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How to describe APPEARANCE in English – Essential Advanced Adjective Vocabulary Lesson

Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.

Today I have a little longer video leakage for you.

We will discuss the vocabulary,

and specifically how to describe the look of people.

This is really a very important topic.

Usually this is one of the first things you learn,

when you start with English,

but I want to get deeper.

People are usually able to describe the basic form.

I want to teach you some more advanced vocabulary,

to be able to describe in detail,

how people look.

If you understand me with some difficulty,

you can turn on subtitles so you can

see the words below on the display.

In speed before we start: this video will help

in oral and written expression and in vocabulary building.

It will also help you with the listening skills,

because you will listen to me

and learn other terms.

But if you want to get your listening

and pronunciation for the next stage,

I advise you to try

Audible is a website where you can

download and listen to audiobooks.

They have thousands of titles.

I am listening to myself during my long runs.

Before I listen to the whole book, it’s about marathon,

but I really enjoy it.

If you download books in English, it’s an amazing way

to improve understanding of listening and pronunciation.

They will give you a free audiobook there.

Just click on the link

in the description of this video and registered.

And if you do not want to pay within a month,

you can cancel it. It’s absolutely free.

I’ve recommended some books

in the video description where British pronunciation is used.

Let’s start with the lesson.

First we talk about the human body.

I think I’ll start

how big people are.

Maybe you could already know these basic concepts:

small and large – small and large.

But what if someone is high normally?

This can be expressed in several ways.

You can say that people are on average tall,

that they are medium tall.

To be more precise and to indicate

their actual height in centimeters

or feet and thumbs, you can say “around”.

I would say that I have about five feet and six inches.

I really have five and a half feet, but

sometimes I say I have five feet six inches.

Other words that can be used are very / very much and quite / quite.

So: it is very high, it is quite small.

We also have body types and weights.

You have to be careful,

when describing someone’s body type or weight,

because you can touch their feelings.

First, I will introduce several positive adjectives

to describe the human height and then

I will indicate another, negative,

to understand when to use them and when not.

But I warn you that weight is especially in the UK

and in many places around the world

very sensitive topic, so

when you feel like you can offend someone,

it is often best not to say anything at all.

But this is not my role here; I teach you words.

Let’s start!

So we have – thin and thick.

These words are usually considered negative.

But let’s say some positive option.

Instead, you can describe the person with the word “slim” or “slender”.

These are absolutely harmless words.

If someone calls me thin or slim, it makes me queasy.

The next word is “lean” that denotes

slim but well-grown man.

It is a positive word that expresses that man is in the form.

It is muscular, has no fat, is slim (or well grown).

You can mark the woman as “tiny”

when it has small dimensions.

Used to describe women,

which have narrow shoulders and are small enough.

They are women, but small.

are tiny.

When someone is very lean, we can say he is weak.

He is very weak.

And another is pulling out again.

It means that it is very tall and very slim.

It has long limbs, it is stretched out.

When someone (especially women) wears a little more meat

and you do not want to use the word fat, but some milder,

you can say that it is “done” when it has rounded curves.


it normally means it has

a pretty big butt and big breasts.

Normally they are commendable if you do not think ironically.

The man is well built, stocky, powerful.

Now, let’s go to negative words.

Some quite mild indicating a man (male and female) who is “bigger”

they are full-blown, bumpy, plump.

This does not mean fat or heavy, but simply

that they are wearing something extra.

You can also say “overweight”, powerful, extensive.

If someone is too thin, you can mark it

malignant, malnourished, bony when his bones are seen.

One word that is often used to describe very slender people

and which should not be used, is “anorexic”.

It’s a medical expression, it’s not actually an adjective (in English)

to describe one’s bodily appearance.

So try to avoid it.

Let’s go to your hair now.

There are two ways

how to describe the color of human hair.

We have the phrase “have + some + hair”

or “to be something”.

For example: I have bright hair.

I’m blonde

The other is a little awkward, that.

“It’s blonde-haired.”

“I’m blonde-haired.”

You can also say: I’m blonde / blonde.

However, this is suitable for colors,

which are used exclusively to describe hair

like blond, redhead, brunette.

So. I’m blonde, I’m redhead, I’m a brunette.

But when you say I’m white or I’m black,

it can be confused with the color of the skin.

Therefore, it is better to say: I am blonde, I have black hair.

We have a huge spectrum of colors that we can be.

I will talk only about the most common,

but they are quite strange and maybe you are

have not heard yet.

Let’s start with the lightest ones and continue to the darkest.

So we got white, then gray, then

Platinum blond, these are white blond hair.

Normally, it’s not natural color, but some people

they are lucky to have a natural white blonde

or platinum hair. It is really interesting color.

then we have a blonde.

It’s a little darker, it could be gold.

