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We should all speak forro | Fernanda Pontifice | TEDxSãoTomé


me and some friends meet in a

fishing zone with a few words

The years are full of talk with them.

one of them registered to talk to me

because here we also know how to speak


another addition I’ve already studied until

8th class norge we are this register

the indignation of them again in a

campaign action

You think it would be much more effective in

communication with being a meeting is for is

that I got the smell to be the head of

community will be under my mistress

Wow, we all understand Portuguese.

by carsale Portuguese this with your

do anything in my head

the will of your will we thought that

Sao Tomé é For it would be very well the hunger

it would be better to reflect on punished

so I behaved in a situation that

it occurred

look at the advice my career in teaching

in a same sex player at the end of

first period I have a student

I never opened my mouth, I did not

because I could not speak more than

I tried one day a lot so it’s the

famous celebrity dollhouse


You know how to sing, I can walk.

to sing in a lick this close to us

to roll up attila lins

the Christmas gala start by itself and

whole class clap and was thrown and it was

near was in the school of almeirim I

I came to the conclusion that maybe

was the first nira classes of quinine

The new player did not speak

always reserved did not speak with

no one and since then I have been doing

a kind of crusade is to call the

attention to the situation in

language of the children we

we had in our classroom

we have a linguistic illusion with

leads us to think that all are tomé

we talk about it but the Portuguese that

those ladies paula ie xi and you

already of the campaign union the people there


This Portuguese we say so

O and wet a rain hood and what

it was too cold, it ‘s ready

this puts newcomer problems problems

terrible intercomprehension

When we are talking to people, they talk.

I think every time they’re not a subject

even though the course of the month has the

power to look at the rain is to overcome

by pa

the sound starts the stage and so on

I accepted pa

and then I think those questions

have to do with the linguistic situation

in the country

We have a Portuguese language that

beautiful coexist with 4 created without a god

lining and then these languages ​​live

mutual interference

I’ll show you not just about the case

for is the sound begins translate in

Portuguese with for I must remember and 88%

in the words of are for source

Portuguese all created are base


the oven is the one that may be

higher percentage of words but the

rogge and syntactic background

languages ​​would see what happened to

ours are diverse

we gained a Portuguese we translated which


We will send it to you again later Portuguese

we have many versions in which

check this out misunderstanding

In fact, the beauty spoke of the statement that

heard you coordinate a small thing

according to thing

it means that he put there then we

take the words and go back to

Please send it to our

Portuguese copyright holder of São Tomé and

Prince and so we have you in

some on the shoe

you and me in my country are you and me

I did not see the bread without some shoe and other

things I think I ‘m crying

baby will cry a lot and I will die

But he is our callus.

This has to do with this stage flame.

interference and has to do with

also with something that yes I judge

deal with is what the industry

calls a trading situation

Anyway, we have two languages but no

dominate its structure none of them us

we are not well the borders where

We are speaking Portuguese and when

we passed by our own created

also for theft

then one harvest in the other

and we will continue with this

problem that I still have today.

confrontation with this problem

in my class are the students and already in

university students write and sometimes

it is noted that china is we departed

this illusion in industry or

We speak of these animal and on


halo that encourages this illusion

what is is the relationship

between the Portuguese language of pilots

which makes the Portuguese language

whether it is a prestigious language but

she took serum

to want to talk and that says it wants

to affirm oneself through it is

Talk to me with my hair said on

beginning for certain people for them is

how to consider yourself and during dumb


the test status

of Portuguese language was forced to

independence paradoxically is that the

our leaders only speak Portuguese

is almost never communicated in created with

the people

I ‘m coming to bear with a rich

Portuguese literature and language of

communication to all those who

they dream

is what they claim inspired a

socio-cultural promotion must be

prepared also said that to be

stretch is that it is our assorted talking

With Portuguese began to vary from

are Tomé and Prince and then we should

all speak of wine all speak fu

for various reasons

one of them and mine on 3 because I am

Portuguese teacher is that when

if you master the structure of a language

You can be pretty from other girls.

