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C’est à nous tous de construire des tremplins ! | Samira Djouadi | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen


hello everyone then just little info

my birthday is sunday

So we must come back to me Sunday

wish and 46 years old then I would like

tell you the story of a springboard

of many from elsewhere and through this

stepping stone explain to you a little my

courses both personal too

professional is also what

built and what allowed me to be

in front of you in any case to be

legitimate to be here tonight for you

share this experience and that

I would like that at the end of this evening

you tell yourself I want to do

as it will make me want

to undertake because that’s it

life because that’s what society

so here I am, I am a young girl

who was born in the 9-3 then I am

happy because Sylvie shouted it up

and strong that the courneuve

these are cities where we live

together has been around for decades

for years except that it hurt

interpreted often speaks of the Seine

saint denis as a department

negative where a lot of things happen

except that each time we put the

light on the little thing

the little thing that will make us go

give a negative image

I grew up I came from a

family of eight children then the


among the 8 es there had to exist

imagine in a Maghrebian family

I’m 46 so it was in the

80s it had to exist through

an education by easy for them

girls because we learned from our

parents that girls bah here is

it was strict it was the studies

and again if we had parents who

tolerated otherwise it was a lot of

house so I had to exist

I had to develop my character

and what saved me is the sport the

sport allowed me to discover our

family a family that allowed me

to have another oxygen to meet

of the world to see that there is also

something other than in the city than in

the suburbs and this sport allowed me

to acquire values ​​that allowed me

we do not realize when we practice

of the sport case I encourage you to do

and especially take your kids to

to practice sport because you go


in the sequel and when we grow up and

understand the maturity that these values

of sport and allow us

to undertake things just

extraordinary and above all to be

always positive because that’s it

life must be positive even when it’s

hard because everything is not easy but

optimism changes

a lot of things and so I had the

chance to be accompanied by teachers

who believed in me because they are

said do not miss me good in

athletics so should go to that

and accompanied me to go do a

sports studies and there I told them stop

the sports studies my parents internal to

forget it does not exist here

forbidden for girls so yes

it was my brother worries but for the

it’s not possible they told me

but if we’re going to go to Ben then

Go for it

they put such enthusiasm

was my first springboard on springboard

which allowed me to go out to see other

thing and went my parents

were convinced that they are said to be good

it’s still adults who wears

my child so why not so I

went and as I learned to live

in a large family

after two years while I was

in an idyllic place I was at

fontainebleau in a sport studies at

fontainebleau and in fact I have not

supported the separation of my family

so I cried every Wednesday you

call back phone booths

because in our day there was not the


I called I cried these moms I

can I say more but I understand

not you tired me to go and

now you’re crying to come back and then

bombs listening here so I

came back to Aubervilliers because

I was born in Aubervilliers

so this is the city that is next to

the day and the end I resumed my

Latin studies bac

and then as in the suburbs we are

not learning to see what’s going on

the other side of the ring

because we have to stay between us

of the entre- is because see

talk about the sores but it’s the same

thing in the suburbs you have to stay between

because we are better and so I

do a bts did not count what a bts

counted in my high school 1

that’s when I’m vaccinated by

accounting internships I’m traveling

account quickly

wow it’s not for me so I’m

not angry I’m married with a teacher

management so see it like that via i

put a perfect equality in relation

to that and then quickly I told myself

good it ‘ll make me you’ll do whatever you do

will become so I got

to return to my passion that is the

sport and there I said to myself I’m going

become a sports teacher and there I

become a sports teacher and

I teach you to see you so

if there are links not know and

we found this evening with you

the occurrence and so I teach and like

I am scorpions I am someone

when I went around I made the

turn I do not pretend I do not know

to pretend in more it is seen on

my face so like that so see

so we get vaccinated and so

I stop and my husband tells me but you

stop to do what we did not have

no child is ok and because

we have three and there he will do what

I tell you but I do not know but I say

but I’m going to take care I’m going to create

