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Learn English – myself / my own

00:00:00so more questions from the internet this

00:00:06next one from Italy I was asking about

00:00:08myself or my own way can we use myself

00:00:11when can use my own what’s the

00:00:13difference so the easy answer is they

00:00:17mean the same thing

00:00:18I mean I’m alone I’m without other

00:00:21people but the difference is the

00:00:23preposition to start with we’ve got at a

00:00:26party she doesn’t have her friends she’s

00:00:29alone she can say one of two things I’m

00:00:33on my own or I’m by myself

00:00:39so notice the preposition is different

00:00:42with them the meaning is the same

00:00:44she’s alone no other people but let’s

00:00:49look at another example

00:00:50yes they both mean alone without other

00:00:53people but it can also mean without help

00:00:56from other people let’s look at this

00:00:59example if you say I study English by

00:01:03myself or I study English on my own

00:01:06yet they could mean the same thing but

00:01:09both of them could mean two different

00:01:12things remember alone or without help

00:01:15from other people so to say this

00:01:18it could mean alone I study English by

00:01:21myself no other people in the class or

00:01:25it could mean without help in this case

00:01:29without help from a teacher I study

00:01:32alone just me no help from anyone else

00:01:38but to look at them separately you can

00:01:41use my own to add emphasis to the fact

00:01:43that it’s your possession so for example

00:01:46you buy a car I bought it with my own

00:01:48money no one else’s money my self is

00:01:53like a reflexive for example you

00:01:55wouldn’t say oh no I spilled wine on me

00:01:58you would say oh no I spilled wine on

00:02:01myself so my self would replace me if

00:02:04you in fact are the subject and the

00:02:07object I hope that answers your question
