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Boomslang vs. Chameleon | National Geographic

00:00:00here in Africa a Boomslang is looking

00:00:04for its favorite meal a chameleon the

00:00:07Boomslang is one of Africa’s longest

00:00:09tree snakes a perfectly camouflaged

00:00:12ambush hunter

00:00:13it has hemo toxic venom small amounts

00:00:17cause hemorrhaging even death even in


00:00:22now the chameleon is dangerous to its

00:00:24own prey of course great eyesight and a

00:00:28tongue of glue equals lunch the

00:00:33chameleon has skin that takes on the

00:00:35colour of its surroundings and eyes that

00:00:37can spot food or danger in almost any

00:00:40direction but the chameleon is no match

00:00:43for the Boomslang the snake sees right

00:00:47through the chameleons camouflage

00:00:51but it’s still on its own food hunt and

00:00:53has no idea that it itself is being

00:00:57hunted an African legend has it that the

00:01:01gods entrusted the secret of eternal

00:01:03life to the chameleons as a gift for

00:01:05mankind but the chameleon was too slow

00:01:08and death entered our world just as it

00:01:15enters the chameleons world here the

00:01:18Boomslang has super-strength venom slow

00:01:22acting but effective destroying the

00:01:24vital parts of the victim’s blood it has

00:01:28solid fangs the venom is delivered via

00:01:31special grooves on the surface the

00:01:34Boomslang can now enjoy the delights of

00:01:37its fresh meal
