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Como as pessoas irão interagir com as cidades no futuro? | Edgar Andrade | TEDxUnisinos

hello how will people interact with

The cities

Think a little about me here.


in recent years I have reflected

a lot about that question

and for me the first thing that people

have to do before you think about the future

of cities is to try to understand how

people can change our model of


I think it ‘s fundamental that people

to review the way we are

consuming in the world our society

all happened a story there with me

some two or three years that marked me

So much that hurt me a lot.

I was having a beer with a

friend who was celebrating his


He’s happy as hell because the

60-somethings he finally

Start living that has really hit me.

Are you happy with your children?

taking over the business and

This gave me a lot because I always

inspired me too it continues

inspiring but at that moment I

I realized that I did not want to be rich.

I did not want to have a life is this in

that you only get to live the 60 I

I want to continue living all my

days as I do today and from this

moment I set my first goal in the


from that moment on that would not be

to leave a real estate of even

my children work in another and I

I see you lighting her, dying, please.

from my last beer aqmi because

I believe that the legacy we have

what to leave for our children is not

money was not this is not the

equity, but rather the ability to look

for the world to understand that it is great

and full of opportunities and the

to look at the neighbor in your

side with problems needing help

that you have to reach out to

he if he is in all this they

they will be able to be whatever they want

even wealthy if that is the case.

I’m not the team that I’m going to do with

the three are rich and have me

a very important characteristic

in this process of change of

behavior that was giving up the

car also happened more or less

around 12 years ago

I always dreamed of piloting a ferrari

and only after I stopped catching fire

I discovered that I did not want to have a

ferrari I wanted to fly one and it’s

It’s very easy for you to go to the

Italy spends a lot of money there and

week voting 300 pounds per year in

ferrari without having to buy a

a little about it

and more when I get home today I gave it to you

take a look at your house and see the

tell of things you bought

that you have to use a little bit

more often or until they have never used

is a guy I’ve been following the

That ‘s super cool called jeremy.

rifkin that he has a very theory

cool he said that in the future in 30 40

years there will be a merger between evil

successful socialist model and now

also perceived as unsuccessful

capitalist model I think that here

nobody doubts that this model is not

Cool it is not rolling and from this merger

society will emerge

sharing in which the creation

will become global

This is already happening and the production

will become local

imagine the following scenario in which I am

here together is with an Indian an Italian

together and develop the product and create

together in this product when it comes to

has two possibilities or people

locally reproduces this product each

make your money or do we make a

industry with little structure of

distribution and marketing logistics

from the south and parana

I have the impression that the first

way it will be more interesting

For me she’s betting on it a lot

and I think it’s important that everyone

also reflect a little on this

behind this movement of change of

behavior has a movement maker

it acts on a cross-sectional basis of

construction of this change of

sense of breaking paradigm

paradigms that point us to a

different future in the future and not

only in that we go beyond that

do it yourself culture and go to

the culture of doing it together has to be

together to solve the problems of

our city and to identify

opportunities and it is not enough to

people get together have to get people together

different if you take a team with

three architects who take another team with

an architect a biologist and engineer


inevitably the second team will generate a

very magical product fatally the

second time will generate a product

and if you add this

second team

the user the client the citizen there that

product will be magical because it will

reflect the real desire of people is

What are we talking about?

I wish people city

is it that the smart city is that

which has hardware sensors that have

technology embedded in all


I do not think so because if it was simple

so if it were only to throw technology at

education was already resolved in the world

in the 90’s

they filled the computer room

then arrived in the year 2010 now the

People are gonna solve everything, it ‘s just a tablet.

in the place of computers

sincerely for me education in

world continue shit is not technology

that solves the technology problems

tool that solves problems is

what do we people do today is to put together

We have been developing a

super cool job

in reef a research in which people

is developing a luminaire for


there’s a lot that seems low when

we’ll see why the sidewalks

of the city are dark because the

public lighting turned to the street

is focused on cars and

violence ends up happening in a

more than it should because the

sidewalks are dark

So we decided to create a

lamp that is not has nothing

fantastic from the point of view

technology centered on the sidewalk with

ka solar energy capture board

sensors and that it was possible to

built by the company itself as

We are at the beginning of this age.


I can already see comdec this

will, give

I already have a community of

reef or from any place in Brazil and

the world in which that leadership

community will bring everyone together in

street in the square will tell us just

download the design side fabio reef in

internet has the tutorials have the manuals

have everything

I already arranged the church will enter a

Little bug so-and-so will enter a

little grocery store will get one

a little

Dona Zefinha will make the feijoada for

We celebrate after we do

all our work and is the following

weekend everyone on the street to

make a joint effort because we will

build new fixtures and we do not

will be there and will be doing maintenance

When it happens, I’ll go there.

take an honor because it will be proven

that this theory that for us still today

it is a study base, it is possible to turn


and we are working with

construction of reality has another

great experience that we are

running that I think you’re going

find it very interesting

we started to rotate a

experience in a beautiful garden and a city

180 kilometers of reef more or

less and we joined the city galley

to the community had several moments

interviews and interviews but he got

a specific weekend

today we have 26 people in this community

together with eight architects with the

institute fable reef team

Conceição Moorio, we discover the

solution to create a new occupation

for that hurry area of 6 thousand meters

squares in the center of the city

and see how cool this project already

in progress it’s still right but I wanted

play a ball for you guys

happening from it is magical that

moment that we live and that we

believes more and more in power

people’s transformer

seek and find before the

alternatives that the community brings to

discuss how these spaces can be

articulate and assist in the development

people and the city as a whole.

people increasingly come to occupy the

space of the city the squares parks and

Expect a clubbing with lactec

she has several carnival balls

shopping festival that is in fact

this space of coexistence more than

is also a memory space at 10

a place where you have science also

the family picnic with my

friends in a safe place is

banks to face

so I wanted to now if you

do that question again as the

people will interact with cities in


I’m sure it’s going to be very

different than many people have been talking about


but for this future to happen

The way I want it the way I want it

I brought you here, you gotta put it together.

A lot of people I’m building the

city ​​that I want and you

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