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4 keys to re-invent a school connected to life | Régis Falque | TEDxUNamur

good evening I’m a teacher and

stamm photographer confers quality

the first one to have time the

second that of constantly observing

all the time everywhere my environment

the people with whom I was delighted and

this morning again I was watching my little

boy his name is diogen

he’s two years old I deposited at the

crib he passed the door of his

section he headed to toys

I did not tell him at one point

diogenes please play must know

that at two years the learning is done

by the game at no time I do not tell him

diogenes learns I did not tell him

do not you want your evening at this table

and for eight hours to take no

naturally he went to these

games then I went out of the manger

is right in front there is a school

primary kindergarten

I approached a window and I

looked at I looked and I

really had a madeleine effect of


I went back to my past and

I invite you to make this trip

today here and now close the

eyes closed eyes a few minutes

close eyes

immerse yourself in this school

primary kindergarten in which you

were left by entering a space

class chairs tables

the professor’s desk on the desk of the

teacher in big size pencil with

a crank

there were on the walls tables of

multiplication of rules


there were your personal productions

the alphabet on the right in class one

corner cushion with a library a

toy library you could sit there

after doing a good job and

just take the time to read a


maybe there was a kitchen area

you made your first pancake

you have eaten your first

galette des rois

you gave the crown

to your queen of the time

and then at the back of the classroom a corner a

play corner with a big wardrobe

metallic or was it a door

stolen wood with two in

shelves and gouache groups a

plastic bottle cut to

half with brushes in open

the eyes

we all lived this school and then

you entered secondary school

what was your environment in

secondary education tables

chairs a table four walls

maybe it was bread you have to


I knew the faded curtains

heating that works in summer and not

in winter what was found at

what is observed in these

conditions in fact one finds a

change of environment and as

that teacher at the beginning of

secondary education is found

also the first big stall in

makes a once stimulating environment

sensory wear we come now

in a neutral brain environment

so of those who drop that is

what we do we redirect

to what’s called the qualifying their

explaining that it’s a lot more

pragmatic as if teaching

secondary school that led after

higher education was not

pragmatic as if in fact being

surgeon it was not pragmatic

and years information was not

pragmatic to be an engineer this was

not pragmatic

some will say yes but we need

from a neutral environment to form

the brains of tomorrow you have here a

pretty well known photo which is the photo

taken from einstein’s office right after

his death me I do not see a class

of secondary neutral and cerebral I am

see chaos

I see a painting on which we have

writes we erased I see books

I see an environment that

bear intellectually

you know the school as I

know looks like pretty much to

that also clean about that the

schools where I went

globally it’s the environment in

which I work every day

the environment there are several

centuries that my predecessors

look like this globally all

things have changed in fact I believe that

the school has always suffered from three


the first is the relation to error

the school never tolerated the mistake

when you were planted at school one

took a big red one you were told you

not worth anything especially doubled to little

things close and so the school in his


what right could she herself

make mistakes so how do I think

that in the school in the transformation

of school she also has the right to

make a mistake to try a

methodology to crash and then to

try again and it does not matter

second pitfall is the report to

content that the school has always

maintained a school always mark

the content that needed to be

the school to learn

at first we called it leaves to see

now we call that

skills tomorrow we’ll call that

excellence but it’s getting that in

reality the existing contents in

outside of school

it’s not the school that invented

the sciences and not the school that has

invented mathematics contents

pre- exists at school and exists in

outside of these so the school in

fact should not determine the

content must be an interface a

interface between an environment and a


we see, moreover, that pedagogy

projects in superior resurfaced

and that is that there is one impulse

impulse methodologies we say to our

students do what you want

work on the subject you like

but I will teach you

methodologies because the contents are

go but the methodologies she she

remains and then the school has always been

based on the industrial fashion our

students were seen as products

on a linear editing bench where

each in a partitioned way gives his

courses look in schools 50

minutes of a class 50 minutes from another

course and then 50 minutes again in

third while the paradigm of

digital is radically changing all that

the digital is it’s really

tree thinking is a

kind of profusion of ideas that comes

from everywhere and the school does not replicate

this mode

that’s why I

is trying to propose a model

school model school model


my goal is to see what are all

environmental parameters on

which one can act and who will

positively and lastingly impact

learning and this is a way in

the school has not yet proceeded is

why in fact the school has always

reproduces its operating diagram

to innovate, you have to borrow

uncertain pathways and that’s the reason for

which today I allow myself to

quote Saint John of the Cross

who says to go where you do not know he

have to go by where you do not know and

it is this little path that I

proposes the environmental model

but already the focus on the lab what we

call the lab it’s our environment

our physical environment our

spatial environment what is

passes as soon as we see the space

no longer class as just in space

class one learns but as a

environment we are already developing

empathy between students but also

between the student and the teacher and then

the report is positively polarized

student learning is not going to


just to sit on an armchair

quite a comfortable and sometimes

to take materials that they

do not really appreciate that

sometimes just to take

materials we do not like

but at the very least we have polaris

positively space because in

we can discuss it and it says

we can play there we can learn

certainly we can do many more


and since our environment

becomes stable we can exploit it

exploit it and put it back in our game

school meaning that used formerly

and that no longer re used exploit

visual re-exploit the olfactory exploit

the auditory from the moment you

explain my environment

I already have new opportunities

educational for example if I my maps

the material if gmail maps every

subjects followed by students and that

my environment consists of a

big white board all over the walls

what’s going to happen I’ll see

develop throughout the year

all the materials visually as

an expanding brain and at the end

