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10 things that made me a better person (I wish I knew at the time) #Spon

Welcome and welcome back with “Angel with Lucy”

Today, the video will be a little personal

But we always talk about self-development

Self-confidence and how to be a better student

And things like that, I think I can share with you

Some of my experience I believe it

It made me a better person in some cases, a better student

And a better parameter

Now, this video is supported by translation and will be

Good training for listening, especially

If you want to practice the British accent

Remember, these are my views and experiences

Maybe do not agree with this

So normal

I welcome constructive criticism

Let your thighs rest

If you have something else you want to share it

Do not be afraid of your rules

Do not be afraid of spelling

Just do this

Let’s make this a focus of discussion

The first thing that helped me to become

The best person, the best student and the best teacher

“Especially this.” and he

The realization that everyone learns differently

A completely different way

This helped me in my work as a teacher

Because he made me realize that I could not put

The same exercise for everyone

The same results are expected

This also helped me as a student

Because I always learn things

But especially when I was a university student

I realized I was bad at tests

Very very very bad too

I’m good at stuffing the information in the shout of the exam

I have a strong memory

But that does not really teach you anything

This is only informative

For a short period of time

So I had to get around the subject to catch up

I have to get things done in a practical way

Now, unfortunately, many of our lives

As students are fully controlled by tests

So, we can not always avoid them

The best way to deal with that is to find

The best way for you to get better

Result, which can be obvious but consider

On the one hand in a very specific way

Help me too

For me, I found that talking about the answers

Talking about ideas was very effective too very very

More than just a goss and read page

So the texts of “English With Lucy”

Which came to teach you English

He renewed that maybe you prefer

Getting a parameter actually explains something to you

Better than reading book rules

Which I think is wonderful

So, Hassan did

Now number 2 talks about relationships

And not only the romantic relationships

But they are in line with it

But also friendly relations and professional relations

And the student’s relationship with his teacher

Very very important and has helped me

Often during fractures of the heart, pain and potential

And this is the relationship is not only

About finding the right person

Or be the right person

So take a look for yourself and ask yourself

Do you behave in the best way

Can you dispose of them?

Are you the best fellow

Or friend or colleague?

If you are not, you have to correct this first

Before you go to criticize or start arguments

Now, number 3 is related to number 2

It’s more prompt for women and if you do not notice

I am a woman and I suffer from premenstrual symptoms

So, I became frustrated at the point of intestinal menstruation

I think it’s part of my duty to be a colleague

Good, good friend and good work colleague

Though I work alone, well


Understand my hormones and understand why

I feel this way

Not when I feel bad

I feel impatient

Not the speed of anger, because I did not raise my voice

But I feel for my uneasy ease

If someone warns me for a long time

I want to interrupt him and change the subject

I’m not emotional

I say things I can regret

I think it’s really my duty to understand

How can I predict?

I also find out why I feel this

At that moment, because at that moment

When I feel angry, I do not think

It must be hormonal

I always remember, I just ordered a bad day

So I found the complete solution

It is a real application and has continued with the application

Myself to see if they want to secure the video

And it is a wonderful thing for them

The application is called “Clue” which is the reality

Cycle trace for menstruation

Every day of your session you put

How do you grow up, what’s going on down there

Over time, you begin to see drawn patterns

It’s a beautiful and simple application, I know

At some point in my cycle

I will feel the elephant frustrated or disturbed

So before I send an angry email. And before

To tell my friend that he has done something wrong

Look at the application first

Is this my time of the month?

If so. Calley will rest

I can transmit strongly to these feelings

And to be a nice person on this day

Another feature is

Share your class with friends and family

And colleagues, so you do not have to explain yourself

Only they can check by themselves of your condition

And where are you in your session

It can also remind you of the medication appointment

Or your session can start

So it is a very cool program too

Which I highly recommend

For everyone I am very impressed

Because they decided to support the video because it was something

I used it before and loved it

So thanks for “Clue”