an association because I’m not at


I decided to stop so it’s not

we did not fired I decided so I

will take care i’m going to create a


and then I will see that I will become

so is of course creating this

association I wanted to give

meaning because I lived with these

young people who are idle because

that they have no future because they

are not optimistic and so on and

so through this association that

is called sporta life so it’s a real

word game by thinking that one moment

given we must all be actors we must

all take charge and it takes

start very early you have to give

this belief to these very young

very early and so we take young

so I’m going to show you it’s not working

thin part started here thank you

so is the goal of this very laptop

quickly what is the idea

education through sport because we have

understood with my husband who is

also teacher that the sport does it

vibrate they did not practice of

this sport because there are plenty of clubs

that exist so there is no competition

on the other hand we allow them by this

passion for sport to go live

major sporting events but has

crossed in transmits what act de

citizenship of trust but also

to be able to mount projects from their

to say that it is possible because

often they have a negative image of

and so inevitably return what when we

has a negative self- image

negative thing

so we try to hide all that

and tell them but you are

intelligent you are brilliant except we

we do not know yes the right buttons

so we will support you with the good

button i will give you a little

year like that so these young people we

took him to Brazil

no later than three months ago in rio

we took a hundred and forty kids live

the Olympic Games with a whole project

cultural a whole humanitarian project and

to tell them you’re living in

suburbs but we do things

extraordinary and a little anecdote

a 2002 when I launched the first

trip it was in seoul for the cut

of the world

and there I tell everyone

I like to go far in what we

undertake we will teach them the

Korean these little kids from Saturday and

monday no but it will not make you crazy

completely already French is


English forgotten but then there you

speak Korean but I’m told but

you did not understand

if there is a goal at the end but they

will go wild

they will do everything to learn this

language is set and also when I

went to see the ambassador of korea

for them to put in 10 points after

gratos safe although I did not have the

everything at that moment and he looked at me

see a little when I have nothing against

Asian but showing nothing and in

same time I imagined moment but him

must take me for a nutty but he

saw that I was so so

convinced of what I was telling who would

said ok I put you a teacher for a year

Well, I can tell you, ben there is

a magic when I saw these kids from

4000 homes from the courneuve to

take the Korean

I cried I blamed it because

that this is missing something


so of course I tell you it’s

for travel seoul south africa

but it takes money

I understood that it takes money to

associations by the way if there is

partners who want to come there are

no problem so what am I doing

at that moment I was visionary

but I did not know it

know it so I tell my husband I

found the right partner indicated on Thursday

was hey yeah he founds the god

visual they have the rights of all

sporting events so necessarily

they will make sure to help us and

there so I’m going to of course go

meet the president of the time

was patrick the lay a breton you

imagine and there I put myself all

days for six months to 10 hours of

to call the secretariat of the

president to have an appointment to

the bear who did not know they did not

did not know it was that I was doing


here is the report see what’s the point

and therefore there is I he finally me

receive because it says m tired

is but draws so I will receive them

we will fold the folder and then like that

she will stop calling so I’m

present and there he kicked me

yes the big bosses I have ten minutes

to consecrate you and there I say that

well falls this president I speak very

very quickly

in five minutes I folded the folder

so in five minutes I could have been there

the file but we stayed an hour

and half to send

so it’s and so you become

partners so that’s going great

and everything and then at 3 4 years after our

partnership one day he makes me call

a said samira it is absolutely necessary that I

see you and there I tell myself that my husband

it’s dead the grants as it

it’s a Breton and tell me in front

so that’s the way we’re going


so I’m going with a pitch like

that to explain that he did not

interest we could stick to the

watch since 2005 wants to remind in 2005

what happened in the suburbs so

I really had all the assets alas

after that it was not at all for that

it was to poach me the guy he

wanted to lure me

alas alas I am told but for

do what indy to be commercial

samira el your energy to listen

relate one that you took me

