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Ecole 2.0 : apprentissages autonomes et cadre démocratique | Romain Gauthier | TEDxUNamur

hello to all of you at romain

gauthier I co-founded the school

democratic of their our schools a

bit unusual that welcomes children

from 3 to 18 years old without age

without notes without a program so what

which led me to this idea

atypical to join this project from the co

based on not my school

because I had a school path

classic then after a course

academic as classic

maybe we can maybe

look more in childhood where

I was engaged very early in a

municipal council of children and a

city ​​council of teenagers have

engaged a price learned to have this

social engagement it’s a commitment

democratic for others but I

think that beyond that it’s after

first contact with dr julien and this

model here in quebec someone that

I met and with whom I

worked who is a social pediatrician

who has put in place an approach

innovative care and development

of the child so are 0 to 18 years old

his approach is really to go

to look for the well being of the child in

disadvantaged areas

and to do that he’s going to identify them

needs the forces of the child and of

his family and with an important pole

of speakers around him a

specialized teacher educators

psychologists of the workers


they will really identify what is the

plan of action together to put in


finally his approach and it’s also a

approach that mobilizes the family that

mobilizes the child’s environment and this

to identify sources of stress

toxic that children can live and

so fix it because you have to know

that toxic stresses stress

recurrent for the child whether it’s

0 to 18 years are deleterious and can

destroy the brain or in any case

bring about that his development his

surely important volume that these

synaptic connections is done less

between the neurons

So here is this first

approach that led me to have a

other view of the child and after that it’s

the meeting of marine locatelli of

clara bellard of film director

documentaries where she presents

innovative alternative approaches on

the children on the addressants who have me

led to dig further how or

within the educational milieu we could

have different systems

learning and so german spoken

d democratic school this is a

movement that has existed for 40 years

around the world there are schools that

have formed and these are these schools

who welcome children from 3 to 18

years in a father’s community

where they learn in self learning

and where the child as much as the adult to

a pathway and representative and can

decide where to go what are the

evolutions on the school where goes to

school and finally it’s also

schools that puts forward its values ​​that

are the

there benevolence self-confidence

justice so I join in in 2015 and


a project in creation that is here in

belgium of creation of a school

democratic which consists of two

parents teachers

and then in September 2016 we launch

school with twenty young people

so with this pedagogy that is

based on self learning the

co-management of the school by children

by adults and the rhythm of the child

who is they respect and who is

important and that will allow him to

draw his learning path

so maybe at this stage of the

presentation you ask what it

looks like a day

Looks like learning by a child

who can decide what he will learn

I will take an example I take

the example of 2000 and a child in

in the school that is 11 years old and that happens

one morning at 8:40

he’ll go to the welcome board and then

he will you he will mark his presence

he’ll have a little planning of the

day there are workshops that are

proposed in the morning by a mother

volunteer who comes to do a course of

cooking for young children

then in the afternoon there is the speaker

who comes to us from the university that

comes to propose a project of creation

a robot and then also courses

recurring who come back a week

to each other with me or others

school stakeholders who are going

give a math class in the morning for

the big ones and a history class

the afternoon and mylan at this moment the

day he thinks no I’ll maybe

go to robotics course

the afternoon in the morning I will see

other camp here it is in his

reflection and he really has this

ability to draw sound

learning especially there on this

ski day will choose as like

activity as course

it’s a little what we find then

at university or in companies

in the formations really to be in

to learn this autonomy this course

of 2 to make his choices and then to

do some learning to do the

to keep its commitments and it ends

not in schools

traditional classic this is what we

try to set up then in fact

the child development center

at harvard shows that precisely and

proves that it is through autonomy through

learning the autonomy of the

younger age precociously and so

progressive that the adult can bring

the child to develop is his

executive functions so there I you

show this picture because it shows

although we are trying to be

younger to bring children to

use the different utensils that

can have at school and do it

in a safe way

but more and more its autonomy and

its executive functions that we all

which are the working memory that are

the self control that are the

cognitive flexibility the fact of

can be creative to be able to


and if one develops the

precociously gradually from the

younger age the brain is better

build and this immense strengthen and

end of year adults more fulfilled

in the society

so that’s the role I played that

play other adults in the school

democratic of their no it’s to be

facilitators and to bring

kids to learn to learn so

to be autonomous and learn from them

even if they can according to their

abilities according to their age it will vary

from 3 to 18 years old and so I

I encourage I show the example I do not

do not make room and and I’m going to

withdraws gradually so that the child

do it yourself

that’s it now is actually going

try to leave again on hilal because

that we left him he was just at

beginning of his day he wants to go

join his best friend

colin and to do this he will go through

the locals he’s going to look for if he’s

already happened he’ll see me I’m

bringing back games and then a

ream of paper with children

volunteers bones 3 years old and and his brother

arthur who arrive early in the

day and he will say hello and

then there at that moment arthur mdir

beats romain it lacks some paintings

green is what you could buy

and then there I want noted alain jada of

school council because we entrusted

colleagues from Madeira which I

will speak after after millan will continue

in the garden to try to find

colin and there they fall on elin and

line 7 years ago who arrived a little bit more

later we have the right to get there

9.30am in our school and they discuss

he tells her that she still has

still in conflict with louison who has him

took his picnic his snack of

10 o’clock and she decided she

to write a word and that this model is going to the

put in the box of mules for the

adjustment advice that’s the

discussion is done now they

find settlers coming up

it was he was in the garden by train

to observe the work of the land turnips

till the earth yesterday and and they go

go and choose their book activity

turn on the board there he decides that

finally in the morning it’s nice this

that they will do these pursue a

personal project that they had put in

place with death of great harmony 15

years and 14 years old it is a construction

of a cabin so they will do that of

the morning then the afternoon will be

put on more activities to such

that you get to make history the

history class to prepare their

exams that will pass in June two of