If you want to check it and download it

Do not retract the link in the description box

Next # 4 Learn to respect

And appreciation of each culture and religion

I will be frank with you

When I was small I was not a respectable person

When I was about 11 to 14 I had originated

In the Ladin family

We did not have a religion in our family

That’s why I did not understand why people

They are religious and I did not respect

Their religion did not really see

Another culture I was not very respectable

So too

I realized when I grew up how important it was

It is an attempt to understand that you should always respect

And also learn more about

The civilization of a person

It can not make you lose anything

Living in Spain is more scientific than wonderful food

Wonderful people and wonderful language

But he also taught me about their religion

They are mostly Catholic

I remember going with my ex boyfriend

And the vision of the Catholic processions

At first I was a bit bored

But the vision of the influential league

Between people and processions

Move my feelings really

That’s why it always saddens me

When you receive a message like

How dare you drink alcohol or how

They dare not to believe in God

Respect me and respect my wishes and beliefs

My culture and I will always respect you

If someone was doing something you could not do

Understand, and try to learn more about him

Try and see where they come from

I listen to their point of view

Now number 5 will make a little of you

He is waking up early

Awakening early made me a machine

I am more productive when I get up early

Listen to the other I know that many of us

I can sleep and most days I do it

When I have a lot of work to do

Which will be in the tides

Sometimes I have two weeks

When I’m able to yell at 7:30, 8:00

I go running and have a quiet morning

For two weeks

But sometimes I have a deadline

I have a lot of business, and to be in London

In the day so the morning to be

Finish the rest of the work

It may seem from afar it

I just put some foyers all the time

But I assure you it is more than that

Learn to wake up very early too

Especially in the summer months

The sun rises at 4:30 in the morning

that’s cool

So I can wake up with the sun and get on

Very long day

I will wake up between 4:30 and 7:30

If I wake up 4:30 and most people

They start working at 8:30 am I feel I won

4 hours of productivity

But I do not work until 6:00

In the evening

I finish at 3:00 or 4:00

Then I can do more things in the afternoon

So changing my body clock was great

For my social life as well as my work life

One thing you should learn

Go to sleep early and know that this is not possible

Per person, but fully supportive

For the life of early birds

The evening pomat they can do their things but for me

There is nothing better than to start your day

The intention is to continue and then you can rest

Early in the afternoon

I love it too

No. 6 is a fairly deep theme

I will not dig deeper into it

Because there are parts of my life

I do not want to share it online

But the claim about toxic relations

And people that do not treat you

It should

Now it’s very easy to talk about this

Because I have moved away from relationships

The negative and the awful

But when you are in these relationships

I was very stuck in them

I did not listen to people around me

As you know, sometimes your intuition alone is sometimes not enough

Sometimes you have to listen to people around you

If you are in a relationship and your friends

Do not like your companion, or your business colleague does not like

Your boyfriend, and your parents do not like your companion

It’s only you who see the good side

From him, just take a moment and listen to them

They can see things from another angle

Maybe they can see things you yourself can not see

A relationship must add value

For your life, you do not have to take any of it

You should not take your liberty

You should not take your independence

You should not take your personal value

You should not take from you your hopes and dreams as well

Now, I am in a beautiful and happy relationship

Every day is wonderful and I do not

I believe I was in a relationship

It was completely different

To the relationship I am now

I was amazed

I was naive and small

So if this video make only one person

Stop and think about his relationship

If they take more than you add

Are they worth it?

is she?

I do not think it’s worth it, but that’s your decision

Everyone knows their situation and knows how difficult it is

Leaving negative relationships

Suffering is temporary, time is handled well

And our positive feedback comes from nowhere

And slap you on your face and pull you

Of your feet

My friend did not slap me on the face

But he dragged me out of my bow


That’s all I want to say about this

My next 7 points

It is something else I have learned

Get close and distinguished friends

Even if they are few and far on the fingers

It’s better than getting a large number

Of meaningless friends who you can play

With a great multitude with them

As a child, I was not used to feeling fit

For large groups

Can be ordinary for a simple period

I just felt like I was not a good person

And everyone can love me

I thought I was gay and then

I could not continue acting

They have been permanent lose

caring about me

This was something I always wrestled with myself in it

Look at the girls going in a group to vacation together

They have fun

I was just as if I were, what was my sermon?

Why are there no groups?

Want to spend a holiday with me?

I would have liked to go like a Christmas girl

And things like that

But with progressive age I realized

This is not what I want and this

not me

I have some very discriminating friends too

One of them is my mother

My mom is my best friend

But if I sat down and tried counting

People who care for my mother

I mean they can fill one hand

I mean one you’ll know is all of you “Ali”

He is a very important person in my life

He is good, but he is one of the first

Who will contact them if something happens

But, yes, realize that you are possessed

A group of friends and more groups

Photos on Facebook and Instagram

Not what I want and not

Which will make me happy in the long run

Having an important friendship lasts long

Relationship can depend on

What makes me happy

Next thing is to know how to enjoy things

Because you have tried its opposite

Learn to enjoy positive things

Because you tried negative things

But I think it’s the same medial that can be applied to all negative things

I enjoy getting a good return now

I’m getting back well

The return makes me happy and covers

All my needs, but I’m just happy

But I am physically independent because I am

I used to be very poor

I remember going to a supermarket

As a full-fledged college student

In 5 and 2 pennies and their number

I was exactly 18 pounds, I was specifically engaged

The products I need from the supermarket

Corresponding to 18 pounds

With all that fuss I just wanted

I would end this embarrassment

But I was wrong. There was a lot of things

I did not take it into consideration

He did not walk

I did not have enough money

To buy Mrs. Asra on the count

Every coin has people back

They were very upset and it was embarrassing

But I am very happy that I have passed through this

Because I am now physically independent

I do not think I would appreciate it as much

What I can do now if I’m not born poor

It is something that I learned

Of my grandfather

He said we meant, we were poorer

Prefer to be rich, but after you are poor

I think this is in line with everything

I enjoy having friends now because I am

I was alone

I enjoy my relationship now

But only because I’ve got a rude relationship before

I enjoy having a body that is glamorous, healthy and cosmic

Able to run long distance every day but just because

I had a glandular fever and a “ME” for two years

Two years I was literally unable

On the move for another year and a year

To recover after that

Now I feel great and full of energy

Because I had negative experiences

To compare them

No. 9, that’s something

I did not mention it before and I am thankful

Because I will not mention it again

Number 9 is not responding to bullying

I’m an online girl

I’ll get terrible messages

This is something known

But what I expect when I join

To the Internet family Hua

I will receive targeted attacks

I have little to

I have little now and they only

What I can call bullying

Fortunately, I feel a lot of strength

Now, but I think if you are exposed to it

When I was small, I do not think I was

I acted the same way

The best thing is you’ve done it

The best thing I did was not to respond

That’s what worked for me

It may not work for everybody

If there is a bullying you

Obviously the person is going through

At a very, very difficult time

for them. They do not live a life

Natural, happy, if they attack you

So if I came to bullying I do not want to

I respond to him because I do not want to

To make them feel worse

I do not want them to do more

I also do not want to be responsible for anything

They can do it because of sadness

Which I could have caused them because of the response

Or for as well

You do not want to oppose them any more

So what can I do, if you are your place and what did you do

In my case, ignore it

I ignored the subject with everyone

Who wants to learn

Ignored, it became worse for some time

And then he celebrated

And now, if not go

Here you have to take maddening moves

But try to ignore some things first

And now another point, No. 10

Which made me a better person

A student is definitely better

A favorite teacher, is to go without saying

It is education

Yes, my God, education is wonderful

You reply

You give the flag

What you give is valuable

It makes you feel better because you are

Make everyone feel better

Help people improve their language skills

It makes me feel privileged in a way

Selfish, but also know he does

Many other people feel privileged

I know people when they come out of my class

They feel, a stubborn people come out of my class

Or watch my videos and then feel

Or received a message from

People feel. First I receive a message from people

They say they managed to make a conversation

They talked to someone and they were impressed

They have passed their test to a high degree

I feel proud of them and feel happy for them

Because I can only imagine the smile

Which is on their faces

From a selfish point, education makes you

Know your material well

Before I started teaching, I did not know anything

About the Rules

Now I know a lot about the rules

Education built VIA love extras

I was talking to a graphic designer called “Charli Marie”

It has a channel on Youtube which is fantastic

I was in conversation with her and she said

Sometimes you learn something new

About the graphic design and it can not wait

To go home and make a video about him

You want to publish and share the information

I fully understand that

Education made me want to learn more

They made a better student because I understand

Where do the teachers come from?

I know what the teacher wants to achieve

When they explain something to me

Or a specific exercise

This made me a better person

Because I understand the way people learn

I know why they want to do something specific

I’m not excellent at communicating with people

At the social level

Sometimes it makes me feel a bit strong

But when I study, I know that communication

For a particular reason

Well guys, that’s all for today’s video

He was more personally than usual

I hope you have enjoyed it and hope

You have been able to understand everything

I will mention it again, there is a translation

And also if you look at the description box

There is a link to contribute to the translation

But you can provide your language

Do not forget to agree to the program “Clue”

The wonderful program that supported this video

It really is a good life

I was talking about him to my friends

And my family for decades and I thought

It fits this video too

So I continued with them

And they were very nice because they kissed, so thanks to “Clue”

And the link for free download in the description box

Do not try to connect to social networks

I have facebook

And Istqram

And Twitter

I will see you later for another lesson

: *

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