00:03:12free to head home the break is fast and

00:03:14for the priests bubble kanji and the

00:03:17rest of the villagers this painful

00:03:19ritual has once again served its purpose