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Will Smith on the Law of Attraction

00:00:00and that you are on this path to

00:00:02becoming a legend yourself in this

00:00:04business so we will smith saying hi I’m

00:00:07Legend I’m thinking yes mrs. Will Smith

00:00:09I am little Robbie you are really

00:00:11becoming an iconic figure what do you

00:00:14make it at um it’s what my grandmother

00:00:18told me I had to do you know I was

00:00:21sitting with the Tyrese a couple couple

00:00:24weeks ago you know just coming off the

00:00:28Transformers with him just talking you

00:00:30know just about the business and just

00:00:31trying to really just he and I get on

00:00:34the same wavelength so I could be of

00:00:37some assistance if I can and there

00:00:41there’s a concept that I don’t want to

00:00:45be an icon I want to be an idea you know

00:00:52I want to represent an idea i want to

00:00:55represent possibilities I want to

00:00:59represent magic right that you’re in a

00:01:03universe in two plus two equals four two

00:01:08plus two only equals four if you accept

00:01:10that two plus two equals four two plus

00:01:12two is going to be what I want it to be

00:01:14you know and there’s that there’s a like

00:01:18there’s that there’s a redemptive power

00:01:21that making a choice has you know rather

00:01:26than feeling like you’re at a fete to

00:01:30all the things that are happening make a

00:01:33choice like you just decide what is

00:01:37going to be who you’re going to be how

00:01:39you’re going to do it just decide and

00:01:41then from that point the universe is

00:01:44going to get out your way it’s like it’s

00:01:46water once the it wants to move and go

00:01:48around stuff you know so for me I want

00:01:52to represent possibilities I want to

00:01:55represent the idea that you really can

00:01:59make what you want one of my favorite

00:02:01books is the The Alchemist Paulo Coelho

00:02:05and that’s just I just believe that I

00:02:09believe that I can create

00:02:13whatever I want to create if I can put

00:02:16put my head on it right study it learn

00:02:19the patterns and you know I just I it’s

00:02:23hard to put into words real metaphysical

00:02:25esoteric nonsense but I feel very

00:02:28strongly that we are who we choose to be

00:02:31first of all it’s not mumbo-jumbo you

00:02:33make sense number one number two I think

00:02:35sells the alchemist just went up

00:02:38whatever that book is video sales just

00:02:42went up on Amazon long gotta bow down

00:02:45that happens on the call you see me with

00:02:48it oh no it’s great no there’s a quick

00:02:50read to yes yeah if you can spell

00:02:53alchemist that’s a good scrabble word

00:02:56outcome there’s nobody how come this

00:02:57right cuz it’s great like but I consider

00:03:00myself an alchemist an alchemist is

00:03:03basically a mystical chemist right and

00:03:08one of the great feats that alchemists

00:03:11used to do is they would take lead just

00:03:13take a chunk of lead and they could turn

00:03:15lead into gold right so the symbol is

00:03:19like a good hustle all right no exactly

00:03:27you know but it’s so connected to


00:03:31being able to turn lead into gold you

00:03:35know my grandmother used to say you know

00:03:38life get your lemon you go ahead and

00:03:39make lemonade so to me that’s that’s

00:03:41alchemy that’s that that’s the same

00:03:43concept behind the the alchemists

00:03:46I’m with you on the alchemy part um the

00:03:49last question I think I have time to ask

00:03:50maybe last question is whether or not

00:03:52he’ll make you leave this show place

00:03:54well if you say I gotta leave I gotta

00:03:56leave that everybody can’t emulate us

00:04:00you know I have this question that this

00:04:02discussion with you know friends of mine

00:04:05right all the time

00:04:06I’m the the only thing that that I can

00:04:11see and you can never really look at

00:04:13yourself the only thing that I see that

00:04:16is distinctly different about me is I’m

00:04:22not afraid to die on a treadmill right

00:04:27I will run it would not be outworked I

00:04:28will not be be outworked right period

00:04:31yeah you know you might have more talent

00:04:35than me you might be smarter than me you

00:04:38might be sexier than me you might be all

00:04:41of those things you got it on me in nine

00:04:44categories but if we get on the

00:04:46treadmill together right there’s two

00:04:48things you’re getting off first or I’m

00:04:51going to die it’s really that simple

00:04:54right so let’s go back to the question

00:04:58about what if people block me out it’s

00:05:00do is going to be two options yeah I’m

00:05:02going to get back in or I’m going to be

00:05:04dead Yeah right it’s like you’re not

00:05:07going to outwork me it’s a very is such

00:05:11a simple basic concept is the the guy

00:05:17who is willing to hustle the most is

00:05:21going to be the guy that just gets that

00:05:23loose ball

00:05:24you know he got the oh he got the oh

00:05:26okay he got – oh god he’s hustling

00:05:29grabbed out my dad was going to be out

00:05:30of bounds but he saved it back in it’s

00:05:33like the commodity that I see the

00:05:37majority of people who aren’t getting

00:05:39the places they want or aren’t achieving

00:05:42the things that they want in this

00:05:45business is strictly based on hustle

00:05:48it’s strictly based on being out work is

00:05:50strictly based on missing crucial

00:05:53opportunities I say all the time if you

00:05:55stay ready you ain’t got to get ready

00:05:57with you you know that’s why he is fast

00:06:01becoming a legend and whether he likes

00:06:02it or not an icon and an idea and that

00:06:05is why I will make a bold prediction

00:06:06here I am legends gonna make some money

00:06:08this week basically an Internet I got it

00:06:14right good to see you very much I am

00:06:18Legend song Will Smith go check it out I

00:06:20don’t need you don’t need me to tell you

00:06:21that though