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Jamie’s Food Revolution update, May 2010

00:00:03hello lovely people Jamie Oliver here

00:00:05welcome to another week’s roundup of the

00:00:08food revolution used it’s fair to say

00:00:11that in the last couple of weeks the

00:00:13blogging has gone absolutely crazy and

00:00:15that’s a brilliant thing real

00:00:16revolutions start with kind of people

00:00:19talking to each other and the community

00:00:21sort spirits the blogging is really

00:00:22important to us one of the stories I

00:00:24love is a top girl called mrs. q she has

00:00:28got a website basically you can follow

00:00:30called fed up with school lunch calm go

00:00:33and have a look sign up for it it’s

00:00:34hilarious she’s a teacher she’s

00:00:37anonymous and she takes a picture of her

00:00:39kids school lunch every single day so

00:00:42you guys can get a feel for what really

00:00:44is going on out there I think it’s

00:00:45fairly safe to say their pictures

00:00:47represent the norm across the whole of

00:00:50the United States and gives you a sort

00:00:54of idea of kind of what’s going on and

00:00:56why this is important that we feed our

00:00:58kids who eat in schools 180 days of the

00:01:01year on proper fresh food simple as that

00:01:03mrs. Q has given me the award for the

00:01:05titanium spork which means that I’ve

00:01:08done lots of things for school food in

00:01:10America so thank you mrs. q I’ve been

00:01:12looking forward to using this and

00:01:14showing my kids the wonderful ways of

00:01:17the spork also there’s a lovely lovely

00:01:20story of a young lad called Nicholas in

00:01:23copper hill elementary school in New

00:01:25Jersey he wasn’t happy with his school

00:01:28lunch so he went on the general overcame

00:01:30food revolution website and he got all

00:01:33the information wrote a letter to his

00:01:34principal and school council then wrote

00:01:37another letter to his head of food in

00:01:39the district and now I think in the

00:01:41summer they’re going to have a whole

00:01:43food revolution recipes week so that

00:01:46means fresh cooking for all the kids and

00:01:48hopefully that’s the tip of the iceberg

00:01:50and Nicholas don’t if you like what you

00:01:53get when you do your food revolution

00:01:54week don’t stop there brother don’t just

00:01:57have one week of it get 180 days in the

00:01:59year of it you deserve it also what

00:02:01we’ve done this week is we’ve made a

00:02:03toolkit on the website so it’s even

00:02:05easier for you guys to get the point cut

00:02:08to the chase so if you want to cook your

00:02:11kids go and hit that button and there’s

00:02:13a whole other material

00:02:14information just for you if you want to

00:02:16change the food in your school we’ve

00:02:18made it really really bite size and

00:02:21simple have a look in the box below

00:02:22click on it and have a little browse

00:02:24around and hopefully you’ll love it the

00:02:26other thing going on is we’ve got

00:02:27memorial day at the end of the week or

00:02:29the start of next week and so we’re

00:02:31going to do and it’s a start the

00:02:32barbecue season so we’re going to do a

00:02:34beautiful homemade burger recipe with

00:02:36all whole ingredients on the food

00:02:38revolution website if you want more

00:02:41barbecue recipes go to jamie oliver calm

00:02:44and there’s a whole load of free

00:02:46barbecue recipes amongst hundreds of

00:02:48others so make yourself at home there

00:02:51forward it Twitter it on to all your

00:02:52friends and you guys share as many of my

00:02:55recipes as you like the petition is

00:02:57going well we are at 600,000 nearly so

00:03:01if you guys haven’t signed the petition

00:03:03yet or your friends or your mom or your

00:03:05boyfriend/girlfriend hasn’t signed it go

00:03:07at Jamie’s food revolution com and sign

00:03:10that petition thanks very much guys lots

00:03:13of love I’ll be back next week with it

00:03:15with something else in the world of food

00:03:16revolution but keep up a fight and thank

00:03:18you for your support lots of love