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P.T. Barnum Documentary – Success Story

00:00:00hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to

00:00:01another edition of modeling the masters

00:00:03today we’re going to take a look at

00:00:05America’s greatest showman PT Barnum

00:00:16PT Barnum was an American showman

00:00:19businessman and entertainer above all

00:00:22else he was a salesman and promoter who

00:00:23knew how to get people talking today the

00:00:26legacy of his work lives on in Ringling

00:00:28Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus

00:00:29still billed as the greatest show on


00:00:32when PT Barnum first launched his

00:00:34business there was heavy competition as

00:00:36many entrepreneurs had set up their own

00:00:37traveling road shows he knew that in

00:00:40order for his circuses succeed he needed

00:00:42to get people excited about it by being

00:00:44extremely different from everyone else

00:00:46even if you didn’t have a ticket to a

00:00:48show when Barnum circus was in town you

00:00:51would know it he would sweep through

00:00:52into the city with gusto elephants would

00:00:55be paraded through the streets and

00:00:56clowns would be sent to local hospitals

00:00:58to visit with sick children Barnum was

00:01:00providing a pre-show to his circus that

00:01:02got people talking and raised the

00:01:04excitement levels about his acts he

00:01:06would offer tours of his circus anyone

00:01:08who wanted to see inside the big top and

00:01:09also put on a myriad of free contests in

00:01:12order to attract crowds to the circus

00:01:14Barnum schemes always worked people

00:01:17would show up in droves as with the

00:01:18media he was always thinking of ways to

00:01:20promote both himself and his circus from

00:01:23making splashy entrances to using

00:01:24cross-promotion Barnum did what it took

00:01:27to make sure people knew who he was so

00:01:29the next question becomes how can you

00:01:31model the success of PT Barnum here are

00:01:34three action tips you can put to use in

00:01:36your business today action item number

00:01:38one sell something unique how do you

00:01:41really stack up against your competitors

00:01:43are you honestly that different if

00:01:46you’re an average company with an

00:01:47average product selling at an average

00:01:49price then guess what you get average

00:01:52results to be successful you have to

00:01:54have a point of differentiation it has

00:01:57to be something that is noticeable to

00:01:58people who don’t understand your

00:02:00industry in the circus business you have

00:02:02to get good performers and PT Barnum

00:02:05went out of his way to find the best

00:02:06from the Fiji mermaid to the Siamese

00:02:09twins Chang and Eng bunker the General

00:02:11Tom Thumb the midget PT Barnum had a

00:02:14unique product that none of his

00:02:15competitors could match think about if a

00:02:18potential customer found your website

00:02:19and five of your competitors websites

00:02:21would they get the feeling that you’re

00:02:23very different from the others be honest

00:02:25with yourself

00:02:26and if the answer is not really then

00:02:28it’s time to get to work on creating an

00:02:30offering that is truly unique in your

00:02:32industry action item number two

00:02:36promote promote promote you can have the

00:02:40greatest product or service in the world

00:02:41but if nobody knows about it your

00:02:43business won’t last very long whatever

00:02:45market you’re selling to is likely full

00:02:47of competitors even if you have a better

00:02:50quality product or service your

00:02:51competition can get more business than

00:02:53you if they promote themselves properly

00:02:55to be a successful entrepreneur you need

00:02:58to both provide an outstanding offering

00:03:00see action item number one and promote

00:03:03it so everybody knows about it one of my

00:03:06favorite quotes from PT Barnum is

00:03:07without promotion something terrible

00:03:10happens nothing if you’re not out

00:03:13promoting and selling your product and

00:03:14your competitors are taking your

00:03:16customers from you even if you can

00:03:18provide them with a better option if

00:03:20you’re not out promoting then you lose

00:03:22and your customers lose promoting your

00:03:24business doesn’t have to be expensive

00:03:26and you don’t have to be a great people

00:03:27person you just have to do something

00:03:30unique to stand out according to the New

00:03:33York Times the average person in a city

00:03:35sees 5000 ads per day unless you’re very

00:03:38very unique and different with your

00:03:40promotion people are going to ignore you

00:03:42they’re not trying to be mean we’re all

00:03:45just train the filter things out unless

00:03:47we have a reason to pay attention give

00:03:49them that reason to pay attention and

00:03:51with your next promotion ask yourself

00:03:53what would PT Barnum do

00:03:57action item number three showcase

00:03:59yourself people like to buy from people

00:04:02not from companies think about your own

00:04:04buying experiences would you rather buy

00:04:06from someone who you can see their

00:04:08picture learn about their story and

00:04:10relate to their experiences or would you

00:04:12rather buy from ABC company who uses the

00:04:14same stock photography and Boeing

00:04:16mission statements as everyone else PT

00:04:19Barnum did a great job of not only

00:04:20promoting his business but himself as a

00:04:23part of it he was a creative founder who

00:04:25everyone was talking about and wanted to

00:04:27learn more about you don’t have to be a

00:04:30daredevil like Richard Branson and

00:04:31balloon around the world although PT

00:04:33Barnum would be proud but it can really

00:04:35help your business if you showcase

00:04:37yourself so that your prospective

00:04:39customers feel like they’re buying from

00:04:41a real human being put your picture on

00:04:43your website and in your marketing

00:04:44materials tell a brief story as to why

00:04:47you started your business and the

00:04:48problems you’ve been able to help solve

00:04:49for your customers explain why you’re so

00:04:52proud of your business and what makes

00:04:54you different it will have a tremendous

00:04:56and long-lasting impact on your

00:04:58company’s growth so remember sell

00:05:01something unique promote promote promote

00:05:03and showcase yourself now I want to end

00:05:07the video with one of my favorite true

00:05:08stories about PT Barnum one of the

00:05:11houses PT Barnum owned was located in

00:05:13Connecticut it was a large estate

00:05:14situated near set of high-traffic

00:05:16railroad tracks what made the land so

00:05:19unique was that Barnum would frequently

00:05:21use an elephant to plow his yard he took

00:05:24every chance he could to promote his

00:05:25circus each time a train passed by his

00:05:28house on to wait in New York City

00:05:29hundreds of passengers would see Barnum

00:05:32and the elephant it was a living

00:05:34advertisement that spoke volumes and

00:05:36intrigue to commuters as a zip by who

00:05:38was this man and why was he on an

00:05:40elephant in his backyard they all wanted

00:05:42to know newspapers reporters came from

00:05:45far and near and wrote glowing account

00:05:47of the elephantine performances said

00:05:49Barnum the six acres were plowed over at

00:05:52least 60 times before I thought the

00:05:53advertisements efficiently circulated

00:05:55thank you for joining me for another

00:05:57edition of modeling the Masters

00:05:59to hear your thoughts if you want to

00:06:01leave a comment below and stay tuned for

00:06:03the next edition