It is during my career that I

I noticed that the children and young

psd angular speak mother wrote

incomparably better since the

forces because children because they

have already consumed

structures of the fluvial or

prince itself

both I think it would be from 3 in to the

own Portuguese language that we

but we talked for speaking but were

the older ones and then I and reduced

folklore in traditional music in the

traditional people with their own focus


the forum and still helped young people

and children almost a child line

bullet is on fire

Look at the liner and circular oven is

as if it were something of the other

to know perfectly normal is that

we are not only looking at the

our national languages but also

for other elements of our culture

consec was the origin is as if we

Let the strangers look with the

our own thing is if a woman

appears dressed with a southern knot

to work for five years the genius who

they were not from March 8 in envelopes

time or at a parish party

They’ll ask you why you ‘re wearing this

there must be many other things and

so we speak for circumstantial

mine when we were in situations

different from my very feelings


when it is we do not want others

understand that we are accustomed to saying

especially when we’re out there

many of us improve and are

when we’re out there

I even let let alone

home and it’s purpose sometimes is bad

they look bad on the girls

were in the subway in portugal and there was a

old look a lot for them and they

did I look for you sit because

Just look fell on the ceiling for me and

other gil not in other games

Look out, it’s the silly old man.

the market is still silly and the five

men in a subway within and so baby

and getting there

and they stayed within the metro statute of the

cells will be the sides

we go through many things like this

we have the mania of only talking if in

relation to some circumstances when


It’s a final saint who did not know

nothing even remembered the name of

Ruth and I were in a barbeque there was a wave

very loud and I played it on my

brunette marina choked and then just do not

for we have the oven sculptures

our head

the linguistic dance she shut up

need practice

Anyway I want to say that the same sound

They speak strength even if they do not feel the

teach you maybe not feel this city

and maybe it had nothing to do with it.

our growth path made us

leave behind in this moment of our

culture but usually to

inspired by a society is us – for

air that was normally spoken were the

dishes as well as expected

for example a woman to go to give birth

strong mali

Expect that it cuts off the column

do not expect if you see a certain

known great black tie

the girl was not found virgin

but she noticed from the cow

Red okay so I congratulate the

gang was found

our student is expected to be

made with gold leaves

paula as happens almost everywhere

but it has to be with

scented me with pepper and looking

customers who can not miss and

weaving knowledge pays this consultation

things that aaa is expected to publicly


We are educated from the tenderest

age in society

I do not know the family to gift themselves

we drop or it is because we are


It’s me not to push for us, but for

here was the vehicle of our culture of

our identity says that sounds that

people who say the trash maybe I am

I clung to climb this occurs in your

relationship with the world with nature

runs the rope with different port for

This is a waste of money

For garbage, he lost me studies to see himself.

Where does all this come from then I guess

that would be beautiful all is useful for us

learn more who we are and how we are

if we in the stages pay more attention to

inspirations in the departure of the

to continue our

traditional and even over

the same old niches are very

economic need not be

speak a number of things

an employee situation for example

if a woman if a person wants to do

something for us to play in the case of

iata and protected means poetry

Portuguese is going to do a lot of

line how do I want to use

children step wins shows how it is

Grandma, the immense situation already exists and

tampering with failures are already standardized

just use and with that this passage

those already with this learning

and we learn our


I think we see everyone was talking about

speak color and also others created the

because I am I’m not pronounce


I think it’s because of us that we have the strength.

angles of cps walking is that we

we are a rich society each with

your language with your values and this

makes our cultural diversity and

our cultural wealth that I think

yes we should bet on the oven

fortunately today

We have here 0 bel at home

through the class vision that the test

what young people can yes sir there

is at least 13 with the teacher’s program

nicholas which side I think I’ve teaches

language and is not expensive in the formal system.

to stay alone I want the non- formal system

with this to do more things so that

happen like the two boys who is

a trinity school thing that

sending them did not have anything either

the first engine that was in class and

they said the beginning is for in a

god that sami anan powder rogerio

brook exchanged that this good fruit is

finite fire

ae banana paulo good created and here the day

was also to be also the first day

of classes for these two games that I

found vent culture and whose wedge

shared with me the concern she

I did not know what I wanted to talk about doing with


I went through my experience of 40

years and there is the habit squid in class

about reindeer feeding have

when they become quite a stir king

The answer then I reiterate my

The idea of ​​what it is is to bet on the

bet on our identity of ours

relationship with others in a better

great knowledge of the best

relationship acceptance other

situation where this culture of peace

and all these things thank you very much


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