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Victoria sponge part 2 – Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills

00:00:00right guys I think a sponge cake should

00:00:01be done by now so we’re going on the

00:00:03oven and check them and the way you do

00:00:05this okay so test one it’s just to press

00:00:10it lightly on the top and feel of its

00:00:12spring as if your spring to you let’s

00:00:14bring back when you touch it yeah okay

00:00:16that’s a good sign and next test is to

00:00:19take a skewer poke it into the cake if

00:00:23it comes out clean that means a cakes

00:00:28coat so all we need to do now lift them

00:00:33out and pop them on this rack to cool

00:00:41okay guys now cakes are cool we’re gonna

00:00:45take them out of the 10 and you do this

00:00:46clean hands turn it over and lift the

00:00:50cake tin off and put the cake down on

00:00:52the right okay c41 each that’s it get

00:01:04that 10 p that’s it lay it down on the

00:01:08thing and there you can peel the peel

00:01:10the paper off great let’s go in the bin

00:01:14obviously a sink running into lift up a

00:01:19bit off

00:01:23you know I’m there to peel them later Oh

00:01:31perfect okay those two halves are gonna

00:01:36get sandwich together to make our cake

00:01:37so in the middle I think what we’ll do

00:01:46this with some cream on this side and

00:01:49some jam on that side then we’ll put

00:01:52lots of raspberries in the cream and

00:01:54unfold this on top okay so we need to

00:01:58whisk the cream first so can you move

00:02:00that over to to your side there in here

00:02:04we’ve just got a little cream double

00:02:07cream we’re gonna put spoon of ice and

00:02:10spinning a bit of icing sugar into sweet

00:02:12help and now we’re gonna whisk it with

00:02:15the with the beaters who wants to wish

00:02:17you stealing all right so when you go I

00:02:27still be good fit you go to Seoul

00:02:30otherwise you’ll also be

00:02:32very nice

00:02:35keep an eye out for when they start to


00:02:43look global

00:02:58ride that already stop right there

00:03:02perfect they won’t give them create the

00:03:11beaters lovely look at that like creams

00:03:15holding a shame not over being just

00:03:19exactly right for what we want okay

00:03:22right so the top half needs to be

00:03:24sprayed with Jam can you do can you look

00:03:28after that spread the top with a little

00:03:29Joan and the bottom we’re gonna spread

00:03:36to scream over okay

00:03:57okay let’s maybe there’s a little bit


00:04:06a bit more lovely and now we’re going to

00:04:10do is take the raspberries and just push

00:04:13them into the cream so we’re going to

00:04:15cover the bottom for the row space

00:04:38perfect alright guys so no means pick up

00:04:43the top of cake and turn it over onto

00:04:49the ball that’s it lovely perfect and

00:04:57now we need to lift it up pop it on

00:05:02there and just what we serve it did you

00:05:09see a little spoon of that sugar and

00:05:14we’re just going to sift out over the

00:05:16top lovely and there you have a perfect

00:05:25Victoria sponge