and ben necessarily the advertisers and

could pass here and there I say but

no it will not be possible

it’s not going to be possible because

because here and one of the reflections


but I need you finally I

come and go I tell him ok but a

indie condition which I tell him I

want to create a foundation there

no foundation TF1 so I want

to be the one who proposes the foundation to

group because I had the recoil to

the outside and I know where tf1

must engage and tell me is the

best person for for precisely

we propose a project and there I him

so I ‘m doing the commercial that I love

you tell it right away from the guy

because I loved it and from there and

So the springboards to see

build as and when

then I start the Akré Akré

foundation to him presented and there I

tell him this is east africa he

It is essential that TF1 commits itself and

that’s what we have to go to so I

present him what I present him a

beautiful project ah so that’s my

little family is actually I tell him

here is tf1 we have a real

social responsibility we must

to commit

we must be an actor because we return

images that are strong and so we

must be responsible

so I propose that in the

programs of the foundation we can

allow these suburban youth who

are brilliant who all have their place

in our boxes of milk form and the

accompany them with the codes

because that’s the problem it’s

the codes the network too and the

to integrate

so we will give them some training

because of course we send them

in schools but they know a

once they are graduates they

are not recognized by the states by the


so there’s only those who know and have

good networks good connections

and that’s it we’re going to put them in

good schools and thanks to that eh

well we have drinking leagues or

jean-marie bakayoko sanad and johanna

samir al ghadir dilemma that are

journalists for others who are who

works in marketing in the rh

in the jurists and suddenly we allow

to hire them

for two years with an ide coach with

training in the key with

sponsors of the employees’ tutors

of the group who are engaged

the accompaniment of these young people and that

that’s what make you do that they

can expect from anyone

we must accompany precisely the

young people and give them stepping stones

we all have networks in our pockets

to look at your pockets there are complained

network but what is it used for in

the pockets to nothing then do in


your neighbor stop with the links of the

blood boyfriend’s friend’s boyfriend’s

friend of the thing but offered it to

people you do not know you’ll see

how do we sleep well pushpin when we

is someone we do not know because

that we did it with great

sincerity with a commitment to

with convictions the parks we have in

the guts and that’s important and that

it is important

and I want to give you then

there are plenty of other projects but I

invite you to go to our website

so today I want your

traces but of weight as message it is

as much as we are here we can

to commit

all as much knows one is able to

create stepping stones for the neighbor the

neighbor etc

but for that to have the conviction

all together we must be able and we must

do it one must be able to inspire to sow

wealth of knowledge because

together if we all meet at a

onni to each his level because

there are some who can no longer

me but it’s okay do not judge it

it takes to be active what it

must is to engage

what is needed is to allow

the banal when there is someone who has the

banana when you know you have a

little bit contributed to asson to his


but what do we feel better about

skin what do we feel better when

we manage to bring happiness for

someone and that’s important

and me today by the way if I’m

this is thanks to a man see so

to talk about diversity elsewhere I

will name is Jean Pierrot

bergé who is director of the com de

boiled words that gave my name to

Beatrice and who came discretos me

to see in front of bira here it would be

well and it is not thank you thank you stone

because thanks to you I was able to share

this beautiful experience but also as

I am a bulimic of projects I

also created a com agency

by the way in front of jova nicolas bordas and

I’m glad he’s here because

it’s thanks to measures like that


let’s help create a comunication agency

and here I leave you the pleasure of going

see because the same

through corporate networks of

people because at first I’m going to you

to tell a little anecdote when nicolas

he said yes thanks to claude cohen

who is a woman but who has a name

masculine whose you see a little the

charisma and well at first I got

said it’s caen who will let go what

nicolas it’s not possible he did not

done with conviction and with plenty of and

well 10 years later we will celebrate our 10

years at the end of the month it’s been ten years

that new court exists that’s ten

years that this cost agency

communication that is at the

exist and which made it possible

young people to flourish in the


There it is, thanks


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