twelve years the ceb exam

so it shows that we can

learn from everything and in everything and is in

does that we know what we

believe in democratic school that’s

what is at the same time learning

formal participate in workshops

there are also informal apprenticeships

to go out and then jump

sheep or chat with his friend and then

shared about on topics that we

make think so the child is not

all in awareness and learning

but in a day if he’s in a

structured environment a

environment that has several types of

kind of intelligence at its disposal

well he’ll be able to learn from everything

and that’s what we’re going to favor and

then this is what shows especially the

neuroscience actually neuroscience

shows that in fact the brain of a

child his brain plasticity is

very strong

that is, he is constantly creating

transform strengthen or eliminate

connections between neurons and that

this will allow if these connections are

well are well worked from

develop his brain so we go

every day when we arrive in

school go to these centers

of adult interests as children

I also wear it centers

of interests try to develop them

we will offer workshops to each

others or if we need resources

outside we’ll get them a

neighbor who knows the garden that’s where

a a cooking lover someone who

is passionate about cinema a researcher

in mathematics for these people

passionate people can pass on their

passion and the science ninian sauce

show it actually the enthusiasm the

curiosity the intrinsic motivation

are really tall forms of

brain development and its

synapses its connections that is created

in the child

they can strengthen themselves they can

become perennial so precisely

the enthusiast there if the child plays so

the child does it with passion so

it is really in this perspective that we

will create class atmosphere the wall of

classify the mood in in the school and

and my role is the role of others

other adults and even

children and therefore no facilitator

holder necessarily to know but

rather to allow the children they

can fetch

look for them by themselves or towards

others what is what interests them

and the posture is also very important

because the child assimilates everything that

is in his environment by the game

through the learning he does and

so the adult who is here in this

environment must be a model a

example in terms of language in terms of

gestures in terms of attitude and our

motivational curiosity convictions

so the adults are learning as much

that teachers in the school and

fortunately for us we are not in

a quest in a school where we did not

than children 6 years old or 12 years old so

we have older ones who are also going

have interactions with the most

young people or younger ones that we have

reactions with the biggest ones for

some topics where they can be

even more knowledgeable connoisseurs than

others and so the interactions are going

really favor the fact that all the

world be model or modeling for

the rest of the collective

so here is a little how do work

these self learning is a

learning without really having any


this profusion in the classroom where everything

the world is an actor after we can

ask this question how finally

do we do that without notes and

what we learn is self

evaluate what we know value and well

millan in the morning when he went to do

his hut activities he was with

morin with harmony who are bigger

and half morin and is someone who is

really experts in all

building huts so he was able

show him taught he has more corrected

by observation and the afternoon with

corrective sheets

when he was doing the story is there

he could also self-evaluate sells to

price really aims this self

assessment that brings the child to himself

focus on its autonomy and as needed

we go

if it’s preparing a review towards

outside to university go

towards more formal evaluations

now it is Thursday we have advanced a

little in the week and Thursday morning is

the school council I was talking about

see you later

everyone arrives in the morning and we go

it seemed to discuss what’s going on

go to school together

children as adults and everyone a voice

everyone can vote on projects that

are proposed to me for example I’m going

ask that we buy new from the

green paint

there are other children flora

timéo and oriane who will ask this

make a partnership with the

local equestrian center of the village for

go up the horses are busy

So they worked a budget it is

was going to see the different people

and then we have for example also arthur

who will ask that a point of

school rules be changed there

where we eat at noon the places where we

eat so this collective exercise allows

to disguised children their sense of

citizenship their sense of taking

responsibility because they’re going

work skills such as

collaboration planning or

still self-esteem taking

speech in public and even outside the

school board the kids are going

to invest in the administration or

management of the school 11 starting from a

funding circle for example

Milanese is building with

other children and adults an evening

benefit for the school to bring

money other harmonies work

with olive tree at the development of

school and so on and that it allows

children to develop their metal

skills that are essential in

their life that of

to be committed citizens

that weave trust that

know who have developed

inter relation with each other

interpersonal skills that

are essential in society

it was Thursday morning on Thursday

afternoon where we have advice

of adjustment that takes place a little every

days and this adjustment advice it’s

another very important body of

school to guarantee peace if and

guarantee living together I will you

mentioned earlier and linky which

wants to bring a complaint against him so

he takes his snacks and well she

will come to this assembly where he

there are children and adults who are

are gathered together and she will present

the facts she will present the rule

who was transgressed and then we go

listen to each other in

their needs in their felt and

finally collegially we go

decide on a solution of a

repair in relation to what has

been done that allows children and

adults too since we also work

of 200 really creates in respect

in this collective framework of its values

that we have put forward that are the

benevolence freedom there the

sense of justice respect one

others and children as much as the

adults so in this type of school in

are guarantors it’s not an adult who

impose rules arbitrarily

or according to a regulation but these children

as adults who those who are guarantors

of the safety of respect there and the

benevolent frame so einstein was saying


if we judge a fish to its capacity

climbing a tree all his life he’s going to

to believe stupid and good in our school

we really have this focal this

new perception of the child to say

that everyone has a talent and so it is

important to look at each child

individually to identify their needs

to understand his expectations and of himself

make him aware of his

strengths of his talents and that they can

develop them and climb to his at

the tree if he has to climb a tree or

then to be in a pool

it’s more like a fish and I think

it’s our responsibility to all

adults here and also to

kids to really focus our

attention on how children

today’s tomorrow must have

really focus on them themselves

know yourself being anchored in

their learning or their ways of

do for to be citizens

flourished in society in connection

also with their environment their

nature and take care of them too

take it by taking it seriously because

it is they who will build the future of


thank you


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