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10 car brand names YOU pronounce WRONG! | How to Pronounce Car Brands

(calming music)

Hello everyone, and welcome back

in English with Lucy

I have a video statement again

for you today, and this is often asked

I made a video a few months ago

about often incorrectly pronounced brand names

and people are very happy to regularly have wrongly spoken car names

and people are very happy to regularly have wrongly spoken car names

But, I am not a car expert

I passed my driving test a year ago

But I am very intrested in pronunciation

and I have done my research and I am here

to help you, it will help you

with your speaking skills and listening skills

If you want to improve your speech skills and listening skills even further, I really recommend you

If you want to improve your speech skills and listening skills even further, I really recommend you

to start using audiobooks

when you’re reading, so you

behind the pronunciation comes from the words you are reading

The platform that I recommend is

You can try it free for 30 days

that’s a free audiobook, fantastic,

if you click on the link in the description box

and there are plenty of recommendations

for different levels of English, also noted there

Right, let’s start with the lesson

Okay, I have 10 car brand names in total

Let’s start with the Italian

The first one, this one

Many people call it Alfa Ro-meo

because it sounds like Romeo and Juliet

but it is an Italian brand, so it has to be

Al-fa ro-MEY-oh

So not Alfa Ro-meo, it’s al-fa ro-MEY-oh,

or Alfa ro-Mey-oh

The next, not a very well-known brand,

but I’ve heard it as a Lan-cia,

and it must be lan-cha, lan-cha

Now the next, number three

is a very expensive car brand

and we tend to pronounce it wrong

quite regular

Many people say lam-bor-gini, or lam-bourg-ini

It should be lam-bor-ghee-no lam-bor-ghee-nee

So it’s that ‘bor’ sound

I think we do not have to worry about that

about the rolling r

because not everyone can pronounce it

but we must at least try ‘bor’, lam-bor-ghee-nee

The next, it is not maser-ah-ti, it would


I think it will be forgiven if you say maser-ah-ti


Okay, the next one, a German car brand

Many people say Aw-di, but

if we want to be like the Germans

we must say ow-dee, ow-dee

The next, another German car brand,

I mentioned this in my brand video

In the UK, we call this Porsche

but it must have the schwa at the end,

it must be por-shuh, por-shuh

The next, another German

This, folks wagon?

In Germany, they say follks-vah-gen

The v makes a ff sound, and the w makes a v sound

Follks-vah gene, follks-vah gene

Okay, the next one is probably the most

complicated that we have on the list today

It is a Swedish car brand

I do not even know what I would call it

I would just try it

Ko-sing-segg, ko-sing-segg, ko-sing-segg sounds nice

It should be kuhn-nig-seg, kuhn-nig-seg

Now the next, we have this one

Many people would call it shev-ro-let

People get confused by that T in the end,

but it is not pronounced, it is shev-ruh-ley, shev-ruh-ley

And the last one, and it is this

I am going to have the most problems with these

because it has the French uh sound

It is this

It is often pronounced as citron or lemon

but it should be pronounced as see-troh-en

But you can also just say cit-roen, see-roh-en

Man, I do not know if I ever did

the French car brands will dominate

but I will just buy the Italian

That said, I have a Mini Cooper

Anyway, that’s it for today’s lesson

Do not forget to check in

the link is in the description box

and you can find me on all my social media

I have Facebook, I have my Instagram

and I have my Twitter

Check the Instagram, because we do a lot

giveaways, and they are global giveaways

They are really cool with cool companies

Anyway, I will be you soon for another lesson


(calming music)

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