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OSHO: You Can Become Extraordinary

silence communicated in words


You can become extraordinary

How would you like to see us become as ordinary as you are?

No one ever becomes ordinary;

you can become extraordinary,

the very process of doing so removes it from being commonplace.

So there is no way

to be ordinary.

You are ordinary,

you do not have how to become such.

You have to quit doing,

you have to start living.

There are two types of people in the world

those who are constantly being made

and in their own effort to do this and that

lose the chance of being the ones who are.

They lose time, life, energy,

and doing so will never end.

This is precisely the horizon – there,

that looks as close as you can – just a few miles away.

But how many miles reaches them,

you see that the horizon has gone further,

the distance remains the same.

The person who is caught in the grid

it damages all his life,

dies unrealized,

in great desperation,

because he can see it

that he had had his whole life to live,


because of his desire to become something, someone,

has sacrificed everything that was available for free.

Nobody becomes ordinary,

you are ordinary.

You are born ordinary,

just like everything else in existence:

animals, birds, trees.

No bird needs to be ordinary,

no tree asks, does not ask how to be ordinary.

But man seeks this

and this process itself

makes you crazy.

Leave it to become someone else.

Dismiss the very idea that it should

you are according to any discipline, any holy book,

any theology.

Remember all that you should be like Jesus or Buddha or Mahavira,

and suddenly you will see that you are the ones you are.

We live it, blissfully, without any fault.

Existence wanted to be who you are.

If existence would like some other Jesus would create

thousands of Jesus, without any problems.

He would have made the Jews in assembly lines.

But it only makes individuals.

Existence never makes copies,

never does anyone like someone else.

This is the beautiful and the glorious being of existence.

This is a blessing

that no one like you has ever existed or will not exist,

you are just unique.

Do not harm this uniqueness

running after any purpose,

any shadows.

Now, because I tell you

it’s so nice to be ordinary,

it’s so fun to be timid,

you have also become an ordinary goal.

Your question

it would have been quite right if you had asked how to become Jesus Christ,

how to become Buddha,

how to become




self-making processes

and being ordinary are

absolutely diametrically opposed to each other.

You are at the point where you try to reach,

where can not go nowhere

You do not have to become nobody,

in this moment you are

what existence you wanted to be

do not lose this,

enjoy it.

Copyright © OSHO Foundation, Switzerland

OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation

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