And then, when they’re a little darker than blond,

we have two ways to mark them.

They’re bright, a little tight, a dirty blonde.

If they are light, almost ginger,

you can say strawberry blonde.

Then we have gingerbread (= offset) which are more door-to-door

and red, red, which are of course more reddish.

Then you have brown mousses,

which are light brown.

Next is a brown-haired man or a brunette,

which is another name for the brown color.

It’s usually a little darker.

Then it is dark brown and black.

However, if you do not want to determine the color of your hair

or skin or eyes, and you just want to say light or dark,

you can say fair instead of light, and dark for darker shades.

I am therefore “fair”, ie I have bright eyes, hair and skin.

I’m just a light type.

Someone else may have dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin.

We usually call it “fair” or “dark”.

How is it with hair length?

If you do not have hair, you are bald / bald.

I’m bald!

On the video I’ve been doing for Aly’s channel,

“Papa Teach Me English”, I was hollow.

If you want to see me without hair

and – therefore – without a make-up, another make-up,

you can click on it above.

Frankly if you know me – I look a little different.

Next, we have short hair, long hair.

You can have a “bob” between you, the mic.

I have a microad on my first videos.

When I was wearing a mic, I had very short hair.

I did not ask for the hairstyle, it was a surprise.

Hair to shoulders, medium-length hair, long hair.

To say how long your hair is,

you can say, “I have hair after / k …”

Maybe “I have my hair to arm”.

I have my hair up to my waist.

As for waviness, we can have straight hair,

curly hair, curly or african,

which are very dense curls.

The quality of hair can be described.

If you have very soft hair, it is silky or shiny.

If they are not soft if they are damaged,

you can say that you have dry hair

or that they are like straw.

Let’s go to the skin question.

It is also somewhat difficult.

So we have a range from white to black.

Different people, however, like to be called differently.

I would call myself white.

I have enough friends with darker skin,

which is often called black, but

they would rather be called “brown”.

If I’m not sure, I’d rather say light or dark,

when describing someone’s skin color.

In the middle we have a dark color.

It means that you have been blessed by the sun

you have sunbathe, you are brown in the sun.

We, the British, say “tanned”

and Americans say “tan”.

If you are not asleep or tan, you are pale.

That’s what I always am.

I’m always pale, even though I’m going for a vacation.

Let’s look at the color of our eyes.

Again we can use light and dark.


It says: “have color eyes”

or “be color-eyed”

So I have gray eyes, I’m gray-eyed. (gray-haired)

I’m dark-eyed. (dark brown)

Most colors are pretty simple,

blue, brown, green, black, gray, brown.

I said brown, right?

The color that is often found is “hazel”.

If you have brown eyes,

you can call them “hazel”.

E.g. “they have hazel eyes”.

Now your mouth.

You may have thin lips, but when you want to talk

about someone with big lips, you can say he’s full of lips.

If someone is big, “kissy”, “handcuffs” lips,

you can say he has very full lips.

if someone has a “sticky out lips”

you can say he has “handcuffs lips”

But, of course, they are in fact thin or full.

You can also talk about your nose.

The basics are certainly small and large.

If someone has a nose on the nose,

it can be a crooked nose.

When there is no bumping

it’s a straight nose.

When someone has a little nose, it’s a nose like a button.

When the nose is bumpy, it’s a bent nose.

When someone has a nose like this,

it’s a “rash”.

Face shape – I looked at the internet and it looks like,

that there are nine different face shapes.

But today, we will only talk about four.

We have oval, round, cordate

(those are downhill), and square,

if someone has angular jaws.

And what about the overall look?

I did a single video with Anne from English like a Native

about compliments and we discussed

about some ways to give people a bow.

This means positive adjectives.

I will discuss them in this lesson,

but if you want to see it, you can click here above.

But it is good enough to divide it into male and female,

because the name that can really be

flattering and positive for men,

it can actually be very insulting to a woman.

Adjectives that can be used in both genera:

positive – attractive, beautiful, gorgeous

(that means someone is just amazingly beautiful).

But another, just for men, we have “handsome”

and just for women – “pretty”.

If you call a woman “handsome”

it could be a hint of her masculine features.

Likewise, if you call a man a “pretty”

you could suggest that she has female features,

which is not always what one would want.

Negative labels are ugly or ugly.

Another way of describing people

is when you mark them as masculine or feminine,

boy, male, female, female.

So: You have to describe yourself as a homework

as detailed as possible.

Put it in your comments and I can not wait,

until I see your descriptions.

If you want to add more vocabulary,

surely include it in your description.

That’s all for today.

Do not forget to try

All information is in the video information.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson.

I hope you learned something.

I gave you a lot of backgrounds.

Do not forget to contact me on all social media.

I have Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Soon to see another lesson.

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