I would have a form of syncretism of

everything I would have learned during this

year is visually this is carrier

comes next then comes the

possibility then to exploit these two

new teaching techniques related

for example to management

you know we teach our students to

manage super very good projects

now with a visual environment

for example I can use

project management matrices use

post it and that endures in the

time then comes the holism the

holism is putting the accent on the

great all that form a class that’s

already develop intelligence

collective collective intelligence

it’s a form of intelligence

superior to the form of intelligence

greater than the sum of the

individual intelligences that

constitutes an equine space and in particular

of the interaction of these different

intelligence you know we do not bet

no longer on interdisciplinarity

if I have a visually

wear I can visually and

explicitly realize the links between

the different topics save a

professor of financial theory

explain to me that, for example,

teeth physicists

bang why because the court

evolution of the stock market price evolved

randomly with the same movement

that a dust in the air as

French teacher I have

tendency to say that I also see there

in a lot of poetry

ten professional trainings and then

there are Latin links and chemistry

between biology the education course


there are also links between

statistics and philosophy

we are trying to develop

brain way and why not the

see these links and truly power

weave this link in our environment


then comes the opening I told you

the school is out of step with

the society

our school trains us to a society

but we realize that she does not

will not do the right company

the school projects a model of

society that is not the model that

exists outside of this one the opening

is to say that the school must do

going back and forth between herself and

the company open up for example do

coming from the outside speakers

it’s a first thing but also

why not and we see it appears

in the upper

implement coworking spaces

in learning environments

and some will tell me that the big

capital go back to school that it’s


I do not believe I do not believe because

that coworking environments are

very carriers of diversity and then that

allows a student to see what

that the professional world

and then for the professional it allows

to say to each other how can I feed

my my creative project with the help of a

young brain that has not yet undergone the

steamroller of some schools

then I also think that opening

it reminds to luminy to the humility of

all who teach

I told you letting you have all

skills exist outside of

school sometimes what we teach

it’s a grain of sand in

the vastness of the knowledge that they exist

so I sincerely think that in this

back and forth between school and


we must also reclaim a form

of humility when one is a good teacher

the last part the connection

the integration of the technologies of

information and communication

ethics in the school environment

do not know if you know any teachers if

you already asked them

of the integration of ICT in

the school environment

but if you want me the meals of

family and put a bad


I think that’s the best question

to ask the school actually never knew


in any case she has not yet succeeded

to adapt then we tried to


for example, we have replaced the tables

blacks by tvi white boards

interactive and we will subsist in a

same space of the elements that

causes a bit of a paradox it’s

ie we see appearing rate

changing it lestrade dais

mark the zone of the

teacher and the student area the

area of ​​the one who knows and the area of

the one who does not know the area of ​​the one

who hierarchically mans

superior will teach in a way

linear and unilateral to the small

head to fill while the

information technology la

communication allow us to do

things then center in

teaching may not be

to learn a skill but in any

case of the consolidate to improve it from

the multiplied if from then on I

pass on a student’s competence

that of organizing oneself is to make


technologies will allow it

gives to see easier to develop

this skill and that’s where the

technology for me we really have to

to reclaim it and see how it

that it can multiply

skills that one acquires school

there is also this relationship to technologies

for a youngster as a teacher

must also educate them and

tell them that technology is not

not that entertainment for a lot

young people I have in high school 1

smartphone is used for social networks and

to make disgusting snapshots then

that actually a bomb

technological in their pocket they

can they have a visual memory

they can photograph everything they

see they can organize themselves

can share files they

can share to help calendars

they can have access to knowledge and

a huge amount of knowledge and

yet no they make old one

disgusting girl

I caricature for example obviously

but I think that behind that there is

still a good background of truth

so what do we do with these

four elements

three years ago I led a small

experience anyway a small project

he did not joke about this model of

class in a school there was a

learning space a small living room

with a library library

I am a french teacher I teach

in classes where there is no

book is like teaching music

in classes where there is no

of instrument a few things near you

so have a library access to

computers he had a kitchen a

coffee machine a tea machine or

from a budget point of view they had

all to bring so even the question

the budget does not matter we noticed

two things the first the results

have never been so good really

the success rate exploded the

second line lgv who came to see me

a Wednesday afternoon and she told me

sir yes I stayed at school the

first thing that the first

question I asked myself is

know is what she is and restrained

in fact no she just wanted

spend time in this room in this


I do not want to call it class anymore

because it made it feel good and because

that she wanted to learn in

and there I thought to myself if changing

our school environment we manage

to make sure that students

asks to stay in school because

that they feel good about it

was not there a great challenge

major you know I’m for a

decompartmentalization of learning

that we stop saying to ourselves there are

moments when we learn and moments we

do not learn I’m really for that

these learnings so that everyone is

by learning that we learn

in any place and at any time and for

that the school environment can

impact this report on learning

and tonight I’m going to give you no

a duty but rather a proposition

because he does not have to


invite you to go home in

your professional environment

just consider this one and you

say like that can I changed in my

environment that will allow me

to improve my learning s

visual s2 the olfactory s2 the auditory to

you choose

and then this will I have of

transform the school maybe she

comes from anguish the anguish of a

young dad because today

diogenes to two years in six months there

will go to school I would like to resume

words of saint jean de la croix

lean towards the little boy and him

say this you know my big do of

school what it is not in

taking paths that we do not

do not know I thank you


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