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Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution truck, a mobile food classroom

00:00:12so we’re gonna start we’re gonna make

00:00:14breakfast we’re gonna show you today

00:00:16when we make breakfast that it is really

00:00:18pretty easy to put together homemade


00:00:24there’s just flour baking powder salt

00:00:28you don’t want to add too much and you

00:00:31don’t want to add too little no it does

00:00:33only know if that would work or with soy

00:00:35milk we’re gonna give it a stinker you

00:00:37could definitely use soy milk it would

00:00:39be fine pull it out there’s an egg this

00:00:42is a duck egg that Lisa brought from her

00:00:44neighbor who has our okay and butter

00:00:51what is butter so can everybody see I’ve

00:00:57got this nice batter here there you go I

00:01:01think you guys could all make pancakes

00:01:05they make them frozen and you would buy

00:01:07them frozen no way right given them on

00:01:09the fire and everything is a pancake

00:01:11breakfast a really good way to set off

00:01:13your day to give you the energy in the

00:01:14concentration you need that’s a really

00:01:16good question what I would do is along

00:01:18with my breakfast I would kind of make

00:01:20sure that on your plate that you have

00:01:22yogurt with a few nuts and have fruit so

00:01:25I would suggest that you go flat like

00:01:28that and that’s been one thing late

00:01:29don’t work so just be really careful

00:01:31just want to make sure you got all of it

00:01:33okay we actually get our food from

00:01:41grocery stores we try to buy it all

00:01:43organic or various farmers market have

00:01:46these you do have these return in season

00:01:50use the prints they’re in season

00:01:52you drop a few of those

00:01:54oh you made a smiley

00:02:01my little project it’s completely

00:02:05different you guys it’s really good

00:02:07let’s say you have three meals a day in

00:02:09this thing

00:02:1028 the opportunities a week right

00:02:12through those good if you’re in good

00:02:16shape and we have an opportunity to make

00:02:17junior you could have done half regular

00:02:20flour and half whole wheat flour and

00:02:23that’s why it’s really really really

00:02:24important to learn how to cook because

00:02:25that’s the only way you know what’s in

00:02:27your food we want to always be putting

00:02:32what we know into our bodies we can

00:02:35prevent diseases by eating really good

00:02:38wholesome foods that are fresh and

00:02:41that’s the whole point of this we want

00:02:45to be healthy human being so we’re

00:02:47really really psyched that you came and

00:02:49we hope we’ll see you again