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Jamie Saves our Bacon – Jerry Springer

00:00:06several months ago we received a

00:00:10at home from this high school girl I

00:00:13guess she was 14 years she’s 14 or

00:00:16something 15 and she sent us a letter

00:00:19how she’s a member of the 4-h club which

00:00:21in America is it’s like it’s a group of

00:00:24kids where they teach them about

00:00:26agriculture you know and and raising

00:00:30animals and things like that well she

00:00:32wrote us this very nice letter how she’s

00:00:34a member of the 4-h club she’s raising

00:00:36this pig named bella who is almost a

00:00:41year old and she sent us a picture of

00:00:44bella and that she was going to show

00:00:47bella at the county fair you know two

00:00:50weeks or so and inviting us to come I

00:00:53guess that’s what the kids in the 4-h

00:00:55club do they raise animals and then they

00:00:56show him you know in a at county fairs

00:00:59state fairs and they want people to come

00:01:02and see them so I haven’t been to a

00:01:05County Fair in years so you know we said

00:01:08yeah let’s go so we went and sure enough

00:01:13we saw the girl and her family and they

00:01:16were all excited that we showed up and

00:01:18then there they had the display and it

00:01:24was a contest and Bella won the Blue

00:01:26Ribbon as the most beautiful pig and so

00:01:29we’re all happy all congratulations and

00:01:32then I noticed they were taking bella

00:01:35way i say well what’s going on now well

00:01:38they took it to the next tent where they

00:01:40were going to start the auction they

00:01:42were going to sell her at four dollars a

00:01:43pound I said what she wins the blue

00:01:46ribbon see if she lost but she won the

00:01:48Blue Ribbon don’t kill her oh so I was

00:01:52getting you know annoyed so I said come

00:01:55on let’s go to the next tent will bid to

00:01:57save her life so I said to the girl i

00:01:59said look will bid on bail cuz she was

00:02:01all upset too she was you know kind of

00:02:03she knew this was what was going to

00:02:06happen but obviously she grew attached

00:02:08to the Bella and and was said so I said

00:02:11well I’ll bid on her and I’ll try to buy

00:02:13her go to win her but then you got to

00:02:15let her live and you know on your farm

00:02:17and so that’s what we did we started

00:02:20bidding well I finally I won at the end

00:02:24dies but it was a thousand dollars for

00:02:26Bella and but we saved her life and then

00:02:33but now it’s about a hundred dollars a

00:02:37month to feed her so every month I got

00:02:39to send her a hundred dollars and now I

00:02:41find out that Bella may live for 25

00:02:44years I’m not going to live for 25 more

00:02:47years you know I’m not going to be 90

00:02:48something or whatever so holy cow I

00:02:52gotta put bella in my will otherwise

00:02:55when I die she’s gone then my rabbi gets

00:02:59involved because you know we’re not

00:03:01supposed to eat bacon we’re not supposed

00:03:02to eat pork she says what are you doing

00:03:05I said look by saving Bella’s life no

00:03:08one’s going to eat her as a pork

00:03:09sandwich so I’m making America kosher

00:03:12one pig at a time this is great so

00:03:17there’s my Bella story Bella lives and

00:03:20she has no idea all the excitement

00:03:25around her she just wah lows in the mud

00:03:27day after day what a pig