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10 Festive Phrasal Verbs + Lingoda Language Marathon Final Call #Spon

Welcome and welcome to English with Lucy

Tonight I have prepared a video for you

You can say it is the most festive and joyous

Especially with the Almstawiya (glial)

It is about 10 ceremonial phrases

No, they are not terminology

They are 10 actual celebratory sentences

Do not worry if you do not see this lesson in Chrismas

Because these actual sentences can be used at any time

Of the year, but I think it would be nice

To remind them in the context of the ceremonial sentences

Before we start, I just want to thank the financier (patron)

Video of the day

He is a liar and oh my Lord, I have

They gave you special privileges for a race (competition) for language translations

I will talk about it briefly now

But you will find full details on how to enter

At the end of this video

Linguada Language Academy (Online)

They offer classes by qualified teachers who study their mother tongue

You can learn English, Spanish, French and German there

But the race (competition) language

Is what we want to talk about today

Simply you pay only 567 euros for

The language lessons you take, the lesson is provided for an hour a day

For three months, the first three months of January


During this period you can complete a full level of language

This offer is very limited

Will close on January 25

There are limited opportunities

For French and German the door is closed now, so if you want English,

You have to speed up

For full details on how to login

Just click this time on the video here

This is when I explain all the details at the end of this lesson

Let’s start the lesson

The first sentence actually celebratory is eager or looking forward

Eager or looking forward

It means you will be excited

Because something beautiful will happen

So I’m really excited to eat Brussels cabbage

On Christmas Day

If you do not know what a Brussels cabbage is,

It is small and its color is green, like cabbage

And eat it on any day other than the day of Chrismas teased.

But in chrismas it is

It is known to the human race and will eat hundreds of it

Yes, I really am eager to eat

Brussels cabbage

The second physical sentence: erects

I have already set up all my decor and zachary

I have already set up all my decor and zachary

Set in this sentence means paste and prove something

On the wall

So we stuck and set our schnitzel and our decorations on the wall

Third: delay


I am sorry for my delay in purchasing gifts this year

So I have to buy them all tonight

So it means to be postponed

Do something you do not want to do.

I love buying gifts if I have a preconceived idea of ​​what I want to buy

But this year, I found it hard to think about what

I will buy people as gifts

Usually, I have a lot of ideas about what I will buy, but this year,

I’m a little busy, and I found this difficult

So I postponed buying gifts

For days and days and now

My last chance

So after you finish this video, I’ll go shopping


Today I will speak about those who are interested in this word


The first is more obvious

Contains gifts

I mean wrapping gifts inside paper

I am always a thousand gifts

Separated from each other

Inside brown paper and tie with white thread

Because I think this is more committed to tradition

And I do not think there’s anything more exciting

From receiving a packet inside a brown paper.

Gifts wrapped in a format inside a brown paper tied to a thread

The other meaning of this word

He wore warm clothes

This actual sentence is more used in the winter

Any time I leave the house these days

I have to wear warm clothes

Such as coat and scarf

Now # 5, let’s talk about Chrismas Night

On the night of the twenty-fourth of December and about the traditions

Which I and my family do.

in this night . I love going out

I love going out

I usually go to the bar

With all my friends who are from my village

Going out or going out in this sentence means going out of the house

To attend an event or social event

But in return my family likes to stay inside

Stay inside

I mean they like to stay at home

# 7: Ends to

Me and friends after going to the bar

Usually we end up in a small town

This is the city where I studied.

So it means this sentence is finished

To a place or a certain situation.

We always start our move from our village,

But we end up in the neighboring city.

This leads me to the next point

# 8: Encounter coincidence

Encounter coincidence

I always meet people I have not seen

10 years ago

By the people I studied with in school,

I happened to meet them in the neighboring city.

So it means meeting someone

You know it in advance, but you meet it without expecting it

And this is one of the most things I like about tradition,

Because you meet people you only meet

Once a year on Chrismas night when everyone goes out

And go to that city and then do not see you for a whole year

So we renew the lice every year.

I remember two years ago

A friend told me: I set up a channel on YouTube,

In the following year,

My channel has reached 100,000 subscribers.

And this year, they are all upset

That everything is going well.

And I love I hear what’s new with them also

Because they have more traditional jobs

Sometimes I feel some envy.

Now let me talk again about Chrismas Day

# 9: You argue with someone

This is one of the Chrismas traditions

It is a tradition of chrismas to quarrel or disagree or argue with your family.

Not really my family, my relationship with them fairly good,

But generally people are arguing.

So it means to quarrel or argue

Or do not agree with one of them,

For a period of time, and be less kindly with them.

But do not worry, because of tradition

Tolerance also

So no one should forgive each other and be more pleasant after the difference

To forgive each other and to be more kind

After the difference

Well guys, these were the actual ten sentences

Now I will explain to you exactly

How can you enter a race to chant

This is the last call

For this race.

You mentioned in the previous video, many of you

Register and this is your last chance.

Leagolda is an online language training academy (Oluben)

I have worked with them a lot, and I really love this company,

I really love her.

They have done this beautiful initiative

Which is called a race for linguistic translation.

If you want to participate,

Hurry up because the seats are very limited

The registration for French and German is already over

The deadline for registration is December 18th,

But if you are in your place, you will not wait until that date

I would register as early as possible.

The beginning will be on January 1, 2018,

For the first three months in 2018,

Every day you can participate for an hour

In a class consists of a very small group

With qualified teachers studying their mother tongue for free.

What will you get?

Well, you pay for lessons

Three months, but if completed

All lessons. For a loan, all the money will be returned to you

Which you paid.

So it is very important to register

If you are sure you will participate in all the lessons

People who have already registered

They really want to take this opportunity

And lost sight of them

To speak this race,

So keep that in mind.

You need to complete all the lessons.

But I asked them

When they told me this, “What would a person miss for a day?”

Well, with all the generosity they will give the opportunity for an extra day to catch the last lesson,

For example, if you are sick or have family obligations,

You can study two lessons on Monday,

It is not taught on Tuesday, and two classes on Wednesday, for example

The total monthly fee for the race is 189 euros

The race lasts three months

The total fee is € 567

At the end of three months,

If you participate in all the lessons,

All the 565 Euros will be returned to you.

But if you feel you will not be able to commit

In the presence of each race, can participate

In half the race.

This costs 99 euros a month

And if I could speak all the half-race lessons,

In this case to be drawn back 50% of the fees you paid,

This is also a practical choice for some people.

For a very generous squeeze so was reduced

Subscribers to pay the registration fee

It should have been 5 euros, but it is now

Only 50 cents

To receive this discount click on the link

In the box (space) Detailed Description Add the video and use the symbol “Marathon3”

Registration will end on December 28.

You will not be charged

Until December 30th.

Before that, you can cancel the registration, but then,

You must commit for three months

You learn the language through it

This is an incredible opportunity,

You have the opportunity to take lessons for hours and hours

With teachers of quality and high competence in teaching English

Free if you can contribute correctly

Truly, this is for you guys.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson.

And no one decided

Participate in the race for linguistic translation,

Better luck, let me know now how things are going

Because I really want you to do your utmost

Do not forget to communicate with me in all my accounts in social networking sites

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

To meet in another lesson

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