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Learn English – How to use “Gotta”

00:00:00Hey another question from a student this

00:00:06one asking what’s the meaning of I gotta

00:00:08go well first thing is gotta that’s a

00:00:12contraction of God – which is another

00:00:15way to say have to like an obligation or

00:00:18a necessity

00:00:25like in our example the guy says sorry I

00:00:28I gotta go

00:00:30he could say sorry I have to go I must

00:00:34go it’s just an obligation that’s it so

00:00:38the other question is is this more

00:00:40American to say yeah it is like this it

00:00:45is more American British people would

00:00:47say British people say it like this

00:00:53sorry I’ve got to go present perfect

00:00:55without the I’ve just I gotta go yeah

00:01:00that’s more American

00:01:01thanks you a question keep asking