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Jamie Oliver’s banana cake – Jamie’s Byte-sized Recipes

00:00:00I need about 170 grams of butter

00:00:11unsalted now I’m going to use here is

00:00:14some masculine low sugar which is kind

00:00:15of a little bit more treacly so hundred

00:00:17and seventy grams of that I’m going to

00:00:20give it a nice old feet just to get some

00:00:21air in there make it nice and pale and

00:00:23fluffy and what I do is just peel my

00:00:25banana and use the edge of the mixing

00:00:28bowl to sort of cut the banana now what

00:00:31I want to do is just get yourself four

00:00:34eggs nice free-range eggs and I’m going

00:00:37to divide these into egg whites and I

00:00:39want to put the yolks into the mix what

00:00:42I want to use is some sour cream which

00:00:45will give it a really beautiful taste

00:00:47and I just use one of these tubs which

00:00:50is about six heat tablespoon now I’m

00:00:53going to use vanilla extract or

00:00:56tablespoon of that so we get that in and

00:00:59then I’ve got some poppy seeds I want to

00:01:01heat sort of tablespoons of those put a

00:01:05little picture so in because we’re going

00:01:07to put some flour in the second give it

00:01:08a little mix I’m going to use normal

00:01:11plain flour and I want 340 grams just

00:01:13get in there to make it rise I’m going

00:01:17to use baking powder and I need about

00:01:19two heaped teaspoons of that I want to

00:01:22do is just sift that in see so it’s nice

00:01:27and light so give it a nice old stir and

00:01:30that’s looking really really good next

00:01:33almost little doughy like but wet until

00:01:36it’s nice and stiff like that six

00:01:39tablespoons of sugar in here and that’s

00:01:41going to kind of turn it into a meringue

00:01:42and make it really nice and sort of

00:01:44shiny get just a little bit of this mix

00:01:46and put it in here just to loosen it

00:01:49we’ve got all that air in the egg whites

00:01:51and we don’t want to lose it so we want

00:01:53to give the whole longer than edit and

00:01:55that’s it I’ve just got a little bit of

00:01:56butter and I’m just going to smear it

00:01:59around the mold like that pour the mix

00:02:01in I’m going to put it in an oven about

00:02:03160 for about 45 minutes

00:02:08get my lemon and just use one of these

00:02:11on a fine grater just grate that lovely

00:02:14lemon we want the juice of the lemon

00:02:17just juice it and all I do is get some

00:02:20ice and sugar add enough this will make

00:02:22it a little bit lighter of wallpaper

00:02:24paste you know give it a good old wig

00:02:26just pour this icing